Cynthia Nixon is challenging Gov. Andrew Cuomo in this year’s primary.
Five local Democratic political clubs are hosting a forum on Sunday starting at 6:30 p.m. for the Democratic candidates for governor and lieutenant governor at B’nai Jeshurun, 257 West 88th Street. Cynthia Nixon, who is challenging Gov. Andrew Cuomo in the primary, is expected to be there, although it’s not currently clear if Cuomo will show up or send a surrogate instead. The primary is set for Sept. 13 and the general election is on Nov. 6.
Jumaane Williams, who is challenging Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul, is also attending, and organizers expect Hochul to be there too.
The event is open to anyone to attend, but you must register via eventbrite. The flyer is below.
Nixon is running on an extreme left platform.
I don’t see how she will have much appeal beyond the UWS and maybe Park Slope.
Once you leave the metro area New York is actually a very conservative state. I don’t think too many people in cities like Binghamton or Buffalo will warm to Nixon.
What a ridiculous oversimplification
Don’t confuse him. He struggles to keep his left and right straight in his mind. Issues, not-so-much.
I absolutely agree. People in NYC live in a bubble. They think the rest of the state/country see things as they do. This is not meant as criticism but merely an observation of the people I speak to. Trump is president for this very reason. My roots are in western NY and I lived in the south for many years before making my way back north again. It’s the best place on earth to live, but to think Nixon will be popular outside of NYC is a mistake.
Buffalonian is right. My roots are from Rochester and it is a different world that Dems in the city do not realize exists. They do live in a bubble here.
Is it “They do live in a bubble here.” – Rochesterian?
“All great things come to the City.” – Al Pacino?
hmmm… is Sherman aware the Zephyr Teachout, who had similar politics to Cynthia Nixon only not as well financed, beat Cuomo in almost all the upstate counties in 2014?
Upstate may be more conservative but they don’t have the bodies. And if Cuomo wasn’t a bit nervous, we wouldn’t be seeing him push through some pretty progressive legislation of late.
Teachout ran against Cuomo in the primary, not the general election.
She still got crushed. Get your facts straight.
Sherman said: “Teachout ran against Cuomo in the primary, not the general election.”
Actually, Nixon is running against Cuomo in the primary, too.
Bruce’s point stands.
Cynthia Nixon got me at:
“staked her campaign on claiming to be a true progressive, with a liberal agenda focused on racial and economic justice, led by what has been her marquee issue as an activist over the past two decades: education funding. As a spokesperson with the Alliance for Quality Education, Nixon has long-championed increased investment in the state’s public schools, especially those in disadvantaged communities.”
and can Sherman please tell us which of Nixon’s “extreme left” positions will be anathema to upstate voters?
opposition to fracking, perhaps?
This woman’s candidacy is such a joke.
Enough with the celebrities and their massive egos. I would rather vote for the woman from Law & Order…why isn’t she running??
Maybe the lady that was on The Good Wife. I always thought she was beautiful and very poised.:)
Personally, I’m writing in Dannyboy so none of this really matters to me.
I’d prefer S. Epatha Merkerson (except that she is no longer on “Law and Order” except for the re-runs).
Now you are talking! Wasn’t she amazing??
Between you and me those were the best seasons of L&O.
R.I.P. Jerry Orbach aka Det. Lenny Briscoe
If only everyone had the normal and expected experience of being the Governor’s son.
Whether you like him or not…agree with his politics or can’t deny that he has been groomed for the job since birth. Literally.
If you don’t like him, don’t support him but at least he is qualified and has experience. That is my only point.
We need serious and dedicated people. Not bored celebs trying to jump on the Trump (or anti-Trump) train.
Being “groomed” since birth is not a reason to vote for someone. That is not democracy. That’s not even meritocracy!
Nixon is pretty clearly serious about this, and I’d take somone with her ironclad principles over a two-faced, power hungry snake like Cuomo any day.
And being born into a dynasty, with a silver spoon in your mouth are hardly qualifications compared with growing up here, in a single bedroom, five-floor walk-up, with a single mom. Attending public school and starting acting at twelve in order to pay for college, because her family couldn’t afford to, that’s something.
