A Con Edison map that shows power outages registered 80 outages on West 71st Street between Columbus and Broadway on Sunday night, along with a note that they were caused by a “manhole problem” that was being assessed.
A reader reached out to us to say she’d heard “transformers exploding all over 71 st between Columbus and Broadway! Been happening since 745 pm.”
We’ve reached out to Con Ed for more info.
I hope they have fireplaces like we do in the 80s and what a lousy day with no power.
I hope they all have rent controlled basement studios that all block association chairman are entitled to as well.
Hold on a second, isn’t this the same block that Con Ed has been working on since the fiery manhole explosion on Broadway awhile back? It was all dug up for ages.
‘Tis the season…
Isn’t that where there was an underground fire a couple of summers ago?