Trader Joe’s has temporarily closed its store at 72nd Street and Broadway for cleaning after an employee tested positive for the coronavirus. The employee was last in the store on March 26 — Thursday — according to a sign on the door.
Update: the store remained closed as of Saturday afternoon.
Trader Joe’s on 72nd and Bway still closed
— Kate Hinds (@katehinds) March 28, 2020
In general, health professionals have been advising people to have groceries delivered to their homes instead of going to the stores, if possible. Several stores are now offering this option. Please tip well!
Thanks to Victor for the photo.
Whole Foods in Columbus Circle abruptly closed yesterday. Not sure why. Guard outside said they “may” reopen today, Friday.
I read they couldn’t afford to stay open, due to poor
sales.All the shops @ Columbus have been closed.
The Whole Foods website says it’ll open tomorrow at 8.
The interesting question is how this employee was in the store yesterday, and also tested positive yesterday. Unless the onset of symptoms was instantaneous, it seems this employee must have been at the store while symptomatic.
I wish Trader Joes offered delivery!
my building has 2 cases-and i see in zabars that there is zero crowd control.
I went to Zabar’s at about 5 PM on Saturday, March 28. There was a line to get in and a guy at the door who was limiting the number of people inside. As soon as you got in there was a bottle of hand sanitizer to use. And they’ve got clear plastic protectors set up at check out between the cashiers and customers.
my building has 5 cases. I no longer take the elevator in my building, see the video below at the 3:16 mark and 38:12 mark
This Dr. Drew character loses all credibility when he compares COVID-19 to the seasonal flu. Wake up!
That was March 10. He’s changed his position since then. Nice try though.
Really?? Dr. Drew? That is reliable advice to you?
Who is your lawyer? Saul Goodman, Esq.?
You’re attacking me for sharing advice of a certified MD regarding the spread of coronavirus. Oh, because I am a Trump supporter. That makes perfect sense. Here is a rebuttal to you and others smear of said “hoax”. I will no longer engage with you regarding this topic. You ride all the elevators you want.
Dr. Drew is a reality show hack that takes advantage of people to make money and increase his fame and ratings.
Oh wait a minute….now I see why you are such a fan of our current president (who said this was a hoax up until last week).
Maybe I should watch some Dr. Phil to deal with my stress regarding this global pandemic and recession. Good luck with that.
Uh, remember right after 9/11 Governor Whitman of NJ saying that there is no need to worry about the dust at the WTC? How about Deblasio saying that New Yorkers should go to restaurants amid the coronavirus, and he was going to get “Dim Sum” to support the chinese restaurant business, ON MARCH 11Th. This would not be the first time that a lone voice is offering protective advice, and is later found out to be true. Here are the credentials of the man you are mocking: “After receiving his undergraduate degree from Amherst College and his M.D. from the University of Southern California, School of Medicine, Dr. Drew continued with USC for his residency. He then became chief resident at Huntington Hospital in Pasadena. Dr. Drew’s professional activities in the medical field are numerous. He is a member of the American College of Physicians, the American Medical Association, the American Society of Addiction Medicine, the California Medical Association, the American Society of Internal Medicine, Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society and Fellow with the American College of Physicians.
I can now imagine the line at 93rd TJ’s stretch all the way back to 72nd.
Seriously though, that was only a matter of time.
Well, at least that explains the 90 minute wait to get into the 93rd street store.
That’s insanity. Is there even any food left by the time people get inside?! I ventured out to Westside yesterday evening for the first time in close to two weeks. (By the way, they told me they are still open 24/7 and still offering delivery.) It was hard to maintain a 6 foot distance, even 3 feet at times, but most people are wearing masks. The shelves are pretty well stocked, including pasta, canned goods, bread, produce.
Here’s the reality – there are positive people all over the city.
They are in the banks, the stores, etc. Some are asymptomatic and some are mildly symptomatic.
