A black Labrador retriever died on Tuesday night after being found with trauma to its head near the Northwest corner of Central Park. The Daily News reported that the owner initially thought the dog had been shot, though he had not heard shots.
“The black Labrador was running off-leash with his 65-year-old owner when it rambled down a hill near the northwest corner of the park and W. 110th St. around 11 p.m., police said.
The owner told cops he ran over to his pooch after it stopped moving and found it dead with a head wound.
The owner believed the dog had been shot but cops later said the dog had a deep cut to the head inconsistent with a gunshot wound.”
“The owner went to help the dog and saw one hole on the top of its head and another under its eye, police said,” according to NBC.
The ASPCA is performing an autopsy and police are investigating.
We’ll update this if we learn more.
Please remove the photos from this article, serves nothing other than to be macabre.
I’m so sorry to the owner; what a terrible thing to happen.
I hope it isn’t true about the gunshots, that part of the park was on it’s way to finally getting gentrified.
The correct word here is “safe”, not “gentrified”.
We’ve already got too much gentrification for my taste.
This is so sad. I’m so sorry to the owner and hope that whoever did it will be caught and brought to justice quickly. Disgusting, vile human beings. In the mean time everyone keep your creatures close at hand!
I am an avid reader and appreciate the neighborhood news and updates, but I agree that I think we can do without these photos. Can you please remove, Thank you.
Okay, we’ve removed the picture of the man and his dog, but kept the one of the police investigating. WSR
It’s good to see 8+ cops investigating this. Seems like a lot… no?
I bet “suspected gunfire” gets the troops moving.
Given that there was a question of gunfire in Central Park, I think a robust police presence and investigation is probably warranted. But I’m not a cop and don’t know what’s involved.
I count 10 cops; lots of white-shirts. Slow night? Or not enough for them to do in that part of town?
Just for the record the pic with the owner holding the dog is still on the updates (news feed?) page.
What kind of sick *expletive, expletive* beats a dog to death? Really? Enjoy the karma when it comes back. Which it will.
New York Times reports that this dog died from an enlarged heart.
Disturbing and heartbreaking news all around, especially for the owner. Hoping for a valid follow-up explanation/cause of death from West Side Rag. Why does NBC New York write “W. 110th Street & 8th Avenue”? No where near each other.
100 and 10th and Central Park West is on 8th Avenue its just called Central Park because it runs along the Parkside. But please don’t be mistaken it is 8th Avenue from 59th street to 110th it is still 8th Avenue that’s telling you that it was on the west side of Central Park
It is very sad and as an animal lover I wonder why would anyone let a dog off leash at 11PM in the park when it is dark and you can’t see who is around. People are sleeping/living in the park and I’m not sure it is safe for people at that hour and certainly not a large dog that might be considered threatening to some.
Nice victim blaming, Sophia. The man loses his dog and you make it his fault. You should think about the fact that there is a live human being involved in this tragic situation before you post.
Dogs are only allowed off leash in Central Park from 9pm to 9am. That’s why he was there