Aggressive marketing can sometimes help stores sell goods, but it can also turn patrons off. How did these two local stores do?
A Trump candy bar with (presumably unauthorized) imagery of the Republican presidential candidate is for sale at Central Markets, located at 300 West 110th street. Tsadik Kaplan, who sent in the image, asks “Will he sue?!”
As for the image above, sent out in an email by Fairway, Keith simply asks “Are they kidding?”
I guess Fairway’s money troubles have left them in the gutter.
Trump has promoted his name to great advantage. Using it on a candy bar may sell. He’ll definitely promote his name if elected President.
Barzini’s has both Hillary and Donald bars….
Hmmmm. A billion dollar item gong for a buck ninety-nine. Seem like about the right ratio.
I like it. Go Trump!
Re: “Go Trump!”
Can think of many, many places Trump should “go”, with “to Hell” being the first.
Cannot believe that ANY sane NY’er could vote for this shtick-dreck !!
DUMP TRUMP !!!!!!!!!!!!!
You’re getting rooked. At the Stamford store, those same melons were only $1 each (limit 5).
Is anyone besides me amused by the Fairway ad but insulted that is it only $1? We want high class melons!
3 mellons?
There goes the metaphor.
Shouldn’t that be a $5 bill?
Nah, it should be a $3 bill!
Nah, it should be a $3.00 bill!
I saw the Fairway one and immediately changed direction and went to a different store.
That Fairway ad is disgusting and enraging.