We have seen a horse at Starbucks and a parrot perched on a table at Pier I Cafe. But a few days ago, a new animal strutted into view — Sammi the Chicken, being led around on a leash by his owner Dave.
“Dave said that Sammi is well traveled and enjoys sightseeing,” Lisa Kava wrote. “They are visiting NYC from Florida. I asked him why a pet chicken. ‘I had a dog who passed away at 17 and I wasn’t ready for another dog. I’m not a cat person so I figured why not a chicken.'”
Sammi has an Instagram account of course.
Pretty fine for a chicken to be in a park, just keep them off my flights!
Sammi is very cute and a much needed addition to the NYPD
If you own a chicken in NYC and didn’t name him “Little Jerry,” or “Little Yerry” you should not own a chicken in NYC.
Oh, the new Sam & Dave duo! Hold on, I’m comin’!
Am I the only one who thought this was going to be a picture of Toby Burch’s recently-found pupper?