We are at the point where we have to assume that we are near positive people and distance ourselves. We have to not touch our faces, especially when outside at the store or bank, and wash our hands immediately when we are out of that environment.
It’s not sensible to close every store whenever someone is positive. That would basically mean shutting every store.
I agree with you. I also would say that the media is caring the shit out of people. We can’t shut everything down. The flu has killed 27K in the US this year already. This virus has killed just over 2K and is likely very widespread
I also dont get how someone could be working in the store and get tested the same day? You can only get tested if you have some symptoms. If this employee was working while he had ANY symptom, that is a huge problem and TJ needs to remedy it. The same thing happened this week in at least one other TJ location (Millburn, NJ).
Look, reality is worse than that because an infected person can spread the illness for days before any symptoms appear. Who ever tested positive in that store likely worked for days before being tested.
So everyone really needs to take all possible steps to protect themselves.
It’s possible they could have been fine when they went to work, then started getting symptoms while working, and immediately left work to go get tested.
I know Trader Joe’s offers some amazing deals and great food but it’s not worth waiting in those lines during this time cramped in a store. The medical bills from a moderate case of the virus will be waaaayyy more than your grocery bill. The two other grocery stores on Columbus in the 90s are empty of people. Go in, get your stuff, get out, stay healthy.
If you must go to a store, Fairway is open 24 hours a day and has almost no people after 9pm. They also have an app that allows you to scan your items with your phone and pay with the phone without having to interact with the checkout staff.
I highly encourage it if you must go to a store.
Anybody know where I can get a good face mask?
Zen Medica 72nd St between Brdw & Columbus
Try the stationary/toy store on the north side of 72nd between Columbus and Amsterdam
Personal responsibility folks. Wear gloves, wear a mask, or as I said before don’t shop there.
I too have noticed the crowds at Zabars. They really are an outlier in taking no steps to protect their customers, many of whom are older people. This is not only dangerous for those who shop there but for the broader UWS community. Please, Zabars, be more responsible!
just saying, you are responsible for your own safety. wear gloves, a mask, whatever you want OR don’t shop there.
Umm, why are you spending so much time in Zabars then?
The Duane Reade next door to TJs was closed for maintenance a couple of days ago as well. I saw 3 people with Hazmat suits inside the store while reading the closed sign on the window. This is the new norm.
And I second everyone else’s concern about Zabar’s. Absolutely no social distancing in that store whatsoever. And what’s worse is that nobody (customers or staff) seems to care.
“everyone else’s concern about Zabar’s”? No, I don’t think so. I’ve been there several times and each time the shoppers have been responsible and kept their distance from one another. I’ve never felt threatened or concerned — other than by the neurotics walking around in self-styled hazmat suits (saw one woman in Zabars wearing *two* surgical masks!) for whom no degree of human contact will ever be satisfactory.
Zabars and other stores won’t stay open if you want to be the only customer in the store. You keep your distance from me, I’ll keep my distance from you, and wash your hands a lot.
Zabars is just fine. Let’s just please try to keep the insanity in check among the rest of us.
Zabar’s Cafe is fine. Sparse, pick up and go.
Zabars is setting a very poor example in not enforcing any social distancing. This is placing both the staff and the customers at serious risk. I am normally a frequent Zabars shopper, but I will not go in the store until they do whatever is necessary to mitigate crowding.
All stores, malls and markets are already condamiated with the virus, all of downtown Manhattan , hospitals, clinics, subway, buses, boats, ferry rides and all finished, keep away!!!!!
Just came back from Trader Joe’s on 14th and Ave A. Was distressed that cashiers were not wearing masks. When I inquired about that I was informed that they could not make anyone wear a mask. The person helping my cashier, who was obviously a new hire, insisted that no one had the virus!!!! Is this the practice throughout the TD system?
West Siders forget that there is a wonderful, huge, fully stocked Morton Williams grocery store on West End between 59th & 60th. I believe they are open until 11 pm and they deliver.
