The weekly ritual of alternate side parking appears to have gotten even more tense. Jason Haber said he saw two angry disputes break out on 74th Street during street-sweeping on Thursday. They were just 30 feet apart and occurred at about the same time, he told us.
“The street sweep came thru so the cars had to move. And when they moved back the cars were jostling for position,” he wrote. “And that’s when hell broke loose. I couldn’t believe what I was watching, two fights at once!”
It’s prison rules when it comes to alt-side street parking on the #uws
— Jason Haber (@jasonhaber) November 12, 2020
It’s prison rules, part 2, for alt-side street parking on the #uws. Since this resulted in an actual fist fight, the police were called.
— Jason Haber (@jasonhaber) November 12, 2020
Haber called it “the rumble in the urban jungle.”
In the second incident he videotaped, police were called. “The police did come by and all was peacefully resolved,” Haber wrote.
Parking has gotten more difficult in recent months, as more New Yorkers buy cars. To help restaurants survive Covid, some spots have been taken up for seating.
NYC street parking should be by permit, at a modest cost. This would free up street parking and make it easier for residents to find spots.
NYC has plenty of garages. Visitors, local workers and others can park in those. True, the garages may lose some overnight/monthly customers, but they are mostly owned by large corporations who have deep pockets to live through lower profits. Many of the remaining garages in NYC cannot be converted into much else anyways.
Not only should there be a resident parking permit. There should also be a limit on vehicles per household. To reduce the burden of some many cars in NYC.
I agree we should have parking permits for residents only. I’m tired of having spots taken up by NJ and CT cars. I pay a lot in city taxes and they pay none. Why should they get to park for free on our city streets, especially now that street parking is so limited?
Many of those with NJ or CT license plates actually work here or own businesses here. You can’t fault someone from CT driving to the UWS if taking MNR would be a 3 or 4 seat trip. You can’t fault someone from NJ driving to the UWS because NJT is so badly and incompetently run.
My wife has lived and worked And paid NY State & City taxes since 1982. I now live in CT. We have one car and almost always use the train. On rare occasions I drive in to deliver or pickup things and park for a few nights. So…don’t be so sure that someone with CT plates doesn’t pay NY taxes.
There is an obvious problem with the suggestion to make parking for residents only “at a modest cost.” If there was easily available parking at a modest cost, many more people would own cars. On my block, there are about 50 on street parking spots, but there are well over 200 apartments.
There will never be enough space on the UWS for everyone who wants a car to have one. So we either allocate the limited number of spaces we have by making people wait or by charging a higher price. You will never have both cheap and easy parking in NYC – there just isn’t the space.
You’re right about permits. I agree. The rest? Not so much.
If on-street parking is going to persist, it should be at market rate, not ‘modest cost’.
Pricing could even be variable, based on real-time demand.
Co-ops and condo buildings could be offered the opportunity to buy the street area along their buildings’ frontage, and rent the space for service vehicle parking–delivery vehicles, moving contractors, construction, utility, etc. They could also offer parking spaces to building staff as a benefit of employment. Or they could rent the space for private individual parking at market rate.
In any event, NYC should stop subsidizing private car ownership, and let the market rule.
If you don’t move your car it is $65 a week now or $130 normally. That’s about market rate.
Garage parking is almost double that. That is the market rate. There is no need to give away public resources for free.
Subsidizing car storage is subsidizing the transit service the MTA and other agencies like NJT are unable to provide or unwilling to provide. Making it more difficult to access the UWS will make it harder for small business owners to survive, some of which work long shifts and leave and arrive at odd hours and drive here because of that.
Is this Ayn Rand?
Obviously the issue is all the utility crews that come in every weekday morning in vans – ISPs, construction, HVAC, plumbing, painters. That’s why the weekends are so much better.
But what’s the solution? We need these services. When your internet is down you are not going too be mad Verizon has a van out front.
I’m in favor of resident-only permit parking, but I doubt a moderate fee is going to make it easier to find a spot in residential areas like the UWS. I’m not even sure a fee is necessary – just proof of primary residence and a non-transferable permit. If there are still too many residents’ cars vs. available parking spaces (permit or not), then maybe a fee structure will be necessary. It gets down to the question of whether anyone (resident or not) should have the right to use the street to park a vehicle for free.
I can’t help but wonder how you feel about small business owners using parking spots. If those precious spots were for residents only, and the only way the business owner can come in to NYC is by car, would they also be given permits to park?
