Officers handcuffed Dora Marchand on August 4. Photo by Richard Baron Penman.
By Lisa Kava
On Wednesday August 4th, shortly after noon, Dora Marchand, 29, a technology recruiter who had recently moved to NYC from San Francisco, left her Upper West Side rental apartment to walk her two dogs in Riverside Park. Later that afternoon, she found herself in a holding cell at the 20th Precinct, after being arrested by Parks Enforcement Patrol (PEP) officers for walking her dogs off-leash and not having identification on her. She was held in handcuffs for close to two hours in Riverside Park, she told West Side Rag.
A witness said he was alarmed by the incident. Richard Baron Penman, who was out for his daily exercise running laps around the 74th Street track, said “it was disturbing how they treated her like a dangerous criminal pulling her around by the handcuffs. It was so unnecessary.”
Marchand moved to the Upper West Side from San Francisco on July 28th. She and her partner had been working remotely and wanted to try living in a large East Coast city. They were drawn to NYC, she told West Side Rag in a phone interview.
In San Francisco, Marchand regularly walked her dogs without a leash. “They are used to sidewalks, they know when to stop, they wait at a stop sign.” Marchand was aware of the off-leash rules in Riverside Park but had seen dogs off-leash in the area anyway. “I knew my dogs weren’t supposed to be off-leash but I didn’t think I would be arrested for it,” she said.
On this particular day, Marchand left her apartment on Riverside Drive at 71st Street, without her phone, wallet, or the dogs’ leashes, she recalled. After letting the dogs play in the area by the 74th Street track, she was on her way home when she was approached by a Parks Enforcement Patrol officer, she said. “He called me over and said this isn’t allowed, you need to have dogs on the leash. I said I was sorry and that I was about to go home. I said I didn’t mean to cause any harm,” Marchand explained. The officer was about to let her go with a warning, according to Marchand, but suddenly another officer appeared from across the field asking for her name, address and birth date. “He wanted to write a ticket. I gave him my name and birthday but could not remember my address since we just moved. I offered to walk him over to the apartment I am renting to show him where I lived. I offered to go home and get my wallet but he said that isn’t how it works. He said I was under arrest for not giving out my address and put me in handcuffs.”
A video taken at the scene by Penman shows the officers with Marchand.
“It felt like he was a man having a power trip. There was no calming him down,” Marchand said. “I was in the handcuffs for two hours while the officers were figuring out what to do with my dogs since they could not be taken to the precinct.” Additional officers arrived on the scene with cages and shock sticks to try to coerce the dogs into the cages, Marchand said. Ultimately, a passerby used her cell phone to help Marchand contact her boyfriend, who came to pick up the dogs. “He brought my wallet which had my ID, but the 2nd officer said it was too late and they were just going to book me,” she said.
A spokesperson for the Parks Department wrote in an email to West Side Rag, “On August 4, Parks Enforcement Officers attempted to issue a summons to a female patron in Riverside Park for two unleashed dogs on the soccer field. When she could not produce identification, she was taken to the local precinct where her identification was verified.”
“This patron has not been compliant with officers after warnings in the past,” the spokesperson added. But Marchand says she never had any previous encounters with parks officers at all, having only moved to the city a week prior to the incident.
West Side Rag asked the spokesperson why handcuffs were used, and if there were any other offenses committed by Marchand.
“Unfortunately, in this incident, the patron refused to comply with the rules as stated by both PEP and signage on sight. The patron also became confrontational and did not cooperate when asked for identification information. For the safety and protection of our officers, handcuffs are standard when we are transporting anyone to the precinct in a shared vehicle.” But Marchand says she remained composed and complied completely with the officers throughout the ordeal.
Richard Baron Penman also said Marchand was calm and cooperated with the officers. “From what I saw she was very cooperative, didn’t say much and just stood there.” He witnessed Marchand in handcuffs for at least an hour while he was running laps, and thought the officers seemed aggressive. “I was there before the park police arrived when Dora’s dogs were playing in the fields. Then an officer called out to Dora while she was walking away. I think this made them angry and they went overboard trying to show their authority.”