Morton Williams is completely and vagrantly ignoring the plastic bag ban. I know that is not our greatest problem right now, but I suggest supporting Hudson’s Market a couple of blocks down. They’ve even started selling their own mini hand sanitizer bottles, had TP last I checked, and have paper bags if you need a bag.
No stores including Morton Williams are in violation of the plastic bag ban, which New York State has now postponed to May 15.
They closed the Trader Joe’s at Union Square. Had to be cleaned. A worker had COVID-19
They should have a outdoor markets to sell food at this critical time to keep people healthy
I love Trader Joe’s but something is wrong when they have to shut down stores due to infections—two stores in northern New Jersey recently closed for the same reason. 🙁
It happened I was at that store on that very day – on Thursday. I don’t want to get in panic mode but what I noticed was that some of the employes including young guy who was helping me at the register had relaxed approach to safety. He didn’t wear any protection, any gloves even if rest of the staff did.
Whole Foods looks like handle it much better IMO.
Now I am thinking if I didn’t bring anything from that TJ …
Same here. I was there on Thursday, 3/26 in the EVENING. How could an employee have been there and then tested positive that same day. That employee must have known he had symptons and still came to work. He put many many people at risk. I find the sign Trader Joe’s put up unacceptable with no details at all on this and they knew the employee must have not taken proper precautions. I feel differently now about Trader Joe’s.
I think the above “Please tip well!” comment is tone-deaf and I’m sick of hearing it. There are a ton of us who are barely scraping by (which is why we shop at TJs in the 1st place). Now the economy is shut down and many of us aren’t making anything. In fact, if anyone is surviving this disaster, I reckon it’s food delivery services whose business has shot through the roof. So “Please tip well!”- I ain’t havin it. I’ll tip normal but tip well? Look outside, please.
Know how I know you’re crying poor without good reason? Anyone *actually* just scraping by would know that the low-paid workers out there risking potential infection to keep *you* safe are doing incredibly hard work and deserve all the gratitude you can offer.
Sorry, Rick, but if you are “barely scraping by,” perhaps you should cook your own food as an economy measure. Ordering in is a bit of a luxury.
The folks who are delivering food to those who can afford it are receiving crap wages and putting themselves at risk because they have no other options.
Food delivery services may be raking in money, but those who work for them are receiving the same low wages while risking their lives to shop for us.
They should have hazard pay and protective gear (and in fact, this is why Instacart is set to strike on Monday) but yes, they should also be tipped well in the best of times, and tipped extra-well in these, the worst of times.
It’s not their fault their employer sucks.
Still closed through Sat. 3/28! Dang!
Would you know if DR/Walgreens next door to them is open? I’ve been calling for 3 days about a prescription and when I try the online chat they instruct me to call the store. :/
Duane Reade next to TJs is open. They were only closed for a day for “maintenance” earlier in the week.
Thank you! I called them again today…it took awhile but I finally got through. I haven’t received my delivery as of yet but I appreciate all of the people that are still out there and providing essential services.
Your over privileged egos can live without TJ’s. The customers who go to TJ’s at both UWS locations act like mental patients going crazy without their drugs.
I am hitting the “like” button for Wendy.
That’s ridiculous. There are likely hundreds of customers asymptomatic, not yet feeling sick, or mild cases walking through the store everyday
Wholefoods on 97st notified some employees about a team member having covid19 but did not inform customers. Nor did they release the name of the team members so that they would quarantine themselves.
Whole Foods at Columbus Circle is open! I just got off the phone with a real live person. It closes tonight at 9 PM
Just go to Fairway VERY early (6:30 AM) or VERY late (11:30 PM) when the store is not crowded. And please: you MUST stand 6 feet away from one another if there is a line. Most masks are ineffective. Correct social distancing & thorough hand washing is imperative.
Stay well!!!
no issues getting into fairway, never any lines. i sure hope this pandemic brings them back to business