Some people like big challenges, even if it means they break their backs. This guy in Central Park on Sunday was determined to roll a cartoon-size snowball across a field by the Cherry Trees near Central Park West in the West 80s.
Thanks to @upperwestsidemanhattan for the video.
One must imagine this man is happy.
Think of all the useful labor he could have performed if he had applied this energy to something worthwhile. This kind of frivolity underscores the vanity of individual effort; if he had understood the value of collective action and sought the support of the group, they could have rolled many snowballs uphill successfully!
he started with a tiny little snow ball – no bigger than his hand. By rolling it individually he made a giant snowball. Clearly he was able to build something impressive and have some fun along the way (and get in a good workout). Not bad for some individuality 🙂
All Sisyphus’ silent joy is contained therein. His fate belongs to him. His rock is his thing…The struggle itself toward the heights is enough to fill a man’s heart. – A. Camus