Check out news below about clothing, pickles, furniture and coffee. Everything you need to survive on the Upper West Side.
High-end Italian boutique Mangano was briefly open in the former home of Himalayan Crafts at 2007 Broadway between 68th and 69th, but it has closed.
Children’s clothing store Wyatt Lily at 290 Columbus Avenue (73rd-74th street) is closing on Wednesday after two and a half years, owner Rachel Uchitel tells us. The store is opening a new location at 1 Chase Road in Scarsdale that will be about three times larger than the current location and stock items for newborns to 14-year-olds. The UWS store had clothes for newborns to 6-year-olds. Uchitel talked about the difficulty of running a small business in the neighborhood. “We’ve been really trying to hang in there and stick with it. It’s really sad for us to go, but it’s exciting to expand. It was a good business decision to go somewhere else where we can turn a profit. This space gave us credibility and allowed us to establish a brand worldwide.” They’ll continue offering private concierge service on the UWS, and you can check the latest available styles on their Instagram.
Maison Pickle, a new restaurant from Jacob Hadjigeorgis of Jacob’s Pickles, is set to open on Broadway between 83rd and 84th in the former home of Ouest this summer. The new name was first revealed by Eater, which reported that “the new restaurant will serve cocktails along with those sandwiches in a space that will seat approximately 150 people.” The restaurant’s subtitle is “cocktails and french dip,” a Jacob’s rep tells us. Consider us excited…
Japanese kosher steakhouse Prime Ko at 217 West 85th Street has changed its name to Prime West, and is relaunching as a high-end French kosher bistro. Parisian chef Edward Boarland has prepared an authentic French American menu, and they’ll be serving a $110 price fixe menu upstairs with an la carte menu in the downstairs lounge.
Paper is up on the windows at the former Green Cafe at 97th and Broadway. Workers next door tell our tipster Paul that it will be a Korean coffee shop.
The signs are up at Kirsh, the 24-hour restaurant and bakery opening in the former Popover’s spot on Amsterdam between 86th and 87th. Owner Dan Kirsh says they’re just waiting for a gas hookup and will be ready to open soon; last we talked to him he was hoping to open by the end of this month, but it looks now like it will be about two weeks. He posted on Instagram on Tuesday that the bakery is ready. Thanks to Rachel for the photo above.
Mike’s Furniture has closed its location at 85th and Amsterdam after almost 20 years. For now, it will sell items out of Mike’s Lumber and Hardware Store at 254 West 88th street, and the owners are looking for a new location in the neighborhood. Thanks to Tamara for the tip, and the photo of the note below.
Correction: We reported incorrectly that Mangano was about to open.
Isn’t Paris Baguette across the street from Green Café considered a Korean Coffee Shop?
@Wombat, it is indeed. Malecon at 97th & Amsterdam (best café con leche!) is Dominican, Earth Café at 97th & Bway is Argentinian, Filicori Zecchini is Israeli, and the coffee cart on 97th & Broadway is run by an Egyptian. It’s like the United Nations of Coffee around here. Good for me, as I like coffee.
Mangano was a pop up store that came and went (formerly Himalayan Crafts).
Mangano has been opened for weeks!
Thanks, our mistake!
Any word yet on who is taking the EMS space on 75th/Bway? It’s a large store. Would be depressing if Duane Reade expanded into it.
A BIG chunk of real estate like that could only be rented by a Duane Reade. If it doesn’t rent soon, it will most likely be broken into two.
I wish they’d bring back Ernie’s!
Howq about a real bookstore (yeah!) ?
What is wrong with people!?!?
How can anyone think that they are going to make it by opening a Japanese kosher steakhouse paying prime NYC commercial real estate prices, or a place called Maison Pickle. Neither will last, nor will the changing it from Japanese kosher to French kosher.
Same goes for the chidlren’s clothing store that is closing by Tiger Wood’s old mistress. It basically sold t-shirts and a few other rather dumpy clothing items. Calling it a children’s clothing store is like calling a deli a supermarket.
I don’t know how Himalayan Crafts ever made it in that space (must have had a great rent) but it was also easy to see why a clothing store would not do well there. There are like 20 other clothing stores (chain) right around (Gap, Banana, C21, Brooks Bro, Loft…).
Same goes for so many of the new businesses taking over recently closed stores – the clothing place that took over Harry’s Burrito, the eyewear store that just opened on Columbus, the Peruvian clothing store that opened in the old DWR store,… most of these business wont last.
Kirsh however will do very well. That is the type of business that will thrive and that the hood needs.
I guess there’s no chance for a real supermarket-but we sure could use one. I’d love to see Loehmann’s come back. Also, I miss radio shack-can find wires anywhere That bloomingdales outlet is junky and the furtHer uptown you go-the worse it gets Marshall’s???
with their plastic handbags and dirty merchandise-hoW Do they pay the rent and who shops there? Our neighborhood has become a destination for low-end junk. Oh well…..
And the Ernie’s space too!!
That was to #6
Jacob’s Pickles is the most popular restaurant in the 80s on Amsterdam. Their new restaurant, Maison Pickle, will do just fine.
@david And Prime KO has been around for years – weird to suggest that suggest that they didn’t “make it.”
I see the Food Emporium space on 90th st has a for rent sign in window..wonder what could go there.
They are re-launching. That usually means they did not make it in their prior version. If they were doing well, there would be no need to re-launch.
Jacob’s Pickle’s is 1/3 the size of Quest and a different business model and location. Not sure how many people in that location will be doing lunch or dinner Mon-Fri.
There is a large Kosher population on the UWS, that is often price insensitive.
Is that the same Rachel Uchitel that was Tiger Woods’ mistress (among other notable items)?
Yes it is
Hate to seem uninformed; but, what is a Korean Coffee Shop. Is it like the little tea/coffee bakeries that used be found around Chinatown?
Also, I know change goes with the territory; but, it is always sad to see Mom & Pops close. Seems like all the neighborhoods in the city are now becoming interchangeable.
It is really sad. Been in NYC since 1977 (the really, bad old days). Nostalgic — maybe a little. Don’t miss the dangerous crazy street scene with drugs. Sure miss the great little craft shops and ethnic restaurants.
I made an order for pickup from Prime KO once. I handed over about $30 and was supposed to be given something like $4.47 in change. I was only given $4 by the sexy Russian bartender/cashier. When I asked where is my 47 cents, she replied it was their policy not to give back change, just bills. This floored me (since then I’ve heard this often happens in bars), and I never went back. Food was average tasting.
That Wyatt Lily Instagram is incredibly disturbing. A sobering illustration of some of the glaring hypocrisies and paradoxes in contemporary attitudes toward childhood.
@Liz, the Korean coffee shops just have more Seoul than the others.
It’s a store owned by Tiger Woods’ mistress. What do you expect?
@UWS Hebrew, #22: So, basically, dis-incentivizing payment in cash (no fee) while incentivizing payment by credit or debit card (where the merchant incurs a fee for each transaction).
What were they thinking?