If it’s strictly a matter of commuting, you could argue that anyone commuting into the city should not have the right to park in a residential area for free. On the other hand, since a “small” business owner is supporting the neighborhood, you could make an accommodation. But I would think as a matter of policy we’d want to discourage non-residents from parking all day on residential side streets.
@ Jimmy Forster; Exactly. The transit system is designed to get people into and out of the business and financial district.
If you’re going (or coming from) elsewhere it’s just a matter of luck, from the UWS to Riverdale or BAM? Yes. From the UWS to Einstein Medical School or Bayside? Better get a car.
And there’s nothing wrong with this and there’s no reason to criticize those who do.
Lol @ Jay. How much more time than driving or how much more of a hassle should people face if they’re forced to use public transit? There are parts of the tri-state area that have very limited options outside of rush hour. Or multiple transfers. It’s very easy to say what Jay is saying when you live on the UWS, but not if you live outside Manhattan.
You can easily access the UWS by transit from anywhere. We have the best transportation system in the US, by far. Not that it doesn’t have some faults, but you can get almost anywhere in the tri-state area without a car. It may take more time than driving, but if you are complaining about the lack of free parking, then you don’t have a lot to complain about.
If you have to drive a car you have to pay to park it, just like insurance and gas.
I guess just because the UWS has the 1/2/3 and B/C, people assume that everyone can easily access the UWS on transit. These subway lines are great if you’re coming from Brooklyn, but if you come from other areas whether it’s the suburbs or NYC transit deserts like eastern Queens, getting to the UWS can easily become a 3 or 4 seat ride. NJT and LIRR aren’t great at providing adequate service. Not to mention the fact that in the pre-corona area, I had numerous experiences where I couldn’t even have room to board a 2 train towards the UWS at 5:30 am or 6 am.
We have this thing called the MTA; it makes needing a car completely unnecessary on most occasions.
Not for the disabled! Those stairs represent a formidable obstacle!
Thank you for including “on most occasions,” such as perhaps, for those of us who need their cars to commute to daily teaching jobs twenty miles out of the city. Public transportation would take two and a half hours each way.
Truly, “on most occasions” was genuinely appreciated!!
Or to walk their dogs on the sidewalks “for free.” Or to walk to school on the sidewalks “for free.” Or to ride or park their bicycles on the streets and sidewalks “for free.” All this “valuable public space” being taken…for free!
One of the issues that a permit system would resolve in people keeping cars registered in other states while living in NYC and avoiding NYC taxes by assuming residency elsewhere. At least this will take away one indicia of residency : car registration. At least 10% of cars on the street are registered in other states and of those that bear NY plates, many might be registered to other counties where people have 2nd homes.
Residency has nothing to do with where one registers their car. It depends on how many days one spends in NY. Registering a car affects only one’s insurance rates. But falsifying where one lives most of the year can be a basis for insurance fraud and an insurance policy being retroactively revoked after a claim.
I am not against a permit system. I believe that any permit system must allow employees who work on the UWS to get a parking permit as well. The 1/2/3 trains may run decently, but that doesn’t mean that NJT, LIRR or commuter buses are well run. In fact parking at LIRR and MNR stations can be more competitive than UWS street parking. Curbside parking is the relief valve that provides transportation the MTA and others are unwilling to provide or don’t have the resources to provide.
Renee, If you are working in NYC, you are paying income taxes here. Car licence and registration taxes are not going to make a material difference.
Renee, I have a weekend home in NJ and leave a car there. In NYC, once you own a place in the City you pay NYC taxes and NYS taxes regardless of the amount of time actually spent there. I pay no NJ taxes other than property taxes.
This is a comment I expect a teenager or socialist to write. It’s none of your business to tell any business owner that because they do well enough or have enough, they should accept lower profits. It’s their business and investment, not yours. Are you pledging to help them out financially when things turn sour and their businesses fizzle?
I was pointing out the garages will be able to continue staying in business by serving visitors and workers, albeit at potentially lower profits.
A socialist would prefer that parking garage employees share in the decisions (and profits) of the garage. Or maybe a socialist/nationalist would prefer the government take over the garage. Neither of those are relevant to my point.
You’re right. And they should move that “good hearted” person into the Lucerne.
What a neighborly reply. You’re swell, Boris.
Keep perpetuating the snowflake concept. I have zero tolerance for people who throw around the term ‘large corporation’ as if they’re evil and need to change their profit-oriented behavior. All the idealists like to use corporations as a pinata when those businesses do well but they would never step up to the plate to retract those comments when things go south. We hear the same type of drivel re: landlords. How are landlords (and the RE market in general) doing now? I don’t expect that the poster even understands the complexities of running a business, particularly a parking garage. It’s just sophomoric babbling.
