Alan Barnes (left) and Robert Urban (right) work on the planter bed. Photo by Jeff French Segall.
By Jeff French Segall
Robert Urban and Alan Barnes, pictured above, teamed up to try their best to align the hopelessly mangled tree-surround damaged by an errant bus last week at the southeast corner of 95th Street and Columbus Avenue. Robert feels duty-bound to protect the area.
He discussed the tree that had been destroyed and was carted away, expressing his hope that it doesn’t take the city too long to replace both the tree and the tree-surround. He pointed out the remaining stems of the tulips he had planted beside the tree in the fall.
Here’s what the planter bed looked like this summer:
Alan is interested in getting neighborhood people, especially children, to participate in neighborhood beautification projects. Alan mentioned that he and his friends were looking for a local expert to guide and direct them to that end. It was quite a coincidence that Robert Urban provides advice to neighborhood gardeners. His website is Possibly a match made in heaven as an outcome to the rough meeting of metal to a petal.
Robert also wrote to us with some more info:
“Here’s the issue. It can’t be fully restored until a new tree is planted and a new iron fencing installed. To install these, the whole ground has to be torn up and a big hole dug for the tree. So all we all can do is wait. Personally I don’t care if there’s a tree in there or not – I can handle refurbishing the flowers myself. I believe the Parks Dept. plants the tree. Not sure who provides the iron fencing.”
The author/photographer, Mr. Segall, has been generous toward me. Truth be told, all I contributed here was a moment’s light lifting. Mr. Urban, a neighborhood resident, was doing all the work, as apparently he’s done for some time, on his own volition & without recompense, to beautify the neighborhood. Bravo to him, & to Mr. Segall, your sharp-eyed local reporter.
It’s possible that here, as with sidewalk trees, you must submit a request for a tree. Those take up to 18 months. In the meantime, how about asking that local flower store which occasionally did spontaneous extravagent arrangements to visit periodically?
I reported a spot in need of a tree on 110th, right in front of what is now H Mart, about two years ago. I received a reply and an assurance that the request had been received, but still no sign of a tree in that spot.
The florist is Lewis Miller Design. It would be amazing if they would do a few flower flashes in this spot! : )
Speaking of which, will the public ever get the results of the investigation as to just why the bus operator crashed the vehicle into the bicycle dock and planter rack?
Reach out to Trees New York…they’ll know what to do! They take care of NYC’s street trees.
I have the perfect solution to repair the bed. It is economical, eco friendly and quite beautiful. I don’t sell or manufacture the product, but would be happy to give you the name of the person who does. Please email me.
Thanks for this. Hopefully the city will restore the little plot of garden with a fence guard. Once they do that, I’m happy to volunteer my time and donate flowers And plants to refurbish it.
In your dreams!
Tell them don’t hold there breath too long… by law that “Iron loop railing” should’ve never been there.
That was not put up by the city and the city will not replace it.
My iron fencing on the opposite corner, 95th Street and Columbus Avenue,NE corner, was badly damaged by the Sanitation trucks, 2-3x. One half ++ is destroyed. No one listens to me- What a shame!!!
Thank you Mr. Urban!
If you look at the concrete traffic island across the street in front of Hunan Park you’ll see parts of the concrete were taken off by the same bus.
Jimsonweed. We need more jimsonweed since the batch across from Trader Joe’s got taken away.