A sneak peek at the interior of Cafe Tallulah (more below).
In the past few weeks, the West 70’s have experienced lots of changes. Here are some of them:
Choco Bolo: The chocolate-obsessed dessert shop on Broadway between 70th and 71st Streets has been closed for a couple of weeks, with brown paper over the windows. The signs are still on the door, but it’s not clear if the place is renovating; for awhile, the phone appeared to be disconnected (though it’s now reconected), and the phone at the company’s other two New York locations both appear to be disconnected too.
Daniel’s Cleaners: The cleaners on Amsterdam between 76th and 77th (middle of frame at left) closed on November 20. As one yelper said: “Daniel’s is closing. This is terrible for people in the neighborhood as Daniel is, simply put, the man. He was quite possibly the nicest guy in NYC, and certainly the UWS. Damn the man for upping the rent, rendering his margins too thin! We’ll miss you, Daniel!” (see Daniel’s going-away sign below). The location next door, which used to be a bakery, is supposed to become a Drybar beauty salon. As for Daniel’s, who knows?
Cafe Tallulah: The cocktail lounge/bistro bar, on the corner of 71st Street and Columbus Avenue keeps getting delayed. But it’s clear from a glimpse at the interior above that it’s almost ready to open. The awning is finished and the sidewalk has been completely remade. They’re hiring. It was most recently expected to open on December 1.
McDonald’s: The location on 71st and Broadway closed for awhile to undergo a renovation. It’s slightly hipper, but it’s still definitely McDonald’s.
Simit & Smith: We reported a few months ago that a Turkish cafe/bakery was opening soon at 124 West 72nd Street. Well, it’s almost here and already has a web page up. It will be serving Simit, as well as sandwiches and other offerings. “Simit, which is like a bagel mixed with a soft pretzel, is a dietary staple throughout the Mediterranean and Balkan Region prominent in Turkey as well as Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Macedonia and Serbia. Simit are traditionally served plain or with feta cheese and tomato as breakfast fare along with a hot cup of tea.”
Jewelry: A jewelry and antiques shop is opening in the former home of Goodrich Pharmacy on 70th Street just West of Columbus.
Ivy’s Chinese: Ivy has sold Ivy’s Chinese restaurant at 154 West 72nd Street and it’s now called Amcook Fusion Cuisine, but the food and chef are the same. Why, oh why, does everyone want to make “fusion” food?
The City must start working with small business owners and landlords to protect businesses like Daniels from death by lease. These services are needed in the neighborhood. With out them it is a much less attractive place to live and you loose the reliability of an owner who cares. The City works out deals to give
billionaires tax breaks to encourage the building of monster billionaire buildings why not work on a plan that would help small business stay in our neighborhoods.
I couldn’t agree with the above comment more. If you walk down Broadway today all you see are drug stores and banks. Where are all of the family owned businesses that know your name when you walk in the door? They are becoming fewer and fewer. The absurd rent increases for the businesses should be looked at and protection offered.
well haven’t you heard that “excessive foot traffic” is a nuisance in the neighborhood? So, it seems despite people decrying another bank or pharmacy in the area, those are obviously the UWSides preferred retailers.
Cara is exactly right. All of you who decry the landlords’ imposing rents only a Duane Reade could afford should ask yourselves — when was the last time you bought anything in a Duane Reade? Of course: You were there today. Or yesterday.
Hated to see H&H Bagels close? OK — but I’ll bet you have a cell phone, and there’s a good chance you got it from Verizon.
And so on.
Face it: We live in a capitalist culture. You aren’t going to change the devastation of the small local stores through petitions or angry comments on a blog.
The only way to change it is to make clear that the Duane Reades and Verizons aren’t the financial “cash cows” the landlords greedily believe them to be. And the only way to do that is by voting with your business.
Shop in the Mom and Pops, and don’t shop in the chains. It’s that simple.
Can see points made from all sides however when a market is as strong as it is mom and pops will move to interior side streets to operate also known as tertiary markets. May not be as convenient as being on an avenue but tenants who service still play a part and will be found. everyone is happy