The high-rise that’s replacing the old American Bible Society building at 1865 Broadway between 61st and 62nd Streets has topped out, capping a year of construction on that corner. We first published the renderings in January, when construction was about to begin. A sign on the scaffolding says it’s expected to be completed in Summer 2019, though it looks like it could be finished by next year.
The Bible Society moved to Philadelphia.
The building will have a six-story lower podium, with 27 stories on top of it, rising a total of 416 feet. It’s expected to have 160 apartments and two levels of retail. Among the amenities will be a pool, roof garden, game room and lounges.
With a pool, roof garden, game room, and lounges this appears to be more a gaited community than most buildings.
1. If a developer wants to compete in today’s overloaded luxury market he/she HAS to offer amenities comparable to all the other new buildings.
2. and WHAT is so terrible about a “Gated (NB: NOT “gaited”) Community? Since when is it a sin to enjoy a certain life-style open only to those with the financial means to have earned that style of living?
Where is it written that everybody has to be the equal of everybody else.
I said nothing about “it[‘s] a sin to enjoy a certain life-style open only to those with the financial means to have earned that style of living?
Where is it written that everybody has to be the equal of everybody else.”
I’m with DannyBoy. what’s all this love fro gated communities? they’re just another sign of our growing plutocracy and vast income inequality.
In America you have the right to live in one, but the rest of us don’t have to love you for it.
You say a lot of stuff that others interpret the real meaning of. Then you act as if you didn’t mean that since you didn’t literally say it. But we all know what your intended complaint is all about. Stop being such a nitpicker when others challenge your views. Have a little integrity. You won’t acknowledge that you’re just anti anything that you can’t participate in but we understand the motivations behind your objections.
I do mean what I say. Stop putting words in my mouth and then arguing. That’s wrong.
You’re correct.
All the buildings on the UWS should open their doors to the public and let everyone walk in and use the building’s amenities.
@dannyboy was just sarcastic about Marie-Antoinette ‘s trends on UWS. Sherman is in his usual tank and plow mode, percerting and maniluplatinfg every opportunity.
Hey, Sherman, forget about trolling for a sec and tell me why I should be ” the last person complaining of greed” as you recently did. You always cast me as someone I’m not – if I’m against 200 Amsterdam monstrosity , you case me as an elderly rent stabilizated tenant. When I explained, I’m in my ealry 40 and owe a condo, market price, full -service, you cast me as ” the last to complain about greed”?
What is up with you, Sherman, time to change you entrepreneural directions so you are not stuck in this bitter “poor landlord” cycle? I have changed my specialt y several times to survive and make money. Why can’t you?
Property owners benefit financially by blocking any new construction in the neighborhood. Restricting supply increases the price of your condo. It makes perfect sense that you would oppose 200 Amsterdam.
Agreed. Many parties have benefited from government intervention into the housing market through the reduction in supply. Those parties include market-rate landlords and property owners, both co-op and condo.
@ UWS Renter
Interesting points you made.
The hypocrisy and selfishness of some of these commentators never ceases to amaze me.
Sherman, I said nothing about “all the buildings on the UWS should open their doors to the public and let everyone walk in and use the building’s amenities.”
sorry for the poor typing.
How are enviable amenities “gaited” [sic]? Is Disneyworld a gated community as well? And even if it is, who cares? You can choose to live where you wish, within the budget you have. This isn’t free community housing that the City is banning you from.
I said nothing about “This [being] free community housing that the City is banning you from.”
What I did write is that “this appears to be more a gated community than most buildings.”. I noted this on a neighborhood blog that concerns itself with community issues. Gated communities do have an effect on the larger community. There is less interaction with neighbors and less sharing of public spaces.
I’ve lived in my pre-war co-op for 20 years. I cannot tell you the names of either of my next door neighbors. Some of us like limiting our interaction with neighbors. Period.
For better and for worse, I do still share Central Park, Broadway, Riverside Park, and the occasional subway platform with other UWSers. I don’t think you have a right to demand more sharing of public space than that.
it’s too bad that “Keeping to Myself” doesn’t know the names of either of his next door neighbors, after 20 years.
that’s his/her right, of course. but it’s kind of sad, and odd that he/she boasts about it.
Dear Keeping to Myself,
You must know that I am “demand[ing] more sharing of public space than that.”
I have specifically commented that gated communities result in less sharing of public space. This can result in less support for public space. I prefer a community with both sharing and support for public space.
Are against that?
This was the site of a beautiful museum specializing in art that was religion-related but did not sponsor or advocate for religion.I regret the City’s loss of this treasure.
With too many people in the City the bike lanes the subways not working well I cannot imagine someone paying 10 million for an apt. When the quality of life has deteriorated so much
Laments for our former UWS now almost gone
As we knew it
Re: “With too many people in the City the bike lanes the subways not working well….”
1) HOW MANY is TOO MANY? And who gets to decide? And what should be done with the over-supply?
2) the subways DO have problems, but they ALSO do their job fairly well for a system whose basic infrastructure dates back to 1904.
3. What is wrong with bike lanes? People on bicycles do NOT add to air-pollution nor traffic congestion; and bike lanes provide them a safe route…when the lanes are NOT being blocked by arrogant drivers.
The outside takes way less time to build than the inside. The skeleton goes up very quickly and then it takes forever to get the insides done, so 2019 sounds about right.
Is the outside a prefab?
Is it going to be a rental building or a condo or Co-op?
Not bad-looking!
Please let readers know if new buildings are ‘as of right’-
which means they need not include affordable housing. If not, and the owners received massive, over-the-top tax abatement goodies for providing affordable, give us details.
Many thanks for this service to community readers, not all of whom are multi-millionaires.
Hopefully with the new tax law there will be less incentive to build these sort of exclusive apartments. Working class people will no longer be subsidizing the tax bills of the rich and the neighborhood can regain the vibrant and diverse character it had in the 1970s.
According to what another website posted back in January 2017 this is another Avalon building that will be a mix of rental and condos ( They also have a building up near Morningside Park. I’m personally not a fan of their buildings, but I’m sure they won’t have problems finding residents when they open.