By Gus Saltonstall
Swastikas were drawn Thursday outside of the New Jewish Home at West 106th Street between Amsterdam and Columbus Avenues, photos show and New York City Councilmember Shaun Abreu stated.
The swastikas appeared on the sidewalk outside of the senior health center and on a lamppost on the eve of the organization’s 175th anniversary.
“On the eve of New Jewish Home’s 175th anniversary, swastikas were drawn outside of their health center on the Upper West Side,” Abreu wrote Thursday night. “This is an act of pure hatred — not just against Jews, but a proud organization that cares for New Yorkers of all backgrounds. Antisemitism has no place here.”
The New Jewish Home, which provides healthcare to older New Yorkers of all backgrounds and ethnicities, told West Side Rag that the hate crime was “sickening.”
“These hate crimes are sad, misguided, and sickening. Since the incident came to our attention, we immediately began working in coordination with law enforcement and anti-hate organizations including Community Security Initiative (CSI) and the ADL [Anti-Defamation League],” a spokesperson for the New Jewish Home said. “We are grateful for Council Member Abreu’s vocal support and denunciation of these abhorrent acts on the eve of our 175th anniversary, and we ask that our city’s leaders continue to unequivocally condemn such flagrant and wholly unacceptable crimes of hate and antisemitism.”
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Disgusting and should be prosecuted as a hate crime. Being anti-Semitic is one thing and no one can fix that; but not knowing that the United States fought a war against the Nazis is another, so the perpetrators should be forced into a history class, as well as made to sit through multiple Holocaust documentaries.
That’s my photo. I was there visiting a family member and saw it Wednesday at 6PM. I poured water on it to remove it after I recorded a pic but didn’t notice that there were more on the lamp post. The security at the New Jewish Home acted really quickly (when I shared the photos) in working with the 24th pct. Thank you!
Debbie, thank you for taking the picture.
I’m sorry that you had to witness this, and I am with you as a fellow Jew.
I’m really sorry you went through that.
Where my father died, now they are defiling his memory
Let it be clear: Blind hate and blatant antisemintism does the absolute opposite of promoting respect for any humanitarian goal for Palestinians or anyone else. It is an act in support of terrorism, instead of peace.
Find these punks show there faces to everyone and throw them in jail
The bill for “the reckoning” has come due: https://www.city-journal.org/article/anti-semitism-at-the-cooper-union
I wonder if there is no coincidence that the swastika was drawn in the light blue color of Columbia University, the good neighbor.
It’s time all this anti-Semitism stops. I believe that many of the idiots drawing swastikas have no idea what actually happened to the Jewish people in Nazi Germany. And, if they do, then they should be caught in the act and prosecuted to the full extent of the law for perpetrating horrific hate crimes. Just disgusting!
Increasing frequency of hate crimes towards Jews yet all efforts of “DEI” do not include Jews and often end up marginalizing them and subjecting them to white guilt – kick the Jews out of the Ivies to make room for everyone else…
Between Htiler-like Trump, this and the pogrom in Israel, I really do feel like I am living in 1930s Germany.
I’ve been reading the 100 years war in Palestine and I’ve read dozens of books on WWII. I don’t equate, I could be wrong. 1930s the Jews were docile. Now, though 1,400 innocent victims have been lost, through massive military superior might estimates are already 7,000+ Palestinians are gone, many displaced, a city half rubble, and Netanyahu appears to be just getting started. 1930s Germany Jews were excluded by law and many were dispossessed of great wealth. Some punk drew on a wall and that’s the same? The USA has a massively successful Jewish population and we send much aid to Israel. I think likening the periods may be doing a disservice to both.
You are right that now Jews in Israel have the ability to protect themselves, but have you not read about the marches all over the world calling for the end of Israel? Many in the world are looking to take that right away.
About support in the US, a number of those marches have been supported by a sanctioned political party (DSA) and others cheered by university professors and members of Congress. Those professors and members of Congress have also been knowingly sharing incorrect information.
One drawing on a sidewalk may not seem that threatening, but in the context of everything else happening, and in a location usually tolerant to all, it is foreboding.
Check out the mobs that stormed an airport in Russia today looking for Jews on a flight landing from Tel Aviv. Are you sure that can never happen here? Your Jewish neighbors aren’t.
Docile? Really? Here’s one online dictionary:
easily handled or managed
“a gentle old horse, docile and obedient”
Wow! I’m not sure whether to term your comment condescending or antisemitic first.
