Two drivers and four pedestrians were injured after a taxi collision sent a cab hurtling into pedestrians on 63rd street and Broadway Wednesday afternoon. The Post reported that all six people were taken to the hospital with two of the pedestrians listed in serious but stable condition.
“The chain-reaction mishap unfolded at about 1:40 p.m. with one cab at a light on Broadway waiting to turn onto West 63rd Street, cops said.
That taxi was rear-ended by another cab, propelling the stationary vehicle into the pedestrians in the crosswalk.
No charges were filed, but the Âincident remained under investigation by the NYPD.”
The Daily News reported that “The yellow cabs were found facing opposite directions at the intersection — one with a mangled front end and the other with a destroyed trunk and shattered rear window, witnesses said.”
The Department of Transportation is set to make major changes to Broadway and Columbus between 63rd and 66th streets to make the area safer for pedestrians and bicyclists. Read more about that plan here.
No charges were filed? How can that be. It seems taxis and others can plow into pedestrians at will with no consequences. But then the average pedestrian isn’t a developer so no worries for this mayor.
And the mayor is to blame for incompetent cabbies because……?
Amazing, isn’t it? Clearly someone did something wrong, so how are no charges filed? I hope they are just getting their ducks in a row and finishing the investigation before charging someone, but the sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach tells me that the only people who will be receiving any punishment are the victims. The frequency of these “accidents” to those of us who have loved ones out there everyday, is terrifying.
Wows,I was in that area at the time. Taxis drive way too fast and I rarely take one. I am also careful to cross with the light, but one has to be very alert.
You MUST wear seat-belts when you ride in a taxi. Even a short stop will knock out all your front teeth when you hit the partition. Take responsibility for your own well being.
Great advice, but what help is that for the pedestrians on the sidewalk?
In this case I could see why the drivers wouldn’t be immediately charged. If one taxi plowed into another, the driver who was rear-ended might not have been able to avoid jumping the curb. I guess bollards could help protect some innocent bystanders – though so could taxi drivers not-driving-like-maniacs.
DOT presented a great plan for pedestrian safety at the Columbus Square/Broadway bow tie to the CB7 transportation committee (in the WSR link above). I hope this gets underway fast – the improvements look fantastic. It was REALLY sad to watch some of the old guard on the transportation committee speak up to weaken the safety plan in favor of their driving convenience, without saying a word about the pedestrian experience in Lincoln Square.
I personally think this is an ideal time for new leadership on the transportation committee. I was at that meeting and listening carefully to the comments, and it was chilling that after Families for Safe Streets stood up and begged for CB7 committee leadership that will take safe streets seriously, committee leadership is ignoring pedestrians and thinking to roll back safety improvements.
The way Broadway is designed on the UWS, it’s dangerous for drivers to turn on or off of it because of visibility. Cross-walks also need to be re-painted and be more visible and slow speed signals in higher congested areas. We should also have traffic enforcement by the NYPD.
It is very disturbing to me for the report to use the word ‘mishap’. This negates any responsibility on the part of the driver. I want change to come about by people thinking about the risks involved when we are driving. Life is precious.