By Gus Saltonstall
A woman was robbed at gunpoint Monday night on the Upper West Side, a police spokesperson confirmed to West Side Rag.
The 41-year-old woman was walking near Amsterdam Avenue and West 63rd Street about 10:10 p.m., when a man approached her and flashed a gun, police said.
He threatened her, before forcibly grabbing her phone and bag, police added.
The robber then fled the scene, police said.
The woman was not injured and the investigation remains ongoing, NYPD added.
UPDATE: November 13, 3:15 p.m.
NYPD revealed more information Monday about the gunpoint robbery that took place on October 30 on Amsterdam Avenue near West 63rd Street. A 41-year-old woman was walking on the street just after 10 p.m., when a man and women approached her from behind, police said.
The man flashed a gun and the woman grabbed the victim’s pocketbook and cellphone, police said.
NYPD estimate the stolen property at $800.
Police also released a photo Monday of the two suspects.

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just…wow. what on earth is happening to our neighborhood?
Oh Election Day, please get here soon!
What policy do you think would stop this crime? Not sure if you’re aware, but armed robbery is already illegal
is it? Will Bragg prosecute this?
Absolutely! NYPD has to make the arrest first but you can look at the Manhattan DA website for the numerous convictions his office has obtained for gun crimes and assaults.
Harsher punishment will stop these crimes. Right now there is virtually no downside to trying an armed robbery so long as the gun does not go off.
“Since the pandemic, we’ve seen a 15% spike in violent crime citywide. It’s time to give law enforcement the tools and training they need to get their jobs done. Every year, officers retire, and we’re not recruiting enough folks to fill the gaps. As a result, the NYPD is once again forced to do more with less. That needs to change. We need to work with legislators in Albany to restore judicial discretion when it comes to setting bail for violent and chronic offenders. In turn, City Hall can work to reduce recidivism by providing those recently released with greater opportunities for employment and entrepreneurship. Rebuilding conditions, security, and trust on Rikers Island is also essential. Construction of any new prison facility in our own backyards is not an option.” – D. DiStasio
NYPD says crime is substantially down in 2023
Also NYPD’s budget is increasing far beyond the inflation rate.
Which demagogue are you quoting?
A new DA is a good start! Bragg is a public defender masquerading as a prosecutor. Also, a city council that’s not full of “progressives” who want to dump homeless people/illegal migrants on us (esp. UWS), and close our streets to cars would be cool.
I wish Gale wanted to close any streets to cars! It’s ridiculous to me we don’t have more pedestrianized streets (especially around schools) when ~70% of households don’t have a car. I’m sure its very convenient for those from NJ and CT who can’t be bothered to take the train….
Early voting started on Oct. 28th.
Also, the mayor “controls” the PD, not the City council, but the mayor is not up for re-election.
Amen! I can’t wait to change the way I’ve been voting for decades.
Really, who did you vote for mayor in 2021?
I’ve noticed over the past year or so that many incidents WSR reports on have taken place on Amsterdam in the 60s.
There’s a big housing project there that spans several blocks on the west side of Amsterdam. It’s known to be a little rough – maybe there are gangs operating in the complex . That area also had super high rates of Covid during the pandemic. Not much on the east side of Amsterdam except the back of Lincoln Center complex for a few blocks. So not a lot of street traffic. The UWS is comprised of many upscale buildings and areas next to NYCHA housing projects. There are often issues in those projects, occasional shootings and other crimes (The Douglass Houses on Col. and 101st are an example/ They’re often in the news). This isn’t really news, but it’s unfortunate none the less and must have been frightening for the victim.
Thank you for the informative overview.
It might not be surprising, but it is news. It’s useful to be reminded about which areas to avoid after dark.
OMG – what is going on??? Were there cameras? What is the prospect of finding this person?? Just unreal.
There are cameras, but the footage has to be pulled.
I don’t want to discount the seriousness of this type of crime, but when every crime is reported like this and everyone results in the same horror-filled responses, I do get a little numb to them.
Until you or a family member is the victim
In Giuliani’s best year there were 160,000 major crimes in a city of 8 million. That BEST year you had a 2% chance of being a victim.
We are in a year where the major crime total has begun to recede and will come in at 125,000… in a city of 8.4 million.
That’s a 1.5% chance of being victimized.
Why did you feel “safer”then than now?
