A citizen’s tip and a fingerprint found on a bag helped police identify the man who shot another man at City Diner on 90th street and Broadway on July 16. But the shooter has so far remained elusive, Captain Marlon Larin told us, and appears to be “on the lam.”
The shooting appears to have been motivated by a long-held grudge, Larin said.
The shooter had walked into City Diner at around 3:30 a.m. on the morning of the shooting to place a to-go order, and saw the 24-year-old victim, who was eating there after a night out with his girlfriend to celebrate his birthday. The shooter stopped by the victim’s table because he recognized him; he asked him if he had gone to the Family Academy on 113th street. When the shooter came back to pick up his order a few minutes later, he paid and then walked back to the victim’s table and shot him once in the head. Although the shooting was initially described as a “graze,” Larin said the bullet lodged in the man’s skull; he survived and is okay but doctors decided against removing it, he added.
Both men have arrest records but the shooting did not appear to be drug-related, Larin said. The man who police suspect is the shooter has eight prior arrests, but only one for drugs — a possession charge. The victim had four priors, with one for drugs, Larin said.
The victim apparently did not identify the shooter for police, but the day after the shooting police got a tip from someone in the community identifying him, and later linked that man to a fingerprint on the to-go food bag. “We know exactly who he is,” said Larin. “He’s hiding, he’s on the lam.”
Image via yelp.
EIGHT prior arrests?!? ‘Nuff said.
It was nice that the shooter paid for his dinner first. You typically don’t see manners like that in people these days.
Wonder if he left a tip. Other than the tip of the bullet still in the dude’s head.
But of course! This IS the Upper West Side, where we all have excellent manners! 😉
Now, had this been on the Upper EAST Side not only would the shooter have paid for his order but he probably would have had to wear at least a blazer over a button-down shirt (okay, at 3:30 a.m. he would have been okay going tie-less).
But, O.M.G.: a black Nike vest, red slacks, and sneakers!! How declasse! :-0
So the victim didn’t help the cops. At all. How often do we see this…I’m guessing at least 75% of the time in these types of idiotic “grudge” shootings. Come on, no justice no peace, #blacklivesmatter and so forth and so on.
@ Scott – I really wish that this rag’s comment section had an up-vote thingy so I could share my agreement with your comment.
Scott — let’s not go there, please. It’s so easy to be classist and racist and ignorant when one is also anonymous. Why not just wear a white sheet and a white pillowcase as a hood, since you think it’s so fun to be hyperbolic and go to extremes with your blanket statements.
Exactly “Em,” just as you throw abuse and insults around at people while hiding behind a computer. How brave of you.
Scott, what are you talking about?? I’ve never posted anything insulting or abusive in the comments. Totally untrue,
you must be confused. On the contrary, I’ve posted comments several times that people should be more civil to each other.
Read the thread again, I obviously wasn’t referring to you.
it’s so sad that even some people are the Upper West Side think that Scott’s remarks are “reasonable.” but then i guess there are some on the UWS who are all gung-ho for Donald Trump.
Then there are the UWS thought police. They are the best.
I think the real reason people don’t cooperate is the “No Snitching” rule. I disagree with it, but I think they are afraid of retribution. It’s scary.
well said, EM. i’m glad i waited to respond to this sort of idiocy… because you did so much better!!
It’s a fair comment, since taxpayer $$$ has to foot the bill. Maybe cops shouldn’t respond at all.
I suppose their criminal histories arent a big deal. Scott is correct. Sad how closed minded liberals want us all to think the same way. Black lives dont care because whitey wasnt involved. Period. The inconvenient truth about crime and who commits it is left undiscussed. Sad and pathetic. Armed criminals with multipleconvictions and you defend them? And there are plenty of Trump supporters here Brian. You defend criminals and rapists. Typical soft on crime liberal nonsense. Where was the stop and frisk? Ridiculous.
Em and Bruce- YOU are the problem – classist, racist my behind- no one can say anything around you politically correct progressive jerks (yes- I’m a jerkist)
Bruce makes Bernie Sanders seem like a staunch right-winger!
My sentiments exactly.