“I talked to the officers. They weren’t apologetic,” he said. “They first said it’s none of my business and they don’t have to answer questions. But then a crowd started to form and they tried to explain themselves. They said since Dora didn’t have ID on her they needed to arrest her until they could prove her identity.”
Ultimately, after an hour in the holding cell, Dora Marchand was released with a fine of $200 for not complying with officers and $100 for having the dogs off-leash, she said. “I don’t want this on my record, and I don’t think I should have to pay for something that they put me through the wringer for.”
The spokesperson for the Parks Department did not respond to the Rag’s follow-up questions: why was Marchand placed in handcuffs for an extended period of time in the park prior to entering the vehicle; why was she still charged with not having ID after her boyfriend brought the ID; and do officers use devices to shock animals to get them into cages. West Side Rag also asked for a link to the rule stating that failure to carry identification in the park is grounds for arrest. The spokesperson did not respond.
How does Marchand feel about it all? “A bit powerless. I couldn’t sleep that night.”
She’s puzzled at the scale of the response. “Just thinking how at least 15 different people had to deal with me and not walking my dogs on a leash when there are literally murders and theft happening all the time in New York.”
Asked if she will take her dogs again to Riverside Park off-leash, Marchand replied “While I live here, I’ll take the dogs off-leash late at night. Or at least stay at the upper deck of the park where it seems socially alright. There are more serious crimes happening in NY than walking a dog off-leash. There was no reason for the situation to escalate this far.”
I am 100% for enforcing existing laws like these, but it amazes me—with all the obvious, more serious infractions everywhere we look—this is the one that lenforcement decided to pursue.
In recent weeks I’ve seen everything on the upper west side, from drugs being sold on the corner of 79th and Broadway, human excrement on the streets, numerous homeless people begging – sometimes aggressively.
And the police put a woman in handcuffs for having her dogs off leash? Is there more to this story or did the police in fact over react?
When fools collide, it’s a perfect storm. She’s above the law; they are beneath contempt.
The arresting officers are PEP not NYPD
I walk my dog in Riverside Park all the time, I’ve seen the Parks police on a number of occasions ask people to leash their animals, always *very* politely. I find it hard to believe this would have happened to Karen had she just said, “Certainly, officer,” and apologize by saying she’s new in town. As disturbed as the bystander claims to be, I posit that more people would be disturbed by untethered dogs running around and potentially defecating wherever it suits them.
Did you not read the article? And….. how rude you are…her name is not “KAREN” but your name is surely Mr. Pompous
Her name is Dora. What’s with the “Karen” remark?
I agree the rule should be enforced. She should have received a ticket, and I think a sizeable one. But we are not required to carry ID in the US, and being arrested for what is at most a misdemeanor, and treated rudely (witnesses said she was cooperative) is unreasonable.
For a ticket to have been issued an address and ID needed to be supplied.
If you break any law including jaywalking and don’t have ID they’re most likely going to take you in until they can confirm your identity. The alternative is taking your word for it, and there are a lot of people who would lie and give a fake name. Carry ID if you’re going to break the rules.
I care about this happening to her…and I’m concerned about your callous response. I find your response very disturbing. You sir are not to be relied on or trusted to be compassionate or human.
Does every white woman in the news now have to be referred to as a “Karen”? So tired of this being overused and used where it doesn’t apply. Her story matches with the witness. And the spokesperson’s comments don’t jive with her history (ie new move, lack of priors)… so why the disbelief?
Personally, I’m tired of dogs being off-leash when they’re not supposed to be. As someone with a toddler, it’s super frustrating to constantly be on high alert the whereabouts of others’ dogs. People may think their dogs are safe, but there’s no way parents can know for sure. This does seem to be quite an overreaction on the part of the officers. All for them enforcing the rules, but not so harshly!
Not everyone is a “Karen” jack a$$. Witnesses corroborate her story. The video shows her being very peaceful. If you find it hard to believe that officers would be on a power trip and escalate a situation unnecessarily then you are not paying attention to what’s going on in the world
It’s crazy that they’ll arrest her for having dogs off-leash, but I’m constantly tripping over little children while their parents are staring at their phones.
If thing should be on a leash, it should be children.
