Ferraris may be sleek, but they can’t fit under a truck, a fact that the driver above learned the hard way on 69th street and Columbus Tuesday afternoon. No one appeared to be hurt, says our tipster and photographer Lucien Desar, but someone’s insurance premium is likely going up. (Update: a commenter says the truck actually backed over the Ferrari.)
On Sunday night around 11 p.m., three men knocked on the door of a Columbia-owned apartment on 111th street between Broadway and Amsterdam Avenue and then pushed their way in after a resident came to the door. They stole his cash and cell phone. When a second resident came home mid-robbery, one robber hit him with a blunt object, according to DNAinfo. The Columbia Spectator reported that police were looking for a gun that officers thought was tossed into a nearby gutter. The student was treated and released from the hospital.
In other mayhem-related news, a delivery man from Hiro at Ollie’s (69th and Freedom Place) was robbed on Monday night, our tipster Blanca told us. An employee at the restaurant confirmed there had been a robbery, but had no other details. Police said they had no record of a robbery Monday in the 20th precinct.
Correction: We initially misidentified the Ferrari as a Lamborghini. D’oh! Thanks to our commenters for pointing that out.
that’s a ferrari, no? not that it matters.
That’s a Ferrari.
That’s actually a Ferrari FF, not a Lamborghini. Still doesn’t fit under a truck.
Folks on the street were saying they were screaming at the truck driver to stop backing up but he didn’t hear them and just kept going. Awful.
Whoa. That Ferrari looks like a station wagon but it’s still a Ferrari. Condolences to the fired truck driver.
We don’t want Ferrraris on the UWS!
power to the people.
They could buy 15 Yugos and affordable housing with the cost of that car!