By A. Campbell
My name is Cashew and I’m a three-year-old chihuahua, poodle, German Shepherd, super-mutt mix adopted by my parents from Hearts and Bones Rescue in March 2022. Hearts and Bones regularly rescues pups from shelters and other terrible situations in Texas and transports them to NYC to be fostered and adopted. For my part, I was discovered with my three puppies and countless other dogs in a hoarding situation before being transported to the city in search of a new life.

Upon our arrival, my puppies and I were lucky enough to be featured on an episode of The Drew Barrymore Show where my mom works as a producer. Before long, she was backstage taking and sending selfies of the two of us together to my dad and asking, “Don’t we look cute together?” He had to admit, we did indeed. And it was settled.

Adjusting to a new life with my parents took time. It was a difficult transition at first and I felt shy and overwhelmed by so many immediate changes – being separated from my puppies, new people, and an unfamiliar environment. For a few weeks, I would burrow under the couch and hide. With time, patience, and the unconditional love I felt from my parents, I slowly began to emerge from my cave and begin to embrace an exciting, colorful life on the Upper West Side. My parents even helped coordinate a Hearts and Bones Rescue family reunion for me and my three grown puppies last winter.

We live on W. 89th near the West Side Community Garden which has become my favorite place in the neighborhood. The garden’s annual Spring tulip festival is always a highlight but I find it such a peaceful place to visit throughout the year. Each day, we’ll stroll around the garden sniffing the blooms and saying hello to friends and neighbors. Later on, we’ll go for a long walk in Central Park and then perhaps swing by Little Creatures to pick up a new toy before heading home to relax and enjoy some cozy couch time.

After a rough start to my life, I am deeply grateful to everyone at Hearts and Bones Rescue who undertake such amazing work on behalf of needy dogs. As a Hearts and Bones alumna, my parents and I are delighted to be part of a warm, engaging, and supportive community. My folks say that adopting me and providing me with a second chance at life – complete with never-ending pampering and spoiling – has been one of the most fulfilling things they’ve ever done. For that, they give credit to the wonderful staff at Hearts and Bones Rescue for having made the adoption process seamless from start to finish.
Read all of our Pupper West Side interviews here!
If you think your pup deserves a shot at neighborhood fame, we encourage you to reach out to Audrey at pupperwestsideuws@gmail.com to be considered for a future profile on West Side Rag and follow your fellow Pupper West Sider’s adventures on Instagram at @pupper_west_side_uws
If readers are interested in becoming pet owners, we encourage you to consider adopting or volunteering to be a foster parent with one of the many shelters and nonprofits based in and around New York City. These include but aren’t limited to Muddy Paws Rescue; Animal Lighthouse Rescue; Animal Care Centers of NYC; NYC ASPCA; Humane Society of New York; Bideawee; Social Tees; Badass Brooklyn Animal Rescue and Animal Haven.
Aw Cashew, you’re so cute. And I love your name!
Classic New Yorker tale of coming to the city in search of a better life!
I know a Texas rescue and it is indeed a big change. I’m so glad Cashew was able to adjust and can now enjoy the city.
Be glad yougot out of Texas. About 120 degrees now. You are quite a mix!
Cashew, very cute and nutty name😉
Sounds like both you and your parents hit the jackpot. Wishing you a great life!
Hearts & Bones rescue is a fantastic organization. I volunteer and support them as I met one of the co-founders in Riverside Park with her rescues! Please support them or your favorite rescue organization as the shelters are now overwhelmed with animals and they need our help!
Cashew I love you!! ❤️ ❤️ So nice that you are settled in to a good home! I hope we meet one day. Good luck with your new family! Love
A big thank you to Cashew’s mom and dad for adopting this little cutie, and working
with her through the acclimation process! The family reunion must have been fun.
Cashew is adorable!! Loved your story!!
What a heartwarming story…I love Cashew…the nuts too. Also, loved the celebration of “gotcha day”…what clever (and loving) parents she has. Lastly, I heard mixed breed dogs called “All American” dogs (as the breed) in the agility/skills competition that’s run in conjunction with the Westminster Dog show…how cool.
I love Cashew and hope to meet him soon!