A fire in a 12th-floor apartment at 277 West End Avenue on Saturday injured one civilian and two firefighters, according to FDNY.
The fire between 72nd and 73rd Street brought a large response from the FDNY. It eas called in 3:13 p.m. and declared under control by 4:10. The civilian was taken to New York Cornell Hospital in serious condition, according to an FDNY spokesman. The firefighters’ injuries were minor, he said.
The cause is under investigation.
Fire at building on West End Avenue between 72 and 73 #upperwestside cc @westsiderag pic.twitter.com/4F5Cb9s9YN
— Jen Chung (@jenchung) March 2, 2019
It was terrifying to watch from across the street. I saw the man (probably the one in serious condition) leaning out his window for what seemed like forever while he waited for the firefighters to reach him. I was so relieved when they got him and I’m glad he survived and so grateful to the brave firefighters. I have a video I can send if you want.
More details here
Hope the person will be ok. FDNY and this particular firefighter did a great job and are true heroes.
I was wondering if it is possible to find out the cause of all the fires that happened during the last month.
There do seem to be an awful lot of fires recently. What is going on? Is this really more than usual, or am I just aware of it due to your fine reporting?
It’s not your imagination. There have been too many fires this season and I have lived in the area for over 25 years and never remember fires occuring like this once or twice per week. Don’t we have the right to know what caused them?? Why all the secrecy?? I heard all the engines while out shopping on Broadway and it made me very nervous.
You have older buildings in play and sometimes older people in the area. Try not to accumulate so much stuff. It burns fast. After a lifetime on the UWS in the same apartment you can accumulate a lot of stuff. I know people whose interior spaces look like storage lockers. It’s a tragedy waiting to happen. People don’t like to buy batteries for the smoke detector. The wiring is old and there are too many things attached to power strips and extension cords. Pre-war buildings don’t come with a lot of well placed outlets unless you own the space and renovated. Piles of stuff invite pests too. I bet there are a lot of hoarders in the area. V
I watched from across the street. Every single one of those firefighters are heroes. One was dangling over the top of the building to (probably to assess the rescue situation). My hat’s off to FDNY for their amazingly brave work. Thank you for keeping our neighbors safe!
Saw the entire fire. Very frightening.
Amazing NYFD. Those firefighters are fearless. Wishing all a fast recovery.