By Caitlyn Brady
El Gallo Taqueria, on Amsterdam Avenue between 84th and 85th Streets, was robbed at gunpoint Sunday night at 11:45pm, an NYPD spokeperson told WSR.
“A male suspect entered the location, approached the counter, and displayed a firearm, stating, ‘Give me all the money now.’ The 23-year-old man who reported the crime handed over approximately $119 from the register. The suspect also took the tip jar with an unknown amount of money inside. He fled on foot. There are no arrests and the investigation remains ongoing.”
In response to the robbery, El Gallo Taqueria posted on Instagram that the Upper West Side location will be closed today, April 18th. The restaurant will reopen Tuesday, April 19th.
“Luckily all staff is safe and sound,” the Instagram caption states. “While it’s easy to lose hope in times like these, we believe in a better and brighter future. Our commitment to our team, our family and our community is unshakeable.”
Crime is going down, the stats say so. This is strange
How is crime going down? Insane! UWS has become so dangerous. Crime increased 40% since Adams took over. Subway crime is 72% up.
Re: “Crime increased 40% since Adams took over.”
Mayor Adams has been in office ONLY since 01/01/22. All-of-a-sudden crime rose 40% in 3 months?
That’s similar to blaming President Biden for the inflation-rise.
BOTH allegations reveal an unrealistic/cockeyed view of reality, focusing on ONE person instead of a multiplicity of factors.
Class, here’s a question: “If Biden and Adams were to suddenly disappear, would inflation/crime suddenly go down?
“If Biden and Adams were to suddenly disappear, would inflation/crime suddenly go down”?
Most likely not, but how many will really miss them?
A comedian you’re not. Adams is a retired Police Captain, so tell me who would do a better job battling crime?
Uhm, can you source those numbers?
Barb, I’m gonna go with ‘sarcasm’ on that comment.
This sounds similar to the incident at Wolfnights wraps on March 22, reported by the Westside Rag,which also took place close to midnight. Was that perp ever caught? Seeems as if shops that are open late at night on blocks without a lot of foot traffic are sitting ducks for these brazen criminals
It’s brazen alright, even when it doesn’t involve a gun.
Zabar’s Cafe, Saturday, 1:20pm. Two characters about to walk in and I could tell from the off they were up to something. One, a woman who was exhibiting several symptoms of drug withdrawal or major neurological condition went to the cashier and talked to her for a bit, upon which the cashier gave her a croissant. She walked out. The other, male, late 40s/early 50s, went straight to the fridge and stuffed a bunch of sandwiches in his pockets. One of the employees, cleaning the floor, tried to tell him something, upon which our protagonist turned around and announced that he’s been a long-time customer and deserved [his loot]. He walked away unobstructed.
The guy in the polo shirt who just paid $22 after-tax dollars for a sandwich and a babka is, of course, the sucker in the story. Me.
At least AOC and her ilk cured hunger and crime in the city and built communism where many others failed. Let’s get used to it.
Horrible. At fairway I saw a guy stuff at least 15 containers with sushi into his coat pockets leaving the display empty. As he walked out with it , I told a security guard who merely shrugged it off.
As long as crimes like this go unpunished, that $22 you paid soon becomes $28. Then $35. Then, well, you and other rational paying customers stop going to this store because who can afford it? Then the store closes. This is how our UWS is going to die, folks.
Cue the sky is falling crime comments…
why would you discount the eyewitness acocunts of people who live here?
we’ve all either experienced crime or seen it happen like never before. open shoplifting, aggressive panhandling that is basically soft mugging.
This is what happens when DAs don’t prosecute and cops don’t arrest poeple even for seemingly small things like shoplifting. it fosters an atmosphere of lawlessness and criinals simply continue to up the ante on what is now tolerated. i had hope otherwise, but evidently this is what’s going on. Meanwhile serious violent crimes have increased in already dangerous neighborhoods, harming neighborhoods that supposedly were gong to be positively impaced by the cops pulling back. it demonstrably has had the opposite effect. I am not voting Democrat in local elections again.