Clearly a Capitalist trolling about! From one Boris to another!
Good news – CBS Radio News reports that NYC Traffic Commissioner, Polly Trottenberg is leaving.
Bad news – she’s joining the Biden Harris Transition Team as a National Transportation consultant
Polly would add a bike lane in the Holland tunnel if she could. Remember those pics of the catwalks in the tunnel, maybe cyclists could use those
Well that wasn’t too exciting….it went to be very happy 😃 to be “oh no“‼️
Does that mean that every city, town and village in the United States will have BikeLanes ❓
I just keep thinking of the episode of Seinfeld with the head first vs back in argument…
One of the rare episodes I had watched (no TV). Next day I saw a real scene of head first/back in happening. Watch for awhile, didn’t see finale. Surreal.
Ted, those are the “Karen‘s” that should be allowed driving. I’ve seen a few of them here on the west side and my guess was always right “New Jersey plates“.
That was so funny! 🤩
This is nothing new this has been going on since alternate side parking started back in the late 60s on the UWS. You always get a few “Karen men or Karen women“ as fast as it develops-as fast as it disappears. People are more impatient and on edge in the new normal with the coronavirus. Yes, Somebody’s calls the police and it all stops. People should just be a little understanding and don’t bother the police, because no one wins.
It is a lot worse now. Parking spots are harder to come by and people are more stressed about getting their parking spots. I had a couple tense interactions with other parkers recently. I’ve been parking on these streets for years and rarely had any unpleasant exchanges before.
This is happening because people can leave their cars on the street for once a week alternate side parking. Bringing back 2 times a week alternate side parking or raising the fines considerably would help deter some of the effects of the loss of parking from outdoor dining and the CPW bike lane.
Enough with the “Karen”. Don’t think that putting it front of the word “man” makes it any better. It’s still a misogynistic slur.
Actually, it’s universal shorthand for a loud, aggressive, meddlesome and annoying person who runs around making up arbitrary “rules” — like “‘Karen’ is mysoginistic.”
That’s false. A “Karen” is a white woman, typically middle-aged, who uses her privilege to her advantage. Go ahead and Google it. It’s meant to be pejorative and is sexist. There isn’t a male equivalent, which further evidences the sexism.
Maybe it has something to do with all the parking spaces that were eliminated to make a bike lane for the city’s beloved bicyclists? Seems egregious not to mention that and to say it is caused by so many more New Yorkers buying cars.
Absolutely! in the 80s we have lost literally hundreds of spots to the bike lanes and Citibike parking areas–and all up CPW!
This has become a total and complete nightmare. I live on
W. 87 Street, where we have lost spots to Citi bikes and already have employees from the nursing home parking on the block. My brother regularly spends three hours a night driving around trying to find a space. He is on dialysiis but has not qualified for a parking permit. I am afraid he will fall asleep in the car and crash. Another friend works until 10 and gets back from Brooklyn around 11pm. He needs to go back go work around 11, but frequently can only get a spot in the 7am area. So he has to leave for work, exhausted, hours before he needs to go. Please, someone, STOP the madness! And I would argue the weekends, especially Sundays, are NOT better than week days. Certainly not on W. 87th Street.
Chris take your brother to the DOT on Thomson Ave in Long Island City ( assuming they’re open ) and they can expedite handicap placards
Crain’s estimated last year that NYC & NYS lose about $100 million annually to resident NYers who register their cars elsewhere. Lost funds include uncollected sales taxes, registration fees, auto use fees, etc. Now, more than ever, we need resident only parking-in effect Mon-Fri from 8am-6pm so as not to impact restaurants and future shows,etc. Many other cities have such rules, incl. Boston, Wash DC, Jersey City, Phila., etc.
Permits only for locally registered cars.
Any permit program must include those that work in the UWS.
CPW lost 400 spots and cyclists are still riding in the middle of the street and going through red lights. They should’ve made a bike lane with an actual cement divider like Columbus and Amsterdam.
Let’s not forget that the damned bike lanes and citibike vending machines have stolen a great many oarking spaces.
