With Pupper West Side, our popular dog-centric column due to return on Tuesday, September 6, reader Victoria Cumings professed her love for Pupper, but wondered if felines could also be featured. “How about a similar column on cats called Upper West Side Mews?” 😸 she wrote. “Here is a test piece.”
Let us know what you think in the comments.
Muffy & Bialy – The Odd Couple
By Victoria Cumings

With personalities as different as their looks, Muffy and Bialy took some time to get acquainted in their Upper West Side apartment. Initial introductions didn’t go well due to Bialy not being happy at all that the home she’d been brought to was already occupied by another kitty. But in time, with the help of some calming spray, much coaxing, and a feline therapist, the two now live peacefully together on West 98th street, spending most days sleeping by a window, watching pigeons, clambering in and out of delivery boxes, and pestering their mom for treats.
Both rescues, Muffy is a spritely 8 year old, with long, thick, beautiful fur. She has some characteristics similar to a Siberian, which may explain why she loves to lie on cool tiles and sit in her condo by the air-con. Bialy, on the other hand, warms her back in the sun, and will leave the room if it’s anything under 78 degrees. At 6, she’s the younger kitty, but clearly the boss, pawing snacks away from under Muffy’s nose and sprawling on the coffee table where she can be the center of attention. She loves having her velvety gray tuxedo coat brushed, whereas Muffy prefers to groom herself, doing a very good job despite having multiple layers of fluff!
As for their names, Muffy is short for Miss Muffet, after the nursery rhyme about a child scared by a spider. Quite fitting, as Muffy is skittish and gets spooked easily. When she’s eating, the house rule is no noise can be made in the kitchen, as even the opening of a drawer could disrupt her meal. Bialy, on the other hand, is as tough as a doughy roll and afraid of nothing. One could pop a paper bag behind her head and she wouldn’t bat a cat eyelid.
That’s not to say Muffy and Bialy don’t have any common traits. Both kitties share a love of crunchy nibbles, their ‘bee on a wire’ floaty toy, and venturing into the elevator landing – under close supervision – to have a scratch on neighbors’ doormats (shhh!).
Two little girls enjoying life on the UWS . . .
Hmmm. I’m sticking with Pupper. 😊 I’m not disputing a cat’s IQ but there’s a reason why YouTube has a series called Cats Being Jerks . That’s why Bialy steals Muffy’s snacks.
Ever get in the middle of a dogfight??? Cats are much smarter than dogs if you ask me~ they don’t give in to their owner’s every whim~ LOL
As my mother used to say, if you have nothing nice to say then say nothing!
You are nasty.
Thumbs down to this comment! Cats are wonderful beings! I love having them in my life and reading about them in a WSR column.
Aww, lovely to meet you Muffy and Bialy! I would love to see more cats of the upper west side. Full disclosure: we have a lovely 1-year-old black cat named Freyja. Maybe I’ll introduce her in the future. I’m new to cat parenthood and have loved every minute!
Love this idea! Yes, cats have their unique personalities. I hope to see more West Side Mews.
Yes…we need more kitty stories. Love this.
Although I tag myself a dog person, I love all animals and vote Yes to include Westside Mews as a regular column! This was a charming story that was well told. It’s nice to learn about our feline neighbors who we probably won’t have to chance to meet during walks in our neighborhood.
Great point, Marge P! Most cats in this neighborhood are indoor cats and only venture out to go to the vet.
What a terrific idea! There are just as many cat lovers as dog lovers on the UWS! I love all animals but cats rule! 😉
Love this piece, what a treasure these two are!
LOVE West Side Mews! More please!
Loved it. Would welcome more cat stories
Onyx Aïda from Los Angeles says she likes to hear about her East Coast colleagues getting properly spoiled as in their roght and privikege. Her cousin on the UWS sent her mother the article.
Awww! Love stories like this!
I love it! I have a similar situation due to moving to a new, smaller apt. This article is entertaining as well as educational. Thank you for sharing. 😺
Love it, I think West Side Mews is a wonderful addition to WSR.
It’s amazing that Muffy can maintain her beautiful fur by herself.
These cats are adorable. Where did you adopt them from??
Thank you 🙂 Muffy is from Best Friends (https://ny.bestfriends.org/) and Bialy from Social Tees (https://www.socialteesnyc.org/).
Love it!
There are many of us cat lovers here on the Westside too.
About time that kitties get their props!
This test piece earns an A+. Here’s to equal time for mews and puppers!
Glad to see more cat tales. There is a decidedly canine-osentric bias to many publications. I have , for example, chided the NYT on failing to talk about post-covid feline separation anxiety in an article purporting to cover both cats and dogs and their people returning to work. Inherent in the coverage is, of course, that cats are cold, detached creatures.
True!!!! My cats used to follow us to the door every day when we left for schoool or work~ They are very devoted members of the family. They are ANYTHING but COLD!
My cat Pistachio says yes!
aw I love that name for a cat!
Lovely that you adopted adult cats. A blessing for everybody.