Or I guess we can just normalize it. As long as its “not as bad as it was in the 70s” or “we are building a fairer city” , who cares if neighborhood stores are being robbed at gunpoint right? Lib mentality, its truly astonishing.
We need to ramp-up stop and frisk ASAP.
We need to increase sentences ASAP. The suspect- if caught- should be jailed for at least 20 years.
As has been said before, we have a major under-incarceration problem in this city.
You can say the jails are overcrowded, which…yes. But over-incarcerated is a strange term.
As always we are at an extreme end of a cycle. We go super tough on crime and then lax and crime and then back to super tough, and on and on
Whatever we are doing now is not working, and it is far far worse in poor neighborhoods.
There was a shoplifter with a gun in Walgreens at 72nd and Broadway on Thursday, and a man was robbed at gunpoint on 86th and Broadway last night. I had to shut off the alerts on my Citizen’s app because my phone has been buzzing all week at work, warning me to stay away from my own neighborhood. 🙁
there is no walgreens at that location
It’s a Duane Reade…owned by Walgreens since 2010.
There certainly is, above Trader Joe’s… I got my booster there.
“there is no walgreens at that location”
But there’s a Duane Reade, a chain owned since 2010 by Walgreens
It’s a Duane Reade and it’s just a door south of Trader Joe’s. So, yes, there is.
Duane Reade (is owned by Walgreens)
Duane Reade (walgreens) is on 72&Broadway
Why do NYers continue to vote the same way, over and over again and expect a different outcome. Truly the definition of insanity. When will this City turn around? When we vote in decent, law and order candidates.
I was working with and a person I had just met, a few years ago, and he was complaining that when Giuliani was in office he “ruined the flavor of the city by Disney-fying it. 42nd Street had “flavor” he said. “Now it’s just touristy. Sure crime is down but at what cost?” I asked him where he lived, which neighborhood. Turns out he lives in a gated community just outside of Greenwich, CT.
I wonder how often he comes into NYC now.
Agree, i am definately done with voting Democrat at least in local elections.
The political party has nothing to do with it. It’s the individual you have to vote for — the individual who will rescind the so called “bail reform” laws. The inability of Judges to keep people incarcerated and held on bail is what is making the crime rate rise. The politicians who refuse to do that, and also refuse to allow prosecution for quality of life crimes, are the ones to get rid of. It’s not necessarily tied to a party affiliation, as we also don’t want books banned, women’s rights rescinded, and a lot of other problems that are inherently tied to the other political party.
What’s the flavor of being held at gunpoint until you empty your pockets? That 70s era NYC of pimps, dealers, and thieves looks great on film, but in real life? Eh, not so much.
Thanks to our sick no bail system, criminals with long arrest records are now roaming the streets to assault, brutalize, and rob people.
Defund Police – how’s that working out
The NYPD were never defunded, their budget has actually increased substantially.
The criminals must be arrested and kept in jail. It’s that simple. The decent law abiding people of New York should be the only ones walking around our wonderful city. This is not difficult to fix. Just vote for the people who actually care about the law abiding people instead of the criminals. Simple.
crime and quality of life really is getting worse. Everyone sees it.
My experience is being aggressively panhandled. it’s been 3 instances in past few weeks where someone will aproach me, not even looking homless and ask for money fo food or train or something. one called me racist and teling me to leave his neighborood for not giving him $.
i’m having to steel myself for a possible confrontation every time i go out of the house. yes i haven’t been attacked but it seems just a matter of time. several attacks have occurred by frustrated panhandlers
I am definately not voting Democratic again in LOCAL elections.
THIS IS WHY WE NEED THE PROPOSAL FOR MORE CAMERAS IN OUT BUSINESS DISTRICTS TO WIN IN THE PARTICIPATORY BUDGETING- if you haven’t followed, this was a chance a few weeks ago for you all to vote for three proposals out of 9 or so. A bunch were for cameras and a bunch were for public school enhancements. Hopefully cameras will get chosen. Safety is basic. No businesses -> more crime. More vacancies -> more encampments. Not good for the kiddos. And if the cameras don’t get chosen, well folks that entire process was rigged from the moment they let anyone vote multiple times without asking for a name or address.