There is an obvious, legal, inexpensive & valuable solution to this dangerous, costly, wasteful, inefficient & , ridiculous problem: and all Community Board 7 would have to do: is ASK!!! My creative husband, Tom Holmes…
Basic laws of supply/demand dictate that when a valuable good or service is free (in this case parking), demand will exceed supply. Unless and until NYC charges market rate (at which supply = demand) for parking, spots will be allocated by other means including: 1) to those who spend hours sitting in their cars waiting for spots to become legal, 2) to those who drive around our neighborhood waiting for a spot to open (causing congestion and polluting our neighborhood), 3) to those who pay their doorman or someone else to move their car, and/or 4) to those who muscle their way in front of groups 1, 2 and 3.
Meanwhile, our cash-strapped city is leaving millions (hundreds of millions or more?) on the table with a policy that also encourages more people to drive into the neighborhood rather than using public transportation. (I understand there are COVID concerns but this policy has been in place for decades.)
These are my views and not those of CB7, although CB7 has passed a resolution requesting that the City: (1) assess current policy regarding parking and curbside usage, (2) advise CB7 as to whether there are policies that could provide greater benefit to the community, improve traffic flow and promote safer streets, including, but not limited to, paid residential parking permits, metering with surge capability and strategies learned from studying the practices of other major cities.
I supported the resolution because of the basic principle of supply/demand. These fights further reinforce the need for evaluating the current parking policy, which clearly doesn’t work.
I am a NYC resident with a car and would happily support a $200/year residential parking permit. Street parking should only be for residents with NY plates, just like they do at the Jersey Shore or any town with a LIRR/Metro North station.
Parking at LIRR and Metro North stations can be more competitive than UWS street parking.
WSR approved the above comment on its merit despite its length.
Is this because the WSR supports organizing our neighborhood by the economics of supply and demand?
Are we economic units or something more?
Not only restaurant. But outside learning. Have taken up parking SD pots also. I live in Bushwick and I have 2 schools side by side. Now dot came and change parking regulations overnight. No parking from 7 to 4 pm . But mean while here come the teachers and Park in the spot . the hell with the residents.
It definitely should be parking permits for residents only throughout the five boroughs. One car max per household. Significant price if you apply for 2nd permit. And luxury tax if you drive SUVs that take up a large space.
This is definitely an increasing occurrence. On 95th street between Columbus and Amsterdam, the parking garage close to Amsterdam also use the street spaces to park their customer cars on the street. Have observed several times the attendants taking the cars out of the garage and parking them in the street spaces.
Same happens on 94th street and Riverside Drive. I’ve complained to 311 but it has not been addressed.
It’s not about more New Yorkers buying cars. It’s that all the spots have been taken for CitiBikes, when they could be set up on the street. Parking Garages are ridiculously priced, so those of us who want to be able to leave Gotham at some point, or need our cars to commute had nowhere to park at all
Having said that, it is no excuse for misbehavior.
The parking situation in NYC is ridiculous. On top of everything else, it takes up much needed street space that could be used for outdoor dining during the pandemic. Why aren’t there more affordable parking garages in New York City?
We used to have a Parking garage on 87th between Broadway and West End. It was torn down to build a condo. If you want to know where they are disappearing to that is one answer.
To answer your question, the reason that there aren’t there more affordable parking garages in New York City is because street parking spots have been eliminated, driving up the prices are private garages.
Free street parking is not a civil right. New Yorkers who buy cars, which on average, sit idle 95% of the time, should use garages or rent cats when they need them.
I like the idea of renting cats.It would ease the burden of animal rescue shelters.
No, it is not a civil right. It is like providing public schools, or public sidewalks, or public parks.
You know, neighborhood stuff.
I think comparing public schools and libraries to allowing people to take public property for storing their private property is pretty crass.
Public schools and libraries benefit everyone. Free street parking benefits on the private individual at the expense of everyone.
Yeah Jay. And bike lanes benefit everyone? Narrow minded thoughts, you have.
A bike lane is comparable to a street lane, not a parking spot.
These situations are a lose-lose situation. If you succeed in getting the spot, then you worry about your car getting messed up. Really tough now. Literally no spots sometimes.
This is not just an uws issue this has been happening all over nyc for years!! They need to eliminate asp because it creates more problems. Its hard to find parking weather you work in the area or not. The city had more than enough money to eliminate asp.
Eliminating ASP will make the parking situation worse as no one will ever move their cars since they can park on NYC streets for cheaper.
The Police and Sanitation must come down the streets to make all the cars move tokeep the street clear for the street sweepers to do their job.
No body is moving their cars until the sweeper arrives, then caous starts.
Their are drivers who think that the spot they were in is
their spot, this is public parking no spot belongs to any driver.
