More than a hundred years ago, horses could stop at watering holes all over the Upper West Side. These days, equines need more modern refreshments, like mocha grande frappa-pumpkin spice lattes. A service horse named Honey clip-clopped into the Starbucks on Broadway and 75th Street on Wednesday, a sight so rare that “people there actually looked up from their devices for a few seconds,” joked Gretchen, who took the photos above and below.
Miniature horses, in fact, are common and reliable service animals that aren’t much bigger than large dogs (and tend to live longer, so they can be companions for a much longer period of time). Still, it’s pretty rare to see them in Starbucks!
Why the long face?
underrated comment of the day
two regular coffees — one for me and one for the guy outside with the shovel and bucket.
Why is the horse wearing an equine burka & the human in flip flops & shorts?
There is a difference between service and support animals. The former is trained to do something useful and the latter, to provide comfort (basically a pet.) I do not believe that one is allowed to ask which or why.
Disability services professional here–you are allowed to ask two questions: 1) Is this a service animal? 2) What service/task is it trained to provide?
Unfortunately many people refer to their pets or comfort animals as “service animals,” which does a disservice to those with disabilities who rely on specially trained dogs (and yes, sometimes mini horses) for assistance with every day tasks.
So what service does the horse provide?
I am sure – like dogs – they are trained in a number of things, like warning the human when a seizure is about to happen, or stabilizing the human when they get light-headed and are about to fall down
Poop Fertilizer for the garden
back rubs
Re: “So what service does the horse provide?”
1. Helps save the planet (oat-burner, not a fossil-fuel burner);
2. on-demand transportation always available (no need to hail a cab or wait for an ooober, veeya, lyffft, etc.);
3. pleases most kids and even some adults (if they ever look-up from their iPhones;
4. provides great conversation starter (‘You’ll never believe what I saw today!’ and/or Instagram opportunity;
5. AND, relieves the owner of having to play Richard the Third (a horth, a horth, my kingdom for a horth-ee).
Manure for the garden
and where does it live and is it house-broken?
This is one of those times when satisfying reader curiosity is more important than cracking wise.
The horse is fine not a problem until it takes a poop indoors.. it should be outlawed grown men with filthy feet wearing flip-flops and Starbucks !!
Very cool. It’s amazing how unusual a sight has to be before folks will look up from their devices!!!! love the pix
A horse walk into Starbucks and asks for Grande Mocha Latte. “You know,” says the barista “we don’t get many horses around here.” To which the horse replies, “At these prices I’m not surprised.”
That’s gotta be a dept. of health violation
Hahahaha to #8
If that horse wasn’t in full service regalia, people never would have noticed or looked. Peripherally would have just thought it was a large dog.
Oh, and he is covered, head to hoof! So sorry I wasn’t there, just to say Neighhh