Photo by Seth Nachimson, who said his dog was not bothered when the chicken stared at it.
A chicken that crossed the road to Riverside Park last month is off to a more hospitable home, the Wild Bird Fund said on Saturday.
The chicken was captured by a police officer, according to the Bird Fund, which then transferred her to “a private sanctuary upstate.” The Bird Fund had been looking for the fowl since we first wrote about her on January 27, but had not been able to find her. As several readers pointed out, Riverside Park is no place for a chicken, even if it is quite tasty to goats.
Chicky looks like she lost some ozs over the course of the month. I’m happy she’s on her way to a less stressful living situation. Thanks WBF!
Also, I have never seen a better photo caption than this one.
Better to be rescued in Riverside Park than deep fried in Cast Iron Skillet, is what I always say
Anyone remember the turkey that hung out in RSP several years back (just south of the tennis courts by Riverside Church)? I was surprised that nobody grabbed it (it was quite large) for a meal… it survived I think three+ years. I remember a story in the papers that it had wandered to the subway stop where it was collected by cops/animal control and sent to some upstate “sanctuary.”
So why did the chicken cross the road? This remains an unanswered enigma wrapped in a bun.
Coincidentally, I was at an upstate restaurant this weekend that was offering a special dish called “Sanctuary Fried Chicken”
And this is among the reasons we should all support the Wild Bird Fund!
That is an exceptionally good looking and apparently quite self-sufficient bird. I’m glad she will live out her days laying eggs in the country, and not become a meal for a coyote or other critter that has also somehow appeared out of nowhere on the Upper West Side.🤔
Some stories do have happy endings y’all👏🏼🥂
And thanks to the policemen who saved both chicken and turkey.