Photo by Randi Lauren Klein in Central Park.
May 22, 2017 Weather: Rainy, with a high of 64 degrees.
There are several free readings and concerts and more local events on our calendar.
The 30th State Senate District, which covers part of the Northern UWS, has a special election on Tuesday. Read about it here.
Here are the results of the CEC3 public school elections.
The parks department was forced to remove sand from playgrounds in Riverside Park after it turned out it was too jagged. “Officials were forced to remove the material Thursday night and Friday after the parent of a 1-year-old claimed the child got hurt while playing in Tot Lot 116 in Riverside Park… The 1-year-old who was injured this week was said to have fallen face-first in a sandbox at 105th Street and Riverside Drive… It took officials six days — from when the sand was installed on May 6 to the moment the last grain was taken out on Friday evening — to recognize the error.”
Mezuzahs went missing at 120 West 97th Street, and the landlord blamed two tenants, who he is trying to evict. “They’ve also become a nuisance next door, stealing mezuzahs — a parchment inscribed with verses from the Torah, contained in a small box at the doorway of a Jewish home — from 160 W. 97th St. as well, the landlord said in its Manhattan Supreme Court lawsuit.”
Central Park temps hit a record last week.
Elinor Bunin Munroe, the donor behind the Elinor Bunin Munroe Film Center, has died. “Ms. Munroe enticed filmgoers and television viewers with her opening titles and animation for movies like “The Producers” and television series like “The Great American Dream Machine.” But she is perhaps best known for the film complex on the Upper West Side of Manhattan that bears her name. Ms. Munroe, a member of the society’s board since 1976, donated $8.5 million to create it.”
mezuzahs have very little monetary value, especially re-sale value. they’ll be lucky to get $5 for them. For this pair to be doing that…is just pure jew hate. wish I would catch them in the act.
Re: “after the parent of a 1-year-old claimed the child got hurt while playing ….was said to have fallen face-first in a sandbox”
Yes…sand is sandy and dirt is dirty. Somehow we all survived the DEADLY-DANGEROUS-PLAYGROUNDS !!
But, wait a mo’! What’s that sound?
Ahh, yes, ’tis the sound of “Helicopter Parents” learning to rev-their-rotors, something they will do EVERY TIME ‘Little Precious’ does not get his/her way from another child, a neighbor, a teacher, a camp counselor, a scout leader, a school principal, a college professor, and probably its boss.
That’s a lot of vitriol man! However, it is sadly misplaced. The parks dept clearly ordered the wrong sand for sandboxes- because it was GRAVEL and not actually sand. They have now replaced the gravel with actual sand to everyone’s enjoyment and benefit. There are a lot of instances of Helicopter parenting that we can all be upset about, but this really is not one of them. But I worry about your blood pressure if you got this heated over a news item that wasn’t able to convey the whole truth!!
ScooterStan, they installed gravel instead of sand. Even parents who think everything painful builds character would think this was a screw-up. Might as well toss in some glass shards.
That said, the linked NYPost article does have some curious features, like a parent’s complaint that “My daughter had it in her mouth…It’s dangerous for her to eat,” as if normal sand goes down real buttery smooth.
Uh, you ok? You seem weirdly upset by this.
Sorry to hear of her passing…She did seniors and physically impaired people no favor in her film center. Seating is difficult and near impossible for those in wheelchairs and mobility scooters. People with mobility problems and using canes have great problems with the seating.
Re: “Seating is difficult and near impossible for those in wheelchairs and mobility scooters.”
Well, THAT’s a surprise, because this scooter-user has NEVER had a problem with that theater:
1. It is totally barrier-free;
2. there is an extremely wide and level area equipped with wide spaces for any mobility device AND comfortable adjacent “companion” seats;
3. its restrooms are large and accessible.
Perhaps you are thinking of The Walter Reade or Lincoln Plaza “art-houses” near-by??
ScooterStan – are you an actor?
Because your sense of drama is rather remarkable.
Very sorry to hear that Elinor Bunin Munroe died. I don’t know anything about her as a person, beyond what was in the NYT obit, just as a name on one of my favorite theaters. Would love to see a story in the WSR about her.
Gorgeous photograph
Over a year ago, my apt bldg on WE Ave had about 10 mezuzot removed–cases and all– some were broken into pieces and left behind, some taken away. Still don’t know if it was inside job, delivery person, or…? Not a pretty trend.
About that sand. Two days after the NY Post article was written, I photographed sand at 172nd street in Fort Washington Park that no one had asked for. I was trying to figure out why the sand was there. It was smothering valuable plants that prevent soil erosion. There was also a dump of the same sand at Hudson Beach on the northwest corner of the big sandbox. So the question I have is: where does removed sand go? Somewhere where no one’s likely to care or notice it?
Beautiful photograph! Thank you!