By Allan Ripp
What was your favorite part of President Biden’s visit to the Upper West Side last week?
Was it the locked mailboxes on Central Park West (bomb risk!), or perhaps the missing corner garbage bins (ditto)? Could it have been the “No Parking” restrictions that showed up days before, or the sanitation trucks and armored NYPD vehicles blocking intersections along the West 90s and the main entrances to the park. Police barricades lining Central Park West and Columbus Avenue are always fun to navigate, though no crossing when the president’s motorcade is approaching – or is it? Stand back until the guys with the earpieces say you’re free to go.
Best of all were the transverse closures at 96th and 86th Streets, backing up traffic like the Macy’s parade while sending drivers (like my son on his way to an event in Queens) well out of their way to get across town.
There was something for everyone, especially those living in the immediate blocks surrounding the El Dorado between 90th and 91st Streets, where Mr. Biden — like Barack Obama before him — was attending a campaign fundraiser June 29 at the home of a private equity titan (maybe even a billionaire or two were present). Residents without proof of ID (unlike the dozens of logistics staffers and Secret Service agents patrolling the streets) were blocked from getting through during the President’s early evening arrival, and told to cool their Trader Joe’s bags until it was safe to get home. I didn’t spot any police snipers posted as I did during Obama’s money runs, but assume they were there.
I know it seems petty and uncivil not to grant our nation’s leader some slack when he graces my neighborhood – hail to the Chief! But it’s not as if anyone but his mega-donors got a chance to catch a glimpse of His Bidenness, who was whisked in and out of the El Dorado’s side-door entrance under a covered VIP tent, as reported by the Rag. No flags or bunting, no waves and thumbs-up to the crowd who had gathered for a look.
No one likes to be inconvenienced and detoured merely trying to move freely about their own zip code on a summer afternoon. Moreover, it seems a tad off to see hundreds of thousands of dollars (my taxes!) spent on scores of police, heavy equipment, city and federal security personnel, etc. to secure such a large perimeter of a residential area so that a politician known as Lunchbox Joe can mingle with a bunch of moneybag swells to feed his campaign machine.
Personally, I was glad to see such a visible police presence for once around our ‘hood and made an effort to thank those in uniform on the scene. But did we really need such a large battalion assigned to party duty, including some with machine guns and body armor? Many cops looked bored and restless rocking on their heels or moving the metal stanchions about while waiting for Team Biden to wipe their canape napkins and count their pledges. If the Secret Service really wanted to ensure their man’s protection, wouldn’t it have been better to arrive in an unmarked Tesla?
And I couldn’t help wondering – how could we get even a handful of these officers to come around more often for genuine neighborhood needs, like keeping motorcycle and ebike delivery riders off the sidewalk or causally running red lights at every stoplight? Otherwise, out of Biden meant out of sight for the beat cops.
No doubt Mr. Biden has a solid – and forgiving – base on the Upper West Side. One woman who was brusquely stopped from squeezing onto West 91st Street during the height of security measures, shrugged it off, saying it gave her an excuse to go to Whole Foods up the street.
“Better it’s for Joe than for the other guy,” she said, presumably referencing Donald Trump, whose visits to the home of Republican giver Blackstone CEO Steven Schwarzman regularly tied up East Side neighborhoods. At least when George Bush came to town in search of bucks, he had the decency to do it at the Waldorf Astoria in Midtown.
Still, it seems strange that the President wouldn’t use his visit to a reliably Democratic stronghold to deliver a partisan message – about the Supreme Court, the migrant crisis, trans rights or that Canadian air. You can be sure Chuck Schumer would never waste such an opportunity to spout off.
And then, around 6:45, with still plenty of summer’s light to enjoy, the all-clear signal was given as the president was ushered off to another event, leaving abundant manpower to break down the complex surveillance and security apparatus that took days to assemble. As I headed to the park, free again to roam the streets as an independent voter, I felt a hard tug on my shoulder. My dog lifted his leg and peed on one of the NYPD barriers – at least someone got it.
Mr. Ripp, a resident of West 96th Street, runs a press relations firm.
Editor’s Note: We neglected to indicateat first that this is a Reader’s Opinion piece, but have added.
Well, if we only had Republicans …
We’ve had them, and they sucked.