Yeah, the spokesperson’s suggestion that she had prior contact with the park police when that was all but impossible makes me think the second officer who bounded over angrily must have mistook her for someone else — and of course a police officer cannot admit to being wrong under any circumstances, so what choice did he have but to brutally arrest her to protect his ego?
Many people complain about unleashed dogs and it’s the responsibility of Parks officers to correct the problem. She has been in town for a week and that’s at lest 14 walks for her dogs. Why would anyone say it’s all but impossible to have been previously warned by an officer. In light of the fact that she said she will continue to walk them off leash but in a different part of the park I would not be surprised if that second officer had issued a warning. It’s distressing to witness anyone being arrested. I think she is 100% responsible for her discomfort and I suspect it will happen again to her.
oh for goodness sakes – with the huge quality of life issues we have in the parks on a daily basis – scooter and mopeds s at 40 mph – parks department just sit and watch – and they decide to handcuff someone for dog of the leash. Was said dog causing imminent danger running around wildly? Just give the woman a ticket. Sounds like a macho man play to me – especially when they cannot site any laws or procedures for the arrest to the press? I walk around all the time – and run – with no ID – am I in danger of ending up in handcuffs?
angry and brutal. hmm… over dog owners acting as scollflaws.
was there violence? disobedience? resisting arrest? were you terrified?
sounds more like your flavoured opinions.
“Must have MISTOOK HER”? What language is that?
I don’t like that they did that. Haven’t we experienced enough fear this year without Parks Department staff bullying people who aren’t a threat? When two strong, young men treat a non-belligerant woman that way, I can’t help thinking they’re getting off on the power trip. What they did was way out of proportion in that situation, almost like they just wanted an excuse to use the handcuffs and didn’t care if it was a good one. (Handcuffs! Why???)
That said, I do think she deserved a big fine. Dogs can be unpredictable and there are small children in the park. That story that commenter Wallenweller told about the pitbull mix coming up behind his wife and biting her was scary. There are good reasons for these leash laws.
Mistook is English. Look it up. (Preferably before the snarky post next time).
Ha ha ha!!!
No, actually we do really care more about cops arbitrarily arresting people than we do about off-leash dogs!
HUMM, after being attacked by a dog, I am far more concerned with dogs off lease than I am with anything else in this situation. The cops making an arrest b/c they could not verify her address makes sense, so too with the time she was handcuffed, they didn’t know how to deal with the dogs safely, hence the wait.
Wrong. We care about off leash dogs in riverside park Between 72nd and 79 at any hour. You might not know but this is the only sliver of park that is 24 hours no dogs off leash. It’s clearly posted.
Do you have a hard time with the idea that you might care about one thing, but yet care about another, more serious, issue more?
I’m with you, Sarah. This story reads like a HUGE overreaction by the police.
In NY, there is no requirement to carry identification. However, if you are arrested or being written a summons and refuse to identify yourself to an officer (this does NOT require an ID card), you may be detained until your identity can be verified. I don’t know if “identify” in this sentence includes the address, so I don’t know if the cops were technically within the letter of the law until her boyfriend arrived with her ID. Once he did, though, they were exceeding their authority.
Even if they were, though, what spectacularly bad judgment. Sure, write her a ticket if you want (yes, yes, her dog shouldn’t have been off-leash in an onleash area, can we not have that argument), but the waste of resources for NOTHING in arresting her. This is a cop having a bad day and taking it out on whoever he thinks it’s safe to. If the cops want the support of the community, they need to stop acting like toddlers. And then not to out and out lie about her alleged prior encounters with the cops! How hard is it not to lie about this kind of thing, and why can’t we expect that from cops?
Exactly right.
Marchand will continue to walk the dogs off-leash because she is above the law. When women got the right to vote, it apparently gave them the right to do whatever else they want, all in the name of being a woman. Women’s rights, right on! Following the law is for other people.
Steven Stern has unresolved issues. WSR is probably not the best forum to work those out.
I know you’re going for laughs here, but many won’t think it’s parody.
huh? how was this incident extrapolated to all women?
