A raccoon just outside Central Park’s Adventure Playground by Laura Matthei.
May 9, 2012 Weather: Scattered Thunderstorms, High of 71 Degrees.
The Calhoun School is holding a book fair to support the school at Barnes & Noble on 82nd Street on Thursday from 9 a.m. until 10 p.m. The Calhoun Chorus will perform at 4:15 and author Mark Kurlansky will read from his latest book at 6:30.
Toni Morrison and Steve Gutenberg both holding book events tonight on the UWS! Coincidence? On the calendar.
William Barnason, a superintendent accused of sexually harassing tenants at buildings on 73rd and 75rth Streets and Stanley Katz, the landlord who employed him, were ordered (along with Katz’s son Stephen) to pay $2 million to tenants they harassed in the buildings. Barnason is a convicted sex offender, and the U.S. Attorney’s office said he would enter women’s apartment while drunk and demand sex, sometimes in return for a break on the rent. (NY Times)
It turns out the Upper West Side won’t immediately be included in the city’s bike-share program (which we wrote about here) because of controversies that came up as the city negotiated the deal with the program’s sponsor, Citigroup. The plan is expected to be fully implemented by spring of 2013. (Transportation Nation)