Trying to get printed a 2nd time. There were plenty of good times under Bloomberg and Pataki. They were voted in by the same people here now. So don’t just throw all Republicans into one “they all suck”. It’s that kind of Koolaid drinking, blinders on thinking in this UWS Bubble that has led to this city’s decline. Right now only Democrats are in power for city, state and country. How’s it going?
Bloomberg’s mass racial profiling, known generally as “stop and frisk” (though that is a misnomer), disqualifies him as an excellent Mayor.
he did some good things but, unlike De Blasio, had little sympathy for working class and poor tenants.
No one can disqualify anyone as a mayor. That’s your opinion. NYC was a hell of a lot better under Bloomberg’s term than under De Blasio which is what started our demise before the pandemic. Quality of life and crime were issues with Dr Blaise before COVID but the time under Bloomberg had this city thriving and safe.
Bloomberg was a Democrat. He only switched to the GOP so he could run for mayor and not have to be part of Democratic primaries-which he knew he would lose. Nice ty, though.
You made my point. No one should be considered “they suck” just because there is an R next to their name. Bloomberg, a very much moderate, ran with an R next to his name and was mayor for 3 terms and NYC was in better shape for years.
The letter D or R shouldn’t matter; vote for policies, safety and common sense.
Spot on comment Frustrated UWS.
I remember the Obama visit to the Eldorado a few years ago – I knew nothing about it until I got stuck a block away on CPW on way home. This was overkill ridiculous
Why the ad hominem attack (“His Bidenness”) rather than criticizing the fact that these same issues would occur for any president visiting the Upper West Side? Trust me, I’m no fan of any of this – my commute went from 15 minutes to an hour – but acting like this is unique to Biden and/or Democrats is ridiculous.
Agreed. Perfectly all right to talk about the visit and have a balanced commentary on such presidential visits and how they affect neighborhoods and use taxpayer funds. But to levy criticism largely on Biden when every past president has had such visits. Not to mention the most recent past president Trump, and his recent disruptive arraignments as a result of his criminal activities. No mention of taxpayer funds there!
Also the criticism of Biden not seeing supporters on the UWS while visiting seems disingenuous. A private fundraiser doesn’t necessarily need to be tied to a public event and if he had, that would have been far more disruptive to the UWS in terms of increased security, street closures, traffic, etc. Wonder what criticism Allan would have lobbied in that case.
Just disappointed at this article and its tone, especially as I just joined the west side rag newsletter and this was the first article I read sent to my email.
You’re right it would be for any President but I agree with the point made. Tax payers pay for these fundraisers.
Wonderfully written.
Don’t worry. They do this every time a Trump comes to New York.
I wonder what Trader Joe was trading for with the private equity guys, who are eviscerating more and more vital services like health care and news reporting in their relentless pursuit of profit?
Try living on the east side when the UN reopens in September!!!
Of course he came in through a tent. Remember the shooting of Reagan? Tents ever since then
If you had any doubts that America was a plutocracy, you should no longer.
At least this President pays his taxes rather than living off the government like the last one did in every way conceivable! Biden tries to create some good programs to actually help people! So sorry you were inconvenienced by a visit from the President of your country.
I reside on 96th Street and CPW and was excited the President was visiting my neighborhood. That he is cloaked in heavy security has to do with the times we are living in.
While I agree the Police should be actively involved daily with regulating and enforcing the laws which most e-vehicles and cyclists ignore with impunity, I can’t see why the Police can’t walk and chew gum at the same time.
It seems NYPD has been told not to bother cyclists of any type by a Mayor and City Council who’ve been captured by their very generous lobby. That would have zero to do with the President’s visit and more to do with bad city governance.
Thank you Susan! Good post.
What a ridiculous post!….this would be done for any president not just for the one in the White House at the moment.
What exactly is your point? The only thing I could see objecting to is that public money is being used for police presence at what is a non-official visit. But I’m not sure that his campaign isn’t required to reimburse that. If so, I fail to see any problem here as long as these visits are rare.
Public money was used for police presence for the ex Prince and his Markle every time they come to town too!
Found this a very curious article indeed. Author sounded very put out by personal inconvenience (his own or his neighbors) & the use of resources to keep the President safe.
