By Gus Saltonstall
Jacob’s Pickles, one of the more popular restaurants on the Upper West Side, is moving.
Luckily, it is a move within the neighborhood.
Jacob Hadjigeorgis, the owner of Jacob’s Pickles called into Community Board 7 on Wednesday night to drop the big change-of-location announcement, which was first reported by ILoveTheUpperWestSide.
The southern-comfort-style restaurant will be moving from its current and original location at 509 Amsterdam Avenue, between West 84th and 85th streets, to a new location at 688 Columbus Avenue, between West 93rd and 94th streets, which most recently housed an eatery called Agave, but will be best known by locals as the longtime home of the Mexican restaurant Gabriella’s.
“We’re moving our current location of Jacob’s Pickle’s to this new location, it’s giving us a little more space, it’s a great space, and it’s in the vicinity of where the original is,” Jacob said.
The restaurant is hoping to open in the new location by September.
A CB7 board member gasped as Jacob delivered the news, while others quickly shared their positive reactions.
“Oh wow,” one member said, as others chimed in with “that’s great” and “fantastic.”
Jacob said the venue near West 94th Street will allow the restaurant to “basically double their space” and that the eatery has been looking for a bigger home. Jacob’s Pickles opened its original Upper West Side location in 2011.
“Jacob’s been an incredible contributor to the community over the years, giving back to the students and the garden near his current location, and I’m so excited about this,” a board member said.
CB7’s Business & Consumer Committee unanimously voted to support Jacob’s Pickles change of location.
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It’s between 93rd and 94th
Thanks, fixed!
Great. So now they will stop completely blocking that sidewalk and taking a ton of free space with all of those tables. I am supportive of helping our local businesses but they really went overboard and abused it – that sidewalk was constantly impossible to get through.
Will the Tiki place next door, which I think is the same owner, still be there, or is it also moving? Love their chicken sandwiches, not so much the overpriced drinks.
The former Agave / former Gabriella’s / former Under the Stairs (before the space was enlarged? who remembers that, lol?) has a lot of room for outdoor tables not on the sidewalk. Maybe that covered patio area will solve the outdoor table space problem that Jason’s has in its present location.
A dissenting voice here. I live nearby and have actually looked forward to walking by this block at night, I love the lights and the party vibe. There is a sidewalk in between the tables. I find it festive, and think each neighborhood needs a block like this.
I agree – Icall it Pickle Allley!
Yes. I feel like I’m walking through someone’s kitchen.
Totally agree. Even worse is their attitude and sense of entitlement.
Super irritiating.
Restaurants were given a lifeline during the pandemic. Now they consider it their God-given right. Ditto meal delivery services.
Um… Tragedy! Moving 10 blocks north is no bueno. Loved being able to walk there easily from anywhere on the UWS. Also to anyone complaining about how hard it is to walk by this cornerstone restaurant… OMG … Seriously cross the street if it puts you out so bad. People are so cantankerous in this neighborhood. You’ve got to be kidding me.
I live on that block and I will be happy to see them go. As a resident we also deserve some peace and quiet when we’re home. I want things back the way they were before the pandemic. The restaurant street stalls are disgusting. This is not Delray Beach. We need our public space back and restaurants should go back to doing business in their restaurants.
It’s a bigger and much better space.
If you lived the UWS more than 10 minutes you would know that Columbus Avenue between 93/94 those restaurants are cornerstone of the community since the 1970s when the building was built,
. It has always had restaurants and bars and a very popular destination for decades.
Welcome to jacob’s pickle in this new large space!
The building is from 1967! Remember Under the Stairs that was in the space? My family members who lived in that building were at the opening in 1968.
Do you not consider 93rd street the UWS??? Also – they invented buses to make things like this easier … If you support the biz and like the food, this really isnt a big change
As someone who walks the upper west side at least a hour a day ( and I’m talking 110 to 59 streets.on different days) .Jacobs.pickles (which is a great restaurant) is the only place that seems to have an issue with blocking the sidewalk… The customers are totally unaware or.don’t care about anyone trying to pass…
Just please leave all that noise back at 85th Street.
Bummer. Now I have to walk 10 blocks for my chicken feet sandwich.
Thrilled to see more openings in the 90s!
This is a fantastic thing for the 90s. We are starved for vibrant, successful businesses like this. Hopefully it will be an anchor for the neighborhood and other business owners will invest here. Also so great to see something take over that massive space that has been empty for some time now!
Nobody from the South would consider this food Southern or comforting. It is just a poor man’s version in gluttonous portions served to those who don’t know any better. No wonder I can get away with selling $9 cups of boiled peanuts on the corner!
Boiled peanuts Where?! #imacrackertoo
Does anybody know why CB7 got to vote on a private business relocating? Transferring the liquor license?
I was wondering too – is it just a symbolic vote?
Good news for us up here with two restaurants next door to each other having folded. Hopefully this will break a string of bad luck over the past 10 years
Hooray! This is excellent news and I can’t wait to be a regular customer.
Excellent to repopulate that block! We all miss Gabriella’s and Elizabeth’s. This is good for the neighborhood. Glad to hear!
Looking forward to this move, but would like to see menu expanded so that those of us who are vegetarians have more than 2-3 choices. I am sure creative Southern chefs can develop delicious and creative vegetarian dishes.
This is sort of bad news for the neighborhood. The streets in the 80s on the upper west side are almost devoid of a cheerful atmosphere and party vibe and this was one of the few places that made the 80s popping. Relative to other parts of Manhattan the upper west side is quite boring , walking by this place at night made night times really nice.
That patch of the 90s has truly nothing. Jacob’s pickles has both E’s AND Tiki Chick right next to it, plus five restaurants one block down. Between 89 and 96 on Columbus, we have literally one restaurant. Give us a little joy too please :,)
There are bars on almost every block of Amsterdam in the 80s.
its not just about bars, its more about having a lively atmosphere. Jacobs pickles is a restaurant and it’s more lively than all those bars on Amsterdam put together. (except for the one next door).
This is the best thing since sliced pickles…