I am not certain that practicing law is any better qualification than working for public education (and an activist).
I also have to note that I have done my best to stay out of discussions of politics and religion my whole life; you never change anyone’s mind anyway. But here I am doing the opposite.
Mariska Magdolna Hargitay (“the woman from Law & Order”) is the daughter of bodybuilder and actor Mickey Hargitay and, wait for it… actress Jayne Mansfield. I’d run as her Lieutenant Governor anyday.
Wow, I did not know that!
Very cool, I guess she really had some amazing genetics. Makes sense. She’s a very beautiful, charismatic and talented woman.
See, this is why you should be our future Gov…very knowledgeable and responsive to your constituents.:)
UWS_lifer, you do me great honor.
I agree with you that we deserve better. This governor worked for my brother-in-law earlier in his career, and is no Mario. I am appalled at his private fiefdom, apparent in his playing us with his MTA.
Bob Lamm,
OK. Let’s vote for Cynthia Nixon then.
Mario Cuomo is one of the most overrated politicians ever. Very eloquent speaker. Terrible governor. Just like Andrew, Mario wanted Republicans to stay in control of the New York State Senate. Andrew was Mario’s closest adviser. Until his death, Mario was Andrew’s closest adviser. Andrew IS Mario minus the eloquence.
The last thing we need is more incompetent policitians…
Come on folks….
Nixon says she’ll fix the subways AND legalize pot.
No contest!
Re: “Nixon says she’ll fix the subways AND legalize pot.”
At the same time?
Wow, she might be so-o-o busy that she’ll have NO time for other pie-in-the-sky wishful-thinking tasks like:
● Ending income inequality;
● Ending racial inequality;
● Ending gun violence;
● Ending NYC’s de-facto school segregation;
● Ending gentrification of inner-city nabes;
● Etc, Etc, Et-ceterahhhhhh-hhhhhhhh
Wow, Cyn, you’ve set the bar pretty high to think any ONE person can end any of the things you’ve listed.
Plus “We cannot depend on career politicians to deliver the change that we have been begging for, for literally decades,” she said “we could have fully funded our schools, we could have enacted campaign finance reform, we could have enacted the women’s equality agenda, we could have enacted the New York Dream Act, we could have fought for single-payer health care, we could have strengthened our rent regulations, and we could have fixed our subway.”
These are all great things that I generally support but I would love details on how she will accomplish them, particularly how she will finance them and also how she will get the legislature to approve them.
It is very easy for the challenger to the incumbent to complain about things the incumbent hasn’t done.
and here:
Nixon is not a ‘bored celebrity.’ Her kids went to public school, and she’s been active in politics for a long time, an activist for public schools and progressive policies. She’s a serious candidate, and has been traveling all over the State. At least listen to her speak before you accuse her of being some sort of dilettante. This used to be a Democratic neighborhood, filled with progressives. I miss the kindness and generosity of the old neighborhood.
@LS212: I don’t think all these angry commenters necessarily reflect the UWS, which still votes very liberal. But there are definitely more of them than there used to be. I am with you — i miss the old discourse.
Also, the “old” West Siders were more politically astute, and would have been able to tell between a real progressive candidate, like Nixon, and a “bored celebrity.” They would not have fallen for the shallow, angry analysis that we see in too many of these comments.
Hi Bruce
So only “old” UWS liberals are “politically astute” and everyone else is “shallow” and “angry”?
Truly elitist, pathetic and atrocious analysis on your part.
I like Cuomo (except for this latest congestion pricing bs) but I will say to Nixon’s credit a) she sent her kids to uws public schools and was active in them. and b) we had a college class together during which I remember my 19 year old self being really impressed that she did the assignment and was really giving thoughtful comments in class while the rest of us had been too busy being teenagers set loose on nyc to bother.
I don’t agree with 99% of Nixon’s platform but yes, I admire that she’s a wealthy celebrity but she sent her kids to public schools. She didn’t go the private school route and she didn’t – as a certain ibsessive commentator here did – pull strings to get her kids into an elite public school with a discriminatory admissions policy.
Wile I might admire some of her personal attributes I don’t agree with her agenda or her lack of experience.
Plus she’s very friendly when at Zabars. A rarity.