Often see these types of comments from men after they ask a woman out for a date and get turned down flattly. Kind of an attempt to get their dignity back.
Utter misogyny.
“When women got the right to vote”….wtheck is wrong with you?
Really, Steve? Of all the ways to respond to this incident, you chose blatant misogyny bordering on “Handmaid’s Tale”-level fascism? I hope I never run into you on the Upper West Side.
Steven Stern is an ass – what you think only women break laws? Grow up you chauvinistic pig!
How come when I use the term ass West Side Rag does not publish my remark.The rest of my remark is innocuous.
Is this an example of reverse discrimination against males.
That’s so funny! I wasn’t expecting comedy when I started reading these comments. Nice one! Thanks for the laugh!
I agree, Veronica; I literally laughed aloud, disbelieving that this mentality still existed in NYC. I also find it hard to believe that anyone would advertise such misogynist pride by posting such a comment.
Your comment is beyond ridiculous.
Steven Stern, misogynist much? When women got the right to vote?? How old are you that you even consider that any kind of argument?
Men commit crimes at a higher rate than women across the board. I guess it’s because they’ve had the right to vote longer, if I’m following your logic.
If the Parks Department came to Central Park and enforced 1) cycling on the pathways and 2) dogs off leash between 9am and 9pm, they would not only be making the park safer but would also cover their budget. Please please please come to Central Park.
Question: since when is it illegal to not carry your ID. Did we suddenly become Russia?
Might be a bit overkill, but hopefully a warning to all the owners letting their dogs run around unleashed. Some people are afraid of dogs. I’m not generally but it can still be quite scary when they run toward you barking and you don’t know if they’re going to attack. And then you don’t even get an apology. Happens way too often.
I agree that the leash law should be enforced. It’s a question of how.
And it’s dangerous for the dogs!!!!
Would agree with Halcyon.
Seems a little petty. I think they would better spend their time going after a the motor scooters/cycles I see when riding my bike.
Why didn’t she leash her dogs immediately upon being confronted by the officers? Sounds like she thinks it’s a stupid law and therefore doesn’t have to follow it. No sympathy for this chick.
Totally agree with David: now more than ever, it’s dangerous to just walk on the pedestrian-only or shared walkways due to all the fast-moving motorized scooters and bikes~ wouldn’t it be great if the officers enforced those safety measures before someone else gets seriously hurt in Riverside Park?
Totally agree. Dogs off leash should be enforced, but those motorized vehicles on the bike paths are typically more dangerous and will eventually lead to injuries and possible casualties unless park “police” start cracking down on them. Just treat people with respect and patience.
Dogs off leash is against the law and the owner should be written a ticket and fined. Period. But how can you write a ticket to a person without ID. I am terrified of dogs off leash because 1. I was bitten as a child by one 2. I have a dog who is always leashed and it can be attacked and I would be helpless to protect him.
It is irresponsible and selfish, and many people do this.
I had a dog that was really great with people but not with other dogs because he had been abused and trained to fight. Our ONLY issue walking him in the city were dogs off leash coming up to him. The threat to other dogs was completely contained by our lashing of him, and we would just tell other owners that he couldn’t play because he wasnt good with other dogs. But if a dog is off leash, the other owner has no real control over their dog, and that is extremely unsafe. And if my dog would have potentially killed theirs, they would have blamed me. Even though my dog was on a six foot leash that I would shorten to a foot and half when approaching another dog.
I’ll shake things up. Look at the picture. You realize if the races of the cops doing the arresting and the arrestee were reversed, there’d be riots in the streets of NYC and other big cities and it would be leading every newscast and on the front page of every paper about “racist cops” , white supremacy, etc. No doubt.
One possible explanation is that these officers were simply treating this woman the way they are used to being treated.
Misogyny existed before racism did.
Unprovable and silly. Samuel Johnson: “Sir, there is no settling the point of precedency between a louse and a flea.”
Misogyny predates racism? Evidence?
Two weeks ago, in Riverside Park, around
79th street, at 3:30pm, two men were defecating on the walk way, while a
few other people were around.
A few minutes later, I saw a park policeman, stopped him and told him what I saw.
He said that there’s nothing he can do
about this.
