By Gus Saltonstall
For the last year, a small section at the far end of Pier i in Riverside has been closed and fenced off. The pier, near West 70th Street, is a popular spot for joggers, dog walkers, cafe goers, and people looking to take in sights of the Hudson River.
Last week, multiple people wrote to West Side Rag mentioning the lack of work going on within the fenced-off area.
It seems the fencing won’t last for much longer, though.
The New York City Department of Parks & Recreation told the Rag it is working on “replacing three light bollards that were uprooted by vandals” at Pier i, and the project is expected to be completed by the end of the fall.

UPDATE: November 9, 10:15 a.m.
A little over two weeks after West Side Rag wrote about the extended closure of the fenced off area at the end of Pier I, the fencing has been removed and the space is reopened with repairs.

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Such lack of accountability! Why was this area not fixed sooner!?
Thank you for the helpful update. So sad that our tax dollars are being wasted because some pranksters are getting their jollies by destroying things.
Thanks for this. Can you now please find out when the small diversion right by the entry to the clay tennis courts at roughly 100th St. and the river walkway will be fixed? Been there for well over a year now, and it is awfully dangerous as bikers swerve around it right where people leaving the courts are entering the walkway.
You’re kind calling it a small diversion! More like the latest Forever Wild…
The lights along the section of the Greenway south of the tennis courts, north of the Boat Basin, along the West Side Highway could use repair. 90% of the lights do not come on.
You think that’s gonna get fixed? The light poles on RIVERSIDE DRIVE from 110 down to 96 have multiple outages that’ve gone on all summer.
Broadway in the 110s-100s isn’t much better, FYI
OK . . . so what about the 79th Street boat basin? It’s been, what? 20 months? 22 months? And it doesn’t look as if one single thing has been done.
How about the stairway to the soccer field near 101st street? It seems like that was fenced in for almost 5 years.
This is fine reportage in and of itself, but, for me at least, it’s brought to the next level because I learned the word “bollard.”
Any updates on the Boat Basin dock house? Have they rethought the design and the location? What is the bigger picture of our beloved promenade? Please update.