Photo courtesy of Emily Christensen-Flowers, NBC News.
We posted a photo of a Ferrari that was crushed by a truck on 69th and Columbus earlier this week. But in the last couple of days we’ve learned more about the story behind the incident. Emily Christensen-Flowers, who works for NBC News, was at the scene and said the Baldor truck was making a delivery when it backed up over the double-parked Ferrari. He said he “didn’t see nothing.”
Christensen-Flowers said the Ferrari FF was worth $300,000. A paid driver was taking care of the Ferrari, not the owner.
It looks like someone will be on the hook for tens of thousands of dollars in damages once police and insurance companies determine fault. But just to add insult to injury, in an only-in-New-York kind of way, police gave the Ferrari driver a ticket for double parking while he was waiting to get towed away.
I have to disagree with you that the driver of the ferrari deserved anything less than a ticket for double parking. He double parked a $300,000 car and definitely destroyed that truck driver’s life. Yes the truck driver has some responsibility, but so does the driver of the ferrari, who if they hadn’t broken the law and illegally left an exceptionally valuable vehicle in about the dumbest place you could, none of this would happen. Instead of insult to injury, I’d say modest well-deserved punishment.
“Definitely destroyed that truck driver’s life.”
Dude, lighten up. I’m willing to bet the truck driver will survive this episode of causing minor damage to a valuable car. Baldor is a huge company that one would imagine is well-insured, so would be very surprised if it fired him, which even then would not be a life-ending thing.
Also, double parking did not make the Ferrari invisible and is ubiquitous in NYC – any person driving in the city, or even riding a bicycle, has to be well aware that cars will be stopped in the street.
Agreed on all points, I just am not feeling bad for the poor person who owns or is responsible for caring for a $300,000 car and does a pretty poor job at it
Ignoring the fact that I could care less about anyone’s car getting damaged in this city, it is entirely the fault of the truck driver. He if couldn’t tell that he was about to back into a car, he shouldn’t be driving.
Sadly, he’ll probably face greater consequences from this than he would had he run over a kid.
This even made the German news !
while some comments made fun of it, some were outraged it did make the news…
Only a New Yorker could understand all the levels of nuance and beautifully rendered irony in this report. You just can’t make this kind of stuff up!