The Blockbuster store on 93rd street and Broadway is liquidating all of its stock over the next few weeks as it prepares to close its doors for good.
It’s no secret that Blockbuster’s business model has become obsolete, and the company is in the process of closing hundreds of stores around the country. The store on 93rd will stay open until March 23; afterwards, an Applebee’s is rumored to be moving in, an employee told us.
As at many liquidation sales, it’s unclear if you’re getting a deal on the items. Liquidators often take advantage of the fact that people think they’re getting a steal.
Movies and television show DVD’s that had been rented out numerous times are now for sale (some still have the rental price on the front, but that’s not the sale price). And there are lots of crappy films for sale, along with some good ones. For instance, there were plenty of copies of Love Ranch on one shelf. Oh you haven’t heard of it? Love Ranch is about a Nevada couple played by Helen Mirren and Joe Pesci who open a brothel; the Academy sadly overlooked Mirren’s performance in this one.
Let us know if you find anything worth buying…
An Applebee’s!?!?!? WTF. Is this Time Sqaure or some shitty suburb somewhere.
You HAVE to be kidding me. So an Applebee’s next to a Subway and Starbux across from CVS and RadioShack. Rumor is a 7-11 is opening next to RadioShack too.
What is going on here? Who goes to these places?!? I get Starbux and CVS but the other places??
WTF is write.
It’s like a Long Island with a subway!
Can Outback and The Olive Garden be far behind? What about Buffalo Wild Wings? As we emerge from the recession it seems there is no shortage of corporations lining up to pay rent of $200+ per square foot and deficit-finance a foothold on the UWS. Meanwhile the lease expiration clock is ticking down on every small, individually owned business. We were worried about the banks! Welcome to the UWS Mall.
Dont know if this pending arrival of Applebee’s rumor is true or not but just in case it is I IMPLORE my fellow West Siders (old timers/liberals/new to the neighborhood alike) to engage in an old fashioned letter writing campaign to the restaurant chain letting them know that we don’t want them here.
Feel free to cut and paste this message,”Dear Applebees, I understand you may be leasing space on Broadway and 93rd Street (NYC) to bring your chain concept to the Upper West Side. Â Please don’t. Â This is not the neighborhood for you.”
Contact for Applebee’s is below. Â And they have a Facebook page and Twitter account.Â
Phone: 888-59APPLEÂ
Great suggestion! I will do that right now. Thanks for the detailed info.
Applebee”s?? This is too much. All the things that make New York unique are slowly disappearing. Pretty soon, we’ll look like one of those industrial highways lined with Applebee’s, Olive Garden and oh- maybe Cracker Barrel!!
The truth is Wall Street stole all Americans wealth.
Those business that go in will have to be big-bank financed chains. Nothing else works anymore in this recession in the banana economy.
Appleby’s? Seriously? SERIOUSLY? Between the frozen yogurt shops popping up everywhere (Pinkberry is soon to open in the old Antiques Shop next to Subway), McDonalds, and pizza… I’m really wondering about this stretch of Broadway I’ve chosen to live.
At its peak, Blockbuster had over 5000 locations. Applebee’s has about 2000. Nobody complained about the big bad Blockbuster chain in the neighborhood because we wanted movies!! So is the chain store the issue here or what service they provide?
If this was a Chili’s…I’d be on board – but NOT at Applebees. Bet you that they will also serve my $20 Pasta Primavera!!
Sorry folks but the 60’s are dead and gone!!
Thankfully they are never comming back, get over it folks writting letter, calling, protests won’t get you anything. Blockbuster has been bankrupt and in liquidation for a while now. ALL of its stores will be clsd shortly. If you want to bitch about something, go after the plan in put what is basicly a bar in a movie house. That is what is planned for the former Metro. They still having problems getting city aprovals a year plus into things, gee maybe the community should look at again. There other locations in the deep south have problems with druck patrons being ejected for making noise during the movie showings and resisting. The police are uselly involved. Just think about it the next big action flick and lots of bozze while you watch. What could go wrong there. You could drink while you watch Snow White or any other film playing there, I can only imagine what kids will see adluts do after they have a few to manny!
My bad I hit send, rather than sprll etc check. Here is the correct post.
Sorry folks but the 60′s are dead and gone!!
Thankfully they are never coming back, get over it folks writing letter, calling, protests won’t get you anything. Blockbuster has been bankrupt and in liquidation for a while now. ALL of its stores will be clsd shortly. If you want to bitch about something, go after the plan in put what is basically a bar in a movie house. That is what is planned for the former Metro. They still having problems getting city approvals a year plus into things, gee maybe the community should look at again. There other locations in the deep south have problems with drunk patrons being ejected for making noise during the movie showings and resisting. The police are usually involved. Just think about it the next big action flick and lots of booze while you watch. What could go wrong there. You could drink while you watch Snow White or any other film playing there, I can only imagine what kids will see adults do after they have a few to many!
I’m just thankful it isn’t another shoe store:
Harry’s for Kids
Tip Top Shoes
another 7-11 next to Radio Shack? What the heck? Can anyone confirm that? And please tell me why we need 5 froyos on bdway between 92 and 95?
I am a resident in the building of the former blockbuster and was told by my doorman that the Applebee’s thing fell through. Apparently they wanted more basement space, including some of ours, and that wouldn’t work. Although we’re just rumoring here, I’m not freaking out about a potential Applebee’s…and I live upstairs!