I have had three arguments with three men telling me, that I stole their spot in the past two months, I am a
senior female. If this attitude occurs again I will call the police. Alot of these men are not from Manhattan.
There’s no law or wrong with a car “standing” on the side where the street will be cleaned. If you’re not in your car “parked” you will most likely get a ticket for $65. As a courtesy on the UWS (Because of the shortage of parking garage’s) you can double park your car with a note in the window on the drivers side where you can be located or called.
There is something to be said for “etiquette,” and as a senior you probably expect it and are a bit put off when the failure affects you.
If I were sitting in my car, moved it for the sweeper, and then lost it to someone trailing the sweeper I’d be pretty upset and I’d have a nice chat with the person who did it irrespective of age or gender.
You are rationalizing inconsiderate behavior and bad neighborliness.
Ha, that ain’t nothin, come up to 104th where double parking is a common, daily occurrence, did I mention parking AT the fire hydrant?! The horn honking is Unbelievable!
It’s almost a game of musical chairs on alt.side days. I agree that a residential parking permit would help. On streets near our apartment, it’s a struggle against out-of-state licensed cars and construction / moving vehicles grabbing available spaces. Also there are many fewer spots are available due to the ones taken away along Central Park West for bike lanes and CitiBike stands. I sometimes feel penalized for owning a car.
How about first getting rid of all Non-NY plate cars from parking for free on the streets. This is easy enough to implement.
None of the owners pay taxes in NYC.
Every other city I go to (Boston, Washington, …) do not allow out of state drivers to park on the streets.
Why is NYC the exception?
My non-scientific estimate is that 10-15% of parked cars have non-NY plates.
We should start a referendum to do this – it does not require any prices to be set or residential areas to be marked out.
You have a non-NY plate? No free parking.
I don’t have a horse in this race any longer after 40 years – but have been there. We didn’t have video surveillance back then, and we ceetainly did have verbal “fights.” No pugilisimous one on my side. This just feels wrong, as so much else nowadays.
Obviously, if ALL the new bike lanes (70 blocks eventually of east CPW?) and ludicrous Citibike stands were taken back, there would be the old spaces.
My ulcer is history.
Theres an old saying … First come first served.
The answer to the problem in most of the outer boroughs is community driveways which give access to backyards. Homeowners must park their cars in their backyards. This will open up the parking on the streets. The city could give property tax discounts for owners that opt in.
There is a very simple solution to this. New Jersey, Westchester and Long Island has residential parking permits. So they should issue parking permits to NYC residents and let people from NJ, LI and Westchester pay to park in a garage.
Wow! That was “videotaped?” Cool.
Parking spots should be painted on the street so that ppl will park properly…. essential workers should be able to park for free in a garage (close to a hospital,nursing home etc)for free for up to twelve hours…those of you not moving for weeks in end should be respectful move your vehicle so the streets can be cleaned..park correctly and have some courtesy for your neighbors…it should not be a do or die situation for parking…we live here together
Alternate side parking should end, or be reduced further. It serves no good purpose at all.
Relatedly, I wish people would be considerate how they park. All too often I see people taking way too much room when they do find a spot. if everyone left themselves reasonable room to maneuver, instead of taking up a spot and a half to two spots, there would be many more spots. probably 5 more spots on each side of a regular side block
I can relate to this nightmare of trying to secure a parking spot immediately after the street sweeper passes through. Worst of all is having to sit in your car for an entire hour and a half to prevent getting a ticket. It’s sickening. There’s just too many unnecessary parking rules in the City, especially Midtown. There’s no need for certain residential blocks to have no parking from 8am-6pm. Tow trucks are like hawks preying on its mobike Citizens. Yellow taxis takes up a lot of parking spaces as well, especially W 44th and W 45th st. The City needs to have all yellow cabs park in designated parking lots or anywhere in Queens after a shift. Certain blocks are empty due to commercial parking only but rarely have commercial vehicles. If you think I’m bluffing, just drive throughout the W 40th to 56th streets between 11th and 12th Ave to see for yourself. Sunday’s are the only days when one can park in peace. Monday morning brings panic and boots on unfortunate cars that tirelessly get ticketed and can’t afford to pay. Bare in mind that some car owners have to get to work on the train and gave to decide if they should move the car alternately and face lateness to work. I say make parking in Manhattan totally alternate side free. Get rid of it, just like certain parts of Brooklyn and Queens where alternate side parking does not exist. Ie, like certain parts of Mill Basin or Howard Beach just to mention a few. I can go on and on but you got the idea! It felt so good not moving my during the lockdown. It should be the same without a lock down. I know what you’re thinking. I say formm block associations and get volunteers to clean the streets and put in maybe red garbage bags for garbage truck to pick up on designated days. Period!
