Photo by Scott Matthews from 106th and Broadway.
Smoke from a deadly explosion and fire in East Harlem on Wednesday morning enveloped the Upper West Side, and a seismic monitor in Central Park even picked up the vibrations.
A reader said the smell of smoke was “intense” from the Upper West Side this morning as the fire burned for hours.
The seismic station operated by Columbia’s Earth Institute on the 97th street Transverse in Central Park even registered the impact of the blast:
The Central Park #seismic station we monitor picked up weak signals generated by the East #Harlem building collapse.
— LDEO (@LamontEarth) March 12, 2014
Hello. I would really appreciate information about helping the unfortunate people who lost everything in the collapse. If you can provide any information on that….
I would like to help them with necessities or in any way I can. Thank you.
Rebecca, Your wish to help is certainly shared . Perhaps some central place where we could leave household goods for the use of those unfortunate people as they get resettled.
Precisely! I keep searching news article for a mention of a local east harlem church or school or even an individual mentioned…
Will post here if i get the answer!
I was told today that 200 people were displaced by the explosion – including residents of the two buildings and neighbors whose buildings were damaged – and many of them were being housed at the Harlem Armory as of this morning.