The coronavirus is dramatically changing the landscape of the city, in ways both big and small. Three things caught our readers’ eyes on Saturday.
Le Pain Quotidien on 72nd Street near Columbus Avenue had a hand-sanitizer dispenser attached directly to its billboard and a package of sanitary gloves too. These days, a sanitary environment is a better sell than even freshly baked breasd. Thanks to Dan for the photo.
Fairway has been getting restocked regularly, and one item that has been flying off the shelves came in on a large palette on Saturday. Kate Hinds and Gretchen Berger got photos:
And some Columbia students had a very early graduation celebration. The school has announced it will close up shop for the rest of the semester after a member of the community tested positive for the virus. Students are being asked to leave campus by Tuesday. Groups of students were spotted in Central Park near 105th Street and Central Park West. Thanks to Carol for the photos.
I don’t get the hoarding of TP? What’s up with that?
An Australian epidemiologist noted it has spread from Hong Kong to London and many places in between, generally just ahead of the virus. Called it the Poo Paper Panic Pandemic… (Just one small way people deal with uncertainty and risk by fending off threats (scarcity) they can manage?)