There is no need to charge market rates, provide parking permits, eliminate out of state vehicle, increase violation fees or take mass transit. (especially now that there’s a pandemic) you really want to be a in cramped metal tube with someone coughing and sneezing all over you. or ride a packed bus plastered against a window.
there is no supply and demand issue here. there is curruption. its an artificial means to squeeze thr most mkney out of twx payer via violation fees.
building permits are passed for new construction of condos and huge medical or commercial buildings. there was a target that went up in in brooklyn in one of the most densely travelled areas bordering kings highway.
it was built over a huge parking lot and the building has none.
people are building fake driveway’s or what is know as car ports. they pave over their lawn and park and park their car on the block. sometimes thell add a curb cut and thell move a nearby regulation sign further out.
thousands of parking spaces have been lost to pedestrian plazas on former busy intersections, miles of bike lanes (violation), miles of bus lanes(violation),city bike, and side walk business. then there’s pedestrian pathways on bridges, traffic island’s, increased muni meter presense in residential streets, red light camera’s, speed cameras, narrowing streets. one way streets. over presence of fire hydrants. garbage trucks during rush hour.
people, be realistic. the officials are turning a blinds eye, and dumping on you in the form of violations and fees. bldg permits are being passed around like water. illegal driveways are becoming rampant.
as much as you hate vehicles, there a part of your daily life. it seems the only logical solution would be to build parking into new construction and take aggresive action on illegal driveways.
this whole craziness started with bloomberg and his then DOT crony, Janette sadik kahn.
she introduced the traffic calming concept. remember when she created miles of bike lanes under the cover of the night without notifying anyone?
Doesn’t help doormen in various
Buildings get paid to lock up the spaces for some
Of their tenants – often taking up two spaces
to save them daily overnight and weekends As if they own them
The limited Parking avail is supposed to be avail for everyone not the select few.
NYC should do what Boston does and have a resident parking permit for a nominal annual fee (say $35). Eligibility is determined by proof of residency (either by borough or neighborhood), car must be registered at that address. All other cars can park for no more than 3 hours.
The real issue in areas like the UES and UWS is the commuters who dump their cars here daily and the giant commercial vans and 15-passenger vans that take up spots from residents and use residential parking as their business holding area. For commuters, you already get free parking at YOUR house street in Jersey or CT or Westchester. You don’t also get free parking at OUR house.
P.s. “Market rate” parking passes basically just screws over the middle class and is a giveaway to the rich
West Siders may not realize that many of the West Side restaurant and small business owners own/use – and park their cars.
For example, the owner of two very popular West Side restaurants lives in NJ.
He drives in – he does not live near easy mass transit, has late hours, needs to bring supplies (paper towels, cleaning supplies etc) for the restaurant.
Its not because more people are buying cars. Its because of those damn bike lane they installed all over centrL Park west. A bike lane that nobody asked for. 500 pr more cars were left stranded and there are no spots left to park. Its Mayhem everywhere. Cars dont evem move to let cleaners do their job. Its disgusting.
Central Park bike lane is ridiculous removed
Removed 400 parking spaces
I would rather lose a traffic lane on CPW than lose parking spots.
I say eliminate street sweeping manchines. Pay the people to sweep up daily and have a uniform..Tip them if they do a good job. And issue permits where possible. It won’t work around some areas of commerce like the hospitals and schools. People they don’t want you to have a car! It is clear in the policy.
I hope the mayor sees this and realizes the God-awful mistake he made with those bike lanes. As if NY wasn’t stressful enough. This is NYC not Holland. I certainly wouldn’t have a car if I didn’t need it.
Its not more people buying cars, its more streets closing off parking! No parking on the park side of Central Park west, half of the other streets curbside parking is taken up with bicycle stands (every other block). Unless you’re rich enough to pay for a garage it can take over an hour to find a spot.
It all started with moving bike lanes to the curb(dangerous idea for all), when we had bike lanes already! that just needed fresh paint. So millions and millions spend on moving bike lanes, even to this day. This of course took out at least 25% of parking spaces. PLUS you wanted people on bikes, you got it. Now a big % of commuters are avoiding the MTA, using their own e-bikes, e-everything to commute. Between the pandemic & no parking for people who want to drive in and spend thier money on nyc local businesses, we’re fighting a losing battle.