So – a woman walking her dogs without a leash
gets hand cuffed and hauled to the station, fined a total of $300, yet, two men defecating on the walk way is something the cops can’t do a thing about.
Welcome to New York city.
What a place!
the woman was easy fodder for a ticket – unlikely to cause a fight and unlikely to cause a riot – except in the WSR
These aren’t police officers, they’re Parks Enforcement Patrol. They have a thing out for off-leash dog walkers. I’ve seen them detain and terrorize others in this same way. Sure, write a ticket, but why the drama?
On a related note, Riverside Park has become dirty and poorly maintained over the last couple of years. I know NYC’s parks budget is tight, but maybe we should shift some of it from the dog-walking Stasi to some cleanup efforts.
While this does seem excessive, the argument that this adult women does not remember her address is an issue. In addition, if she was allowed to go home, what are the chances she would return, and what would happen to her dogs? There are signs in all the parks about when/if dogs are allowed off leash, and if her dog is the one pictured, she would have no safe way to bring it home without a leash. Leash laws are in place for safety, and also because many owners do not have full control over there dogs. If this woman’s dog had bitten someone, everyone would be complaining that there were no officers there to arrest her!
She just moved, so perhaps she didn’t remember the full address at the time, especially if flustered. Also, they could have walked her home. Be logical.
Seriously? As much as I detest dog walkers who feel like letting their dogs run wild in the park, the one officer who was going to let her off with a warning was doing the right thing.
The other one decided to play “real cop” for the day. Jerk of a move on his part.
This kind of park enforcement is long overdue. I live near a designated “passive” lawn in the park at 91st (no dogs or active sports). On any early morning this area looks like a dog run. All the dogs are unleashed and out of control. Let’s restore the park rules and also enforce them.
I would actually like it a lot if they were similarly vigorous about enforcing the rules telling people Thanks stay off the lawns when the lawns are “resting”. It irks me to see people in those closed off lawns, as though the entire effort of the park is to permit those specific individuals to lie on the grass when they feel like it, even if it happens to be during the renewal period for that piece of lawn. But I’d want tickets, not full-blown arrest.
Early morning (before 9am) dogs are allowed off leash in most of Riverside park, so your complaint isn’t relevant to this issue. Those dog owners are likely not breaking the rules.
I agree with ticketing dog owners that keep them unleashed. I leash my dog. And if you don’t have ID for ticketing, that is unfortunate. The handcuffs and detention were agressive though. Did you catch. her response was not, “I will leash my dogs,” but “I will find a place and time I won’t get caught going forward.” You could buy several leashes for $300.
I too wish they would spend more time on illegal scooter/motor cycles on the sidewalks.
What is happening in NYC? I wasn’t aware that one had to carry an ID with them when out for a walk! And handcuffing a person because they were walking their dogs off the lead? What a police state the city has become. Frightening. Glad I no longer live in the city.
There are much more serious things going on in this city than this.
But PLEASE- follow the leash rules, don’t put yourself and your pups in danger. She didn’t even bring a leash??
I don’t understand how a grown, professional woman goes out with no phone, no ID, no leash and can’t remember her address.
But again- they should have walked her home to get her ID. Arresting her is barbaric.
I agree. Her story does not add up.
No leash with her either? And not remembering her new address?
When you move to a new place, wouldn’t you want to be especially conscientious of the basic rules and… your new address?
To answer others, sure, you can walk around without an ID, but then you better remember and be honest with the information in that ID, or face consequences such as this.
This is an example of excessive force by the Park Police. To arrest this woman is gross incompetence.
Hypothetical question: If she were hit by a car or mugged without ID, what would have been the consequences? Our tax dollars would be spent sorting her stuff out. Sorry. No sympathy party here.
She needs to learn how to act as a responsible adult.
I hope you never accidentally forget your wallet, or choose to run an errand without it. Perhaps exercising more sympathy for others would help everyone.
