January 3, 2012 Weather: Windy, High of 28 Degrees.
We have a new list of events up for this week. Check it out!
Residents at The Vaux on West 86th Street grew concerned after their building said that tap water in at least one of the apartments in the building had tested positive for fungus and bacteria. Residents had supposedly been complaining about the water for months. Management called the water sample “isolated” and “uncorroborated”. The test results came in before Christmas, and the water was supposed to be tested again, but residents say they haven’t received new results. (CBS)
Upper West Sider Lenore Harris was at a drugstore pushing her Pomeranian Mottel around in her cart when she turned around to speak to the pharmacist. In an instant, a dog-snatcher grabbed the pooch and sped out the door. After days spent feeling guilty and plastering the neighborhood with fliers, Harris got some good news. A mother and daughter had found Mottel in a bag at a bus stop on 96th Street and 1st Avenue. Harris and Mottel were reunited in time for the new year. (NY Post)
One reason that New York crime continues to fall: officers, under pressure to make the stats look good, simply don’t take some criminal complaints. This seems to be the trend in the Bloomberg administration — if the stats don’t look good, you make them look good. (NY Times)
Lady Gaga hosted a post-New Year’s Eve dinner at Joanne, the new restaurant she is opening soon with her father on 68th Street just off of Columbus. In attendance: Ryan Seacrest and Jenny McCarthy. Well, la-ti-da. (Daily Mail)
If you missed it, we rounded up the top stories of the year here, and the top 10 photos of the year here.