Well, that wasn’t so bad, was it?
At first glance, the damage from Hurricane Irene appears limited on the Upper West Side. As of Sunday morning, dogs needed to be walked, and people wanted their coffee, so lots of Upper West Siders were out early in the morning. Unfortunately, as Vivian Matz pointed out, the garbage cans were still flipped over, so it was hard to know where to throw Fluffy’s special present.
During the hurricane, the wind reached as high as 60 miles per hour in Central Park and a few trees were down there. The park is still closed. The Hudson River also crested the bank in a few spots in Riverside Park. Check out some pictures by Upper West Siders of the hurricane and the immediate aftermath below. For a nice series of shots, (a couple of of which we posted below), see Richard Robbins’ set on picasa.
Biking through the flood in Riverside Park, by Richard Robbins (@rich1)
At 79th and Broadway, by Amy Aglar.
Central Park, by @specialkiran
By Richard Robbins (@rich1)
Photo by @meadonmanhattan.
“Who says there is no parking on the Upper West Side” by Jay Heath (@heathjw). This photo has a Creative Commons license.
Tree down at 87th Street and Central Park West. Photo by @suefishman.
Looking down Columbus Avenue from 73rd Street Sunday morning, by Michael Huitt.