What a complete waste of taxpayer dollars. The Parks Department should be mortified! How about you deal with use of drugs throughout the park and all of the motorcycles that ride through Riverside endangering children and other pedestrians?! Get your priorities straight!
in defense of the lady she shouldve had a leash for the dogs to put them on when 2 toy cops came around ….in defense of the “toy cops” there is none. I wonder what would’ve happen if several “youngsters” were sitting on a park bench smoking pot drinking and loud music, most likely they went the other way
“I knew my dogs weren’t supposed to be off-leash but I didn’t think I would be arrested for it.”
Well, now you know.
Ridiculous, cops won’t stop a driver for no blinkers or running lights, bikes running lights, motorcycles going the wrong way or a multitude of other serious infractions but let’s arrest a woman for no leash. Ridiculous
1) The off leash laws need to be posted at the entrance to the park. They are nowhere to be seen.
2) Handcuffing someone and bringing her to the Precint is incredible overkill, especially when bikers, and now, motor bikes are speeding through the park turning a walk in Riverside Park into a stroll on the westside highway. have never seen a bicyclist or a motor bike rider stopped. When I mentioned this to one of the park attendants, he looked at me and said: “I’m gonna risk my life.” So instead they go after dog owners. Why does Riverside Park not have the same of leash rules as Central Park (9am to 9pm) where at least one never feels threatened by entitled cyclists who give you the bird when you complain about their unchecked speed.
The signs are everywhere in the park.
They are clearly posted at the park entrances. You might have missed them as a dog owner I have always kept my dog on a leash. There are always folks IE self-appointed community leaders that have a fit when they see a dog of leash and will call parks on them. The best ones I love are those biking on pedestrian paths or the promenade that yell the most about dogs in general.
Bikes are allowed on the promenade. So yeah, an off leash dog can be very dangerous to someone riding a bike. And this can also be very dangerous for the dog as well.
The boldness of Ms Marchand. After all this, she’s quoted in the final paragraph saying that she’ll keep bringing her dogs to the park off leash. Why in the world don’t people think the laws apply to them?
She said late at night. There are areas where dogs can be off leash after 9. Perhaps that is what she meant.
You can blame all of our neighbors that thought they could play games with NYPD/Park Police. For years people gave phony names like Gretta Garbo to them when they gave out tickets. If you can produce ID when asked to you can be held at the precinct until your ID is cfm. This law has been tested many times and found to be constitutional by SCOTUS. This woman was not “arrested” as she claimed, she was detained. This is a big difference and does not create an arrest record in the system.
Her boyfriend brought her ID before she was taken to the station.
Stupidest thing I have seen so far, those cops were out of control, we here in Manhattan are much nicer than this and the cops could have walked with her to her new place and not scare the hell out of her… I bet she moves out of NY soon which would be our loss
This story reads like–and I believe the eye witness and the victim–like an ENORMOUS overreaction by the police.
I think the cops here should be penalized. I mean, I get writing her a ticket, but handcuffing her and using shock sticks for the dogs.If I were this victim, I would sue the cops for this. Cause this is WAY over the top.
Good. You people and your dogs are a plague of entitlement and low spatial awareness on this neighborhood.
Ms. Marchand knew the rules and chose to break them. If she gets a pass, everyone should. Then no one will have their dog on a leash. She could have just used one of those illegal expandable leashes that stretch beyond the 6 foot limit. Everyone gets away with that.
She mentions that she will keep walking her dog where it is socially acceptable, pls be advised that the fines go up sharply for 2nd, 3rd etc offenses.
Believe it or not its actually against NYS law to dispose of dog poop in a public trash can, your supposed to take it home, I guess?!!?
All of my sympathy is for the officers, who have the unpleasant job of enforcing rules that are frequently and flagrantly broken by people who are often dismissive at best and aggressive not infrequently.
None of my sympathy is for the woman, who knew the rules and cared so little that she didn’t even have leashes on her. She didn’t mean any harm? Drunk drivers don’t mean any harm either. Dogs off leash can and do harm – that’s why we have these rules! I know, because several years ago I broke my collar bone trying to avoid hitting an off-leash dog that ran across the road to the surprise of its owner.
That dog owner was very apologetic. I don’t see any sign this woman is. Pointing the finger every where else but herself. I’m not saying she’s a bad person. Her behavior, though, IS.