Most New Yorkers who are not recent transplants and have been here for multiple decades have been victims of crime themselves at some point. I’ve been robbed twice over the years. But this is NYC, with millions of people living here. Of course there is going to be crime. There is more crime in a city than in a small town. But the crime per capita in NYC is actually quite low. In the old days, we heard of crimes when they happened to someone we knew unless they were BIG news. Now we hear about the stubbed toes of people who live 2 miles away from us. Get perspective.
I appreciate the coverage of any and all crimes involving a weapon and/or injuries. It’s important to know what’s going on in our area.
The real problem will be when these types of headlines no longer incite horror filled responses. It seems plenty of of people are fine normalizing crime and going on their daily lives. What a world it will be when getting robbed at gunpoint is “no big deal”….
63rd and Amsterdam is Lincoln Center on the east side of the block and Amsterdam Houses on the west side of the block. Someone needs to catch that gunman asap and lock him up.
I sympathize w/ the lady. But now cue the chorus “the UWS has gone to hell in a handbasket & only some other (Trumpist?) politicians can save us.” These stories in the Rag, while essential reportage, have become essentially dog whistles to MAGATs. And, judging from what I can see, only the MAGATs consider this Comments section to be of any value. Your more conscientious readers seem to have abandoned this site function entirely — as I shall perhaps be forced to do.
Hi Ken! UWS republican here, and, gasp, I’m not a Trump supporter
Not all people who are tired of the progressive left’s position on crime are Trump supporters. Some of us are weary and frightened moderate democrats. Others are hoping for a common sense third party to emerge. There are a lot of people who aren’t at either political extreme.
You’d rather accept crime on the UWS than be in the same comments section with republicans. LOL. That’s the root of the problem.
No politician can save someone whose “sympathy” is 3 words, features a “but,” and is followed by an entire paragraph of self-righteous, assumption-filled admonition of your neighbors, filled with ugly, 5th-grader name-calling. Clearly, both the sympathy and the consciousnesses you so desperately claim are completely missing.
I agree with you Ken, it’s very tiresome as there’s never an explanation on how exactly a new city council member is going to stop all crime.
If Republicans have the solution to stop crime, why are crime rates higher in red states?
Because red states have laws that get prosecuted and and become stats. We no longer have strong laws and except for the most heinous crime, most do not get prosecuted due to the severe shortened time to process someone due to bail reform. May get downgraded to Misdemeanors. Ask anyone in the DA’s office. They will tell you personally. Of course, our stats are lower than a red state.
Stats aren’t based on prosecution but on complaints. An unsolved murder that doesn’t get prosecuted doesn’t get removed from statistics. The statistics aren’t even based on arrests. Please try again.
To think there are MAGA people here on the UWS is ludicrous, but that is my humble opinion. Never met one, ever.
I saw someone on the C train yesterday who was wearing a hat that said “Trump JFK Jr. 2021.” I had no idea what point the hat was supposed to be making.
Diversity is our strength. Except in this case.
Hello – MAGA person here – lived on West End Avenue since 1975!!!!
She’s not alone. I’m here too.
Why are you yelling…
I can’t tell if this is an incomprehensible Trump tweet, or a parody of one.
“The woman was not injured…” should read “The woman was not visibly injured.”
Trauma can change the brain physically and functionally, and these changes last long after a physical wound heals. The justice system ignores this in its charges, bail, and sentencing.
That is a very, very good point, Christine E.
Statistically crime is at a historical low. People distort the crime statistics, simply because a gun was pointed at their face. Statistics are real, facts are not, Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. It was much worse in the 80s. Gun in my face, cry me a river.
Sounds like your standard mugging. Does anyone remember when our public discourse wasn’t dominated by the anxiety of the panic-stricken? Every little thing brings them out.
City council members by themselves can do nothing, but when you have more and more of them in office, who are law and order minded, the mayor starts to see the support for serious change wanted by the voters.
We have a real chance to change things around. Let our politicians know we’re sick and tired of the direction our neighborhood, and surrounding areas, are going.
It can’t get any worse and can only get better. Why not take a chance for four years? Our progressive policies are obviously not working.
The criminal laws are made by the state legislature and the governor.
Police policies, priorities, and tactics are set locally.
Crime in this neighborhood is, in fact, low and far lower than in most cities, “red” or “blue.”
But it’s rational to want both law, and “order.” It’s the order part that’s downhill and that is what our politicians need to address.
Time to hide your items in fanny packs.