On a percentage basis the Hamas attacks were orders of magnitude worse than 9/11.
But I guess you think the easily handled or managed “gentle old horse” should just tolerate the kind of attack that the USA went to war for two decades over.
Reading books doesn’t mean that you actually learned anything from them.
It’s a funny (not funny) coincidence that this repellant act of hate is featured in the same edition as Karin Schall’s brave campaign of civil disobedience. Love vs hate, tolerance vs ignorance. May the better chalker win.
This, of course, is a completely different ilk from taking down “kidnapped” posters that are at best ineffective (since they will not “reach” Hamas or even the Israeli government, so they are ultimately useless except as a form of “solidarity” – which can be done in more effective ways than mucking up one’s neighborhood with flyers), and at worst provocative, controversial and, in some cases, hurtful (there is an increasing number of parents who find them extremely troubling for their school-aged children).
And while I suppose SOME people who remove those flyers do so in an anti-Semitism fashion, the mere removal of them is NOT anti-Semitic.
However, drawing swastikas and writing anti-Jewish “hate speech” IS anti-Semitic, in the clearest and most decisive way. And it must be fought against in all possible ways.
I should add here that, while it does not make much difference, many people who do this are teenagers who may not understand the “import” of their actions, and do it simply to be provocative. That means it is up to parents to educate and inform their children about WHY this is unacceptable. “History” may be a boring subject at school, but kids HAVE to be taught that “history matters” – and this is one of the reasons why.
The posters serve the purpose of informing Americans of the multinational hostages taken by Hamas and keeping them in mind. There is no reason this should be “controversial” or “provocative”.
so far persons identified as taking down posters have been nyu students and older man in queens- not teens
I have seen several people taking them down, and they seem to be a broad spectrum, from homeless people to “regular Joes,” (To, I’m sure, SOME people who are actually anti-Semitic.)
If you are a Progressive and you didn’t see this antisemitic explosion coming miles away, you had your head in the sand for years. Sorry to say.
Acting like progressives are the only antisemitic ones is another way to keep your head in the sand. Top GOP people pal around with anti-Jewish white nationalists and spread antisemitic conspiracy theories. It comes from both sides.
If the Talib/Pressley/Omar/Cortez shoe fits, wear it.
AOC spoke out immediately, the others, nope.
We need to come together, not fight. There are fringe groups on both sides of the aisles.
Who said it is only Progressives? I mention them specifically because we live in one of the most Progressive neighborhoods in the country and quite a number of prominent Progressives are having trouble unequivocally condemning Hamas and anti-semitism. This is not Trump country, so I don’t know why I need to consider Trump supporting white nationalists in this particular instance. It is a problem in our backyard.
Hate is wrong and has no place in NYC or anywhere in the world, however this person will be arrested and charged with vandalism The person from the prior article who writes liberal anti 2nd amendment graffiti is praised as a hero even though they both write on property they don’t own with chalk.
It’s written in chalk, so not vandalism. The issue is the hate speech, not the fact that a political message is written in chalk. It is a hate crime to draw a swastika, especially in front of a Jewish location.
Actually, OPOD is correct. According to the law, a property owner “owns” the first three feet from the property line. After that, it is City property. And it IS illegal to deface City property, even with chalk.
It’s New York, who cares about graffiti? We have bigger problems in this city.
I guess the safety of Jews to you is not a problem.
Disgusting. Probably the work of teenagers, but they needed to be educated as to how serious it is to do such a thing.
This is so disgusting. The same insanity that took over Germany is happening now here in the US. Why and what for? We don’t see Jews chanting or painting kill their enemies anywhere.
Don’t kid yourself. Anti-semites walk amongst us all the time. They didn’t spontaneously reappear in the last couple of weeks. Stay vigilant, be strong, and act accordingly.
No, they didn’t. People seem to forget that this whole thing “started” (though it obviously goes back further) with the Charlottesville rally, and the White Supremacists chanting “Jews will not replace us.” That is when the newest “outbreak” of anti-Semitism began.
Judging by the medium (sidewalk chalk) and style of this drawing I am pretty sure this is the work of a local homeless crazy man. He also writes out long long long series of numbers on boulders in sidewalk chalk in Central Park very close to this. I pretty sure he has drawn stuff like this before, I feel like he is more delusional/crazy than malicious.