In terms of the private fundraiser that caused the inconvenience & expense, the author struck a cynical “lunchbox Joe” but not a particularly critical note.
Should we be resigned to the fact that government works for the wealthiest? In 2019, Senator Elizabeth Warren held a rally open to all in Washington Square Park, and in early 2020 a large event at Kings Theater in BKLYN. Granted, she was JUST a sitting Senator, not President. But at least her theory of the case, idealistic or not, was that her campaign would be grassroots funded and, if elected, she would be working for all Americans.
Given the currently political climate, I doubt our UWS community is well-served by $$$ed neighbors holding private high-ticket fundraisers in our ‘hood, but not because of the inconvenience, and probably considering different types of “security costs” than the ones Mr. Ripp cites.
All that said, GO JOE B!
With Joseph Lieberman starting a third party and considering Manchin or Sinema, and only primary challengers of RFK Jr. And Marianne Williamson, Biden’s coalition better hold together.
Still, with everything SCOTUS has churned out last week lots of young Americans (student debt), women (Roe v Wade) & people of color (affirmative action) may not find the new “Bidenomics” message compelling enough to turn out at the polls.
Just my 2 cents. (Hey… that’s all I have left after paying my UWS rent. 🤣🤣🤣)
Actually, while UWSers may not have had “a glimpse of His Bidenness,” some of us did. When his motorcade came through Midtown on his way to his interview with Nicolle Wallace, many of us saw him through the window of “the Beast” (the presidential limousine).
I feel like this was already discussed recently. This additional article on the topic really doesn’t add a lot.
If you don’t like it, blame the judges for Citizens United. Very simple. Also blame all of the wackos who stormed the capital on January 6 and threatened to hang Pence – I’m sure that has raised security levels even more.
It is great living in a country where politicians have to spend all of their time fundraising and any idiot can carry a gun!
“ It is great living in a country where politicians have to spend all of their time fundraising and any idiot can carry a gun!”
Dead on!
Given that a right-wing nut with an arsenal recently showed up at the Obamas’ house, I’m glad to see President Biden being kept safe.
A left wing nut just shot in dozens on f people in PA. Mental health is not a partisan issue.
But gun ownership by civilians is.
Im anti-gun, but come on, are NyC shootings are by legal gun owners? Or the country in general?
It seems fair to note that there are numerous other street closures that hamper bus and other transportation, making things difficult for many.
Two such examples:
Street closures for Open Streets which force bus detours.
The triathlon which closes north-south access for hours typically at 72 thus no buses, forcing traffic to go to the East Side.
Same level of security (and disruption) when then-president GW Bush visited someone at the Beresford. The inconvenience to Mr. Ripp is truly heart-breaking.
Thank you Mr Ripp. for your comments. Endorsed!
De Blasio showed up on my block with six black cars. I preferred he stayed in Brooklyn.
Perhaps you don’t go to the East Side a lot. This has always been the case for presidential visits, whether our CIC is Democratic or Republican– it’s just that, usually, the traffic jams are from mid-town East to the Upper East Side. This side of town is mostly spared.
The East Side also gets hit with area shut-downs when there are visits from the heads of other countries. During the convening of the UN General Assembly, when leaders arrive from multiple countries, it goes on for days…every year.
And I remember when the Pope came in the mid-1990s–half the city got shut down to vehicles, during the day and night.
It’s the price we pay for living in an interesting, powerful and globally significant city.
I have always found it “funny” that the Secret Service and local law enforcement go through all that time, money and logistics in order to “protect” the president – street closures, taped mailboxes and manhole covers, a billion-vehicle motorcade, including the famous “Beast” (presidential limousine), etc. All of this obviously brings full and concerted attention to exactly where he is and where he’s going.
I have always felt that, if they really wanted to “hide” the president’s visit, and protect him and his itinerary, they should simply put him in a yellow cab. There is nothing more “anonymous” and safe. Have him wear a baseball cap and even a fake moustache, and NO ONE will know he is here or where he is going. Simply have a couple of unobtrusive (?) Secret Service agents waiting at his destination and – voila! – safe president, and hundreds of thousands of dollars and man hours saved!
+1 Your post is very a incisive and informative response .Or like Putin, Biden should have a double to fool people of his location..