What: a gold wedding ring
Where: Adventure Playground, on CPW between 67 & 68
When: Sunday
Who: Max, no last name, a good and smart Samaritan. The picture he sent (above) does not reveal the full date or phrase/initials engraved on the ring. WSR’s Special Investigative Team (SIT) was able to make out the word “Triumph,” and part of a date, “- 72,” presumably the year the nuptials took place. “Probably a grandparent (or caretaker),” Max theorized. “Looked very recently lost, perhaps even the same day.” SIT pondered how something might look “very recently lost.” “Perhaps you can give this some exposure?” Max asked. “If someone can give the exact date and initials, the ring is theirs (again).”
Why: Because there’s a person out there who, after 49 years of marriage, deserves their wedding ring back!
SIT is continuing to investigate. If you have information, or are the person who lost the ring, get in touch with us at westsiderag at gmail.com
Wait! What if he threw the ring away? First rule of Rag journalism: “Don’t make assumptions.”
Am I the only one who immediately did the Law & Order “duh duh” sound effect after I read WSR: Special Investigative Team??
“In New York City, the Upper West Side is covered by two very important groups, The West Side Rag and their Special Investigative Team. THIS is one of their stories…”
I can see it now…NYC:UWS:SIT
Dick Wolf, call me.:)
My precious…
Okay I will take a chance. The first Sunday in June 1972 was June 4th, so that is my guess. I think “Triumph” is a stand alone word and not part of a phrase. Will you award the ring to the person who comes closest?
Be careful what you wish for.
Has anyone thought to cast this into the fire to see if elven runes appear?
I hope this has a “happily ever after ending” Looking forward to hearing that story.