Photo by Robyn Roth-Moise outside the Delacorte Theater in Central Park.
February 25, 2019 Weather: Windy with a high of 40 degrees.
Concerts, readings and more local events are on our calendar.
The last two Riverside Boulevard buildings with Donald Trump’s name on their facade have voted to remove it. “In doing so, both towers — 220 and 120 — join the four other neighboring buildings in the complex that have, since 2016, each moved to wipe the president’s name from their facades, erasing Mr. Trump from the pocket of Manhattan he once imagined would be his own eponymous city…The last holdout, 220, hung on, not because of any fealty to the president, but because they feared litigation, according to a resident who asked that her name not be used because she did not want to anger her neighbors by discussing internal building politics.”
The fire that ripped through 229 West 101st Street last week injured one person and displaced people in 13 apartments, according to Kerri Gawryn, who lives in the building but whose apartment was not impacted. Several of the displaced people are being housed by the Red Cross in a shelter, and the woman whose apartment suffered some of the most extensive damage is pregnant, Gawryn tells us. Gawryn is attempting to raise money for them through a gofundme campaign with a goal of $5,000. “Everyone’s shellshocked,” she said in an interview. “They’ve all been pretty traumatized.” You can give here.
Longtime UWS business Alice’s Tea Cup is expanding to Brooklyn Heights.
As service has deteriorated, both bus and subway ridership fell last year.
The Sunday rush at Trader Joe’s on Columbus and 93rd was extra-crazy this week, though the crowd was probably particularly bad because people were getting back from spring break and needed to stock up.
WOW a bunch of super rich people living in their multi-million dollar apartments who have helped destroy the UWS took Trump’s name off their buildings! They didn’t mind him and the investment group developing them though did they!
They were all supposed to be 80/20 buildings. What happened to that?
Care to elaborate how the residents of these buildings destroyed the Upper West Side? There were nothing but parking lots and a giant homeless encampment on that site prior to this development.
You seem like a fun guy.
I love Trader Joes. But I would never wait on a line that creeped down a city block just to get in. In part because I don’t want to waste my time waiting and waiting, only to find out half of the the things I want are sold out (likely scenario) and then to wait even more on the internal line. But even more because in those instances I would rather support local businesses (i.e. Mani Marketplace).
My in-laws were displaced in that fire on 101st. Thank you for bringing attention to this important matter. Many of the tenants have lived there for decades and its the only apartment they’ve ever lived in. With the way NYC is set up, it would be hard to relocate after this disaster.
do they know the cause of the fire?
the landlord should not be permitted to evict the tenants upon rebuilding the damaged apartments.
My wife takes a Via to work every morning as she’s in midtown and it’s faster and more comfortable without delays and only costs slightly more than a Subway ride.
Once again, private industry is able to outcompete the bloated bureaucracy of NYC by providing affordable, efficient services when the city is too incompetent to do so. Or, you know, making sure 25,000 high earning jobs are chased out which would have provided a lot of tax revenue to fix these types of problems.
please explain how a ride from the UWS to midtown is only slightly more and considerably faster than $2.75 at rush hour.
Via is a ride share service that has a flat rate of $5 with the catch being that it will pickup and drop off people along the way. Uber and Lyft have similar shared ride services.
If you factor in a 10m walk to the train, taking the train for 10m and a 10m walk into the office you get a similar time from a via that picks you up right next to your place. Not to mention it is quiet, comfortable, and a relaxing way to start your day.
Sure – let’s turn over public transportation of 5+ million riders daily to VIA cars and see how fast they go….
Really? UWS to Midtown for the price of a subway ride?? I guess if you’re of the 1% and the cost is $10, thats not much more than the subway. Not so much for the rest of us
Via is a shared ride service. So as you move towards your destination other people are picked up and dropped off. It is $5 per ride. So it costs $2.25 more per ride which for many people is well within the realm of reasonable.
“Once again, private industry is able to outcompete the bloated bureaucracy of NYC by providing affordable, efficient services when the city is too incompetent to do so.”
I believe you mean by externalizing costs onto the public and ignoring regulations like ADA accessibility.
The people who use these services more than pay their share of taxes which pays for streets, etc. There are ADA ride shares available. The city also provides a service for ADA called AAR which is funded by these same tax payers.
What caused the fire?
Those rich folks – no end to what great people they are, so humane, so nice.
They had zero problem with the Trump name when they bought their condos/co-ops that tripled in value since.
And I am sure that they are of the AOC type, willing and able to pay the 70%-80% tax with a smile of their faces.
Take Trumps name off the building, who cares?
For us, long time UWSiders, it’ll always be associated with him, like it or not.
Will it? I for one and thrilled that piece of garbage won’t have his West Side shrines any longer. Any association with him is a bad thing.
Ish Kabibble,
Harsh words from a person with such a high end name.
That piece of garbage, as you called him, happens to be president of the US of A, and those lone buildings on the UWS are midgets in comparison to the places that will be associated with him, like it or not.
And – would you welcome others stating that Obama is a piece of garbage?
I don’t, for Obama, and Trump as well.
Have you lost all civility? Have you contracted the virus that must have been living inside the man you so despise?
Zoomy, You act as if I’m in the minority… Hahahaha. The worst president in history and a real piece of garbage to boot. Curious that he’s your line in the sand. High end name? Hilarious. Zoom zoom!
Shopping at Trader Joe’s is always a good experience,despite long lines. The staff is helpful more so than any other market. It’s obvious that they are well trained with the layout of products and will walk a customer to help them find what they are looking for . The cashiers are thoughtful and friendly. In many markets the cashiers never say thank you or they’re taking to other cashiers. It’s not only about price that keeps customers coming back
Will someone explain to me how Trump even got his name on the buildings, when, after long negotiations with the city over amenities he guaranteed to provide with the development, he sold it to Hong-Kong investors or the like, somehow getting rid of all the amenities in the process? When did he get it back? Did he ever really sell them? Or was it a fake bankruptcy? The Times totally ignores this scandal, no matter how many times I bring it up. I was waiting, on a waiting list for an apartment there, and I got screwed out of it. I am still mad about it. Because of that, I had to leave the city. Does no one remember? He promised 25% subsidized apartments, theater space, rehearsal studios, day-care centers, playgrounds, the whole gamut, and got out of all of it! Surely someone remembers.