Jaywalking is illegal, but not enforced. Should the police start handcuffing jaywalkers?
I must say that leaving the house without ID is one thing, but leaving with two dogs and zero leashes is a whole other thing. I don’t see a male power trip here, I see a whole lot of stupid everywhere.
How does one leave an apartment with NO leashes? So strange.
Outrageous. A fine, yes. Handcuffs and jail in this case are an abuse of power and the officers should be re-trained.
What a joke. Those officers should be fired. No ifs, ands, or buts. Common sense must play a roll in their enforcement. What a complete waste of resources. I wish I could say what’s really on my mind about this, but I’m sure it would be moderated.
Ish: You’re probably right. I think I was “moderated” because my final statement said that she probably wasn’t carrying poop bags either. As for “buts,” she was probably smoking and flinging butts. Sounds like she was “cool like that.”
And yes, I disagree with you. Love your name, though.
The hubris of Ms Marchand saying she plans to continue walking her dogs off leash after all this makes it easy to believe the officers when they say she was confrontational and uncooperative. She has decided the leash laws don’t apply to her.
I was outraged by this. Then I got to the last paragraph: “Asked if she will take her dogs again to Riverside Park off-leash, Marchand replied “While I live here, I’ll take the dogs off-leash late at night…” and I have to believe with that continued insistence on defying the rules there must be a bit more to this story. But…with all the dangerous situations currently going on around us, this seems like total BS and a waste of taxpayer dollars.
Why? Dogs can be off-leash in certain areas after 9pm.
What phenomenally poor judgment on the part of the police, for all the reasons that have been stated here. Power trip indeed!
And so I was completely on the side of Ms. Marchand until I got to the part where she said that she would continue to take the dogs off-leash. I hope they catch her again and that the fines increase for successive offenses. What chutzpah.
Why would ANY responsible dog owner leave their apartment in NYC with two dogs and NO LEASH…even as a back up? Good dog owners, and good neighbors, don’t do that. So that makes everything else about her sob story suspicious.
She was in the wrong, and her determination to continue to flout the rules is outrageous. And yeah, what about the blatant thugs on motorized two-wheelers?
But I have learned from bad encounters reported by this site and other local news to carry my ID, which I also used to not do for a harmless stroll or outdoor activity nearby. We live in a police state and also have high crime. This is really unacceptable for what in many other ways is such a great city. Do we need to defund PEP now?
Outrageous. Little boys playing cops. They should be ashamed of themselves. And lying as all cops do to justify their actions
Seems like somebody with no boundaries using their power to take out a personal issue on an unrelated individual.
So just put the dogs on leashes. The fact that the copes over-reacted doesn’t make it right. I am concerned that she plans to do it again, in another part of the park. It is illegal to walk a dog without a leash anywhere in New York city except in specifically designated locations. If you don’t like that run for city council.
Just leash your dogs, please!!!! For the safety of all…dogs, people, squirrels, birds, whatever.
Today on my commute to/from work I saw three people jump the subway turnstile.
There are real crimes out there that the NYPD should be attending to. This was police overkill by two power hungry clowns and this woman should get a good lawyer to sue the NYPD.
Her sense of entitlement is more of a violation than
jumping turnstiles. If you need it to be explained, I’ll come back later.
She has no “sense of entitlement”. She’s a woman new to the city and she is unfamiliar with local laws and norms. She is not a danger to anyone.
And yes, hopping a subway turnstile is a quality of life problem that impacts us all.
I feel sorry for this lady but the fact is she needs to learn to follow the rules.
Seems the police response was excessive. But, really, what was this woman thinking? Let the abuse with no money,, no id, no leash. On a walk through Riverside via NYC STREET? I’m a dog owner. That irresponsible. Welcome to NYC. Check your SF anarchy at LGA.
I was with my dog in a fenced area in Roosevelt park. My dog was off leash and in an area marked no dogs. Two female park dept officers approached me, asked for ID and gave me a summons and I was free to go. What happened to this woman is inexcusable. What a way to welcome a newcomer to the city.
Just appalling! What an outrageous abuse of power. I hope these men lose their jobs or at the very least will be suspended without pay for an extended period of time.