A gazelle at the Apthorp. Photo by MGChan.
October 19, 2012 Weather: Rain and Thunder, High of 71 Degrees.
Events today include 3 free concerts, a free play, and readings by emerging New York writers.
Telluride’s Mountainfilm festival comes to the Film Society of Lincoln Center this weekend. Lots of movies about the outdoors, starting tonight.
Traffic update from the Lincoln Square BID: “We have been advised by the New York City Department of Design and Construction (NYCDDC) that the contractor working on the new sewer pipeline on Columbus Avenue from West 63rd Street to West 64th Street will begin working on Saturdays starting tomorrow, October 20, 2012, from 8:00am to 4:00pm for approximately four weeks.”
A woman fell from the building at 200 West 60th Street at around 7 a.m. on Friday and was pronounced dead at the scene. Police are saying it was a suicide. (Initial report said that the deceased was a man) (DNAinfo and Daily News)
“The Broadway Bomb,” an annual race scheduled for Saturday that sends nearly 2,000 skateboarders hurtling down Broadway, was halted by a judge. “Justice Geoffrey D. Wright of State Supreme Court in Manhattan, in a ruling issued Thursday afternoon, granted the city’s request to halt the race and also prohibited any similar race.” Skateboarders say they’ll do it anyway. (NY Times and Gothamist)
The Apthorp’s residents have had notoriously difficult relationships with the building’s owners through the years. With Africa Isreal and Maurice Mann Property having relinquished control of the building, new lenders are in control of the condo conversion. The condo owners (not sure about the renters) seem to like the new sponsors: “Unit owners were largely pleased with the plans by the new sponsors, which included completion of a multi-million dollar renovation and a renewed effort to sell units at the building through Corcoran Sunshine Marketing Group.” (The Real Deal)
“It’s gifted and talented testing season.” A mom is conflicted over getting test prep for her four-year-old, but does it anyway. (Wall Street Journal)
An 80-year-old Upper West Sider named Otto Mond plans to run his 18th NYC marathon. (DNAinfo)
No, it’s not on the Upper West Side, but check out the nice new FDR Four Freedoms Park on Roosevelt Island. (Roosevelt Islander)