Adorable. A bit lengthy, but understandable given the owner’s pride and devotion. Thank you for adding this and for bringing back Pupper West Side!
Love cat stories. These two are adorable.
Cats are astounding creatures, who are very loving and affectionate, as with humans, some more than others. Good to meet yours through your fine writing.
Love having a Mews column. Love both doggies and kitties, so go ahead!
LOVE this column. Beautiful cats and wonderful piece!
I applaud a cat column. There are many of us cat owners on the UWS – we and our cats would love some attention
Would love to see both columns, as a proud mom of a beagle & orange tabby, think both species should be included.
We live UWS for some months during the year. Our apartment building is chockablock with.Dogs Would prefer having quiet felines instead of barking dogs on our floor, and we would love to meet the good neighbors who do have cats. If we can’t meet them, then we can read about them. Thanks for adding UWS Mews !
When we lived on the UWS we had three feline siblings (Eddie, Romeo & Chloe). They loved to sit on our window bench looking out onto 66th St & Central Park. Very fond memories for the whole family. Unfortunately, we only have Eddie with us in South Carolina. So yes, please keep this as a regular column.
Thank you everyone for the supportive comments on my idea for a feline-focused column. It’s terrific to hear so many of you are interested in some stories about local kitties in addition to all the wonderful dogs highlighted in the brilliantly named ‘Pupper West Side’. I look forward to featuring more furry friends in the weeks to come – and great to already see some names below. I’ll work with WSR re connecting with those interested. Watch this space!
Three cheers for a feline-focused column! I was delighted to be introduced to Muffy & Bialy, and would love to see one day a piece about a truly wonderful cat rescue group in our area: NYC Animal Rescue Girls, founded by Alicia Harding, who leads a tireless effort to help distressed and abandoned cats in the Harlem area, providing them with shelter and veterinary care, and in time finding them permanent loving homes.
Maybe do a feature on jaimdelane. She is an UWS pet influencer on TikTok.
Love this kitty corner of the blog! I love all animals. 🙂
My Vanessa says yes! More, please, I love cat stories!
Please more West Side Mews! I’m the proud owner of 2 (now) West Side cats: Catarina (originally from Staten Island) & Jamie McFluff (new kitten from Brooklyn)
I was walking my dog in the park around 5:30am last week and saw what I at first thought was a raccoon and then realized was a cat running near the great lawn. I cannot stop thinking about this poor cat. Do some live in the park or was she dumped? UGH.
I’m a dog person but I l have loved cats too. It makes me sick to think people dump them. What can we do other than donate to shelters?
It’s possible she was dumped but there are many stray cats in the city. If you’re interested, you can get TNR certified and help trap/neuter/return stray cats to keep the population down, or foster some cats!
Also a fan of West Side MEWS! I have a 2 1/2 year old black rescue who LOVES it here on 83rd and Columbus… he was a friendly young outdoor cat I adopted in 2020 while I was staying with family in MA, and I was worried he’d take badly to apartment living when we came back. But no, he’s tried the outside life eating bugs in the rain, and it is NOT for him. He spends hours in the window looking down on Columbus Ave (probably pretending he’s a god)… so warning, if you’re eating outside at Thyme and Tonic or Modern Bread, Crowley is WATCHING YOU.
I am from New Zealand and it is so nice to read small stories like this, especially about cats as I am an avid cat lover with 3 furballs of my own..I really enjoyed this story and hope there will be more to come.. Thankyou
Well i am delighted to see this new column. I am definitely a cat lady but i do love dogs also so i have enjoyed the pupper storiew. But have wondered why no cats ?? I currently only have 3.
Anyway, great to meet these 2 cats ,;)
Wow..Great story. Feline therapist no less! That deserves a column of it’s own.
Love the article & appreciate cat coverage in WSR! Can you recommend your cat therapist? Our kitty could use a little attitude coaching and would love to use someone local . Thank you!
Hi Kelly, Carole Wilbourn was who helped me: https://thecattherapist.com/
AT LAST! Dogs seem to have taken over everything, certainly the streets (I have to be careful not trip over leashes that extend across the sidewalk by careless owners not paying attention to others), but some of our hearts are ruled by felines. So delighted to read this~
Yay cats!!!!
I’d love to meet my namesake!
I have two brother rescue felines adopted 5+ yrs ago as 3-yr-olds: Taco & Mole.
I am a proud Owner of a spoiled rotten Upper Westside (extremely bright)Feline. I say YES! with a capital YES! to this kitty Korner, Westside Mews or Whatever you want to call it.. We can have a Halloween Kitty Costume Contest (prizes) or many offshoots of this adorable cat-related idea. Kudos for bringing this article to The Upper Westside Rags attention. There is a reason why this article has had more comments than any other article lately. The reason,… people are passionate about their pets! They aren’t like family they ARE family. I bid you AMew.
Yes, please.
Nice diversion from the crime, homelessness and rats.
Enjoy hearing about the cat tales, my Persian kitty passed during COVID.
I’m sorry about your kitty, Randi.
A very big YES to cat stories and photos!