Six firefighters sustained minor injuries in a fire that started at a Chinese restaurant at 2642 Broadway on the corner of 100th street on Tuesday morning. The fire drew 145 firefighters and took more than two hours to get under control. It spread to at least the second floor of the building.
The fire was called in at 10:10 a.m. after starting in the ductwork at Empire, an FDNY spokesman said. It was under control as of 12:30 p.m. FDNY asked the Department of Buildings to conduct a structural stability inspection after the fire was out.
An employee at the Carmel limo service said all the employees had gotten out. “He had 25 guys in there answering phones now on the street,” Ernie Fritz tells us. Fritz, who took the photos below, says he saw one person transported to the hospital by ambulance.
Photo by Chip Holmes (click to enlarge).
Photo by Chip Holmes (click to enlarge).
Photo of smoke from the fire by Daniela Sciaky from across Central Park in the Icahn Building at Mt. Sinai Hospital.
Thanks for the info. WSR is amazing, I knew you’d have a story up even though this all happened less than 2 hours ago.
NYC| Manhattan, NY| 1 Alarm Fire (10-75)| 482.10625| 219 W 100th St| Box 1267: Working fire transmitted for fire in an OMD.| 10:16
NYC| Manhattan, NY| 1 Alarm Fire All Hands| 482.10625| 2642 Broadway| U/D: Box 1267: BC-11 rpts AHW fire in the duct work of a Chinese rest., L-26 FAST, DWH| 10:24
NYC| Manhattan, NY| 1 Alarm Fire All Hands| 482.10625| 2642 Broadway| U/D: BC-11 rpts fire is in the 1st flr rear setback of a 15-stry 150×150 OMD, 1LSO| 10:28
NYC| Manhattan, NY| 2 Alarm Fire| 482.10625| 2642 Broadway| U/D: Box 1267: Fire in the ductwork of a chinese rest., 1st flr rear setback, 15-stry 150×150 OMD| 10:35
NYC| Manhattan, NY| 2 Alarm Fire| 482.10625| 2642 Broadway| U/D: Div 3 now rpts corrected size-up: 4-stry 20×80 class 2 mixed occ, 4 LSO, DWH|11:04
NYC| Manhattan, NY| 3 Alarm Fire| 482.10625| 2642 Broadway| U/D: Box 1267: Div 3 rpts fire on flrs 1 & 2 of a 4-stry 20×80 class 2 mixed occ, 4 LSO, DWH| 11:09
Here’s to New York’s Bravest! Hope those that are injured recover quickly.
Burnt Cheesy Pizza
That certainly is some interesting duct work snaking out of that restaurant. Would be shocked if that’s up to code.
Odds are it was within code when built and still is.
These restaurant duct fires are common, it usually happens when there is a build up of grease etc in the duct work and then a spark and away we go.
If it’s a grease fire, why is the FDNY squirting water down the duct? You don’t fight a grease fire with water. Of course maybe it isn’t water. The FDNY couldn’t be that inept.
Ductwork goes up and over to the next building…how nice.