A man was hit and knocked out last week on Central Park West by an umbrella from a hot dog stand, according to a witness who took the photo above. She gave the following account of what she saw.
I was walking along CPW, and from about 65th street I saw a hot dog stand umbrella flying up in the air. I didn’t think much about it, but it reminded me of a time years ago when an umbrella three times the size nearly took me out in Central Park during a very windy storm. But when I approached 63rd street I saw that the umbrella had actually hit a man, and he was on the ground, apparently knocked out cold, as he was not moving. The group that had gathered around had called an ambulance already, and people were trying to help the man. He eventually sat up but his head was covered in blood, and he was definitely dazed and confused. After about 5 minutes an ambulance arrived and he was able to slowly walk over to it with the help of strangers and be taken to the hospital. I was relieved to see him up and being taken care of!
If anyone knows the man, please let us know how he’s doing.
Is the city planning on addressing vendors illegally leaving this their carts overnight in Central Park and sidewalks and thoroughfares throughout the city?
I hope he’s ok – glad he was able to get up and walk. And also appreciate the photo editing to blur out the “crack” in the photo. sorry, thought it was funny.
Is this for real. Looks like a bunch of actor on a set
Poor guy….CPW in the 60s seems to have a disproportionate number of incidents -branches, lamp posts and now i guess umbrellas. Not sure it has anything to do w carts being left overnight, however….but maybe i’m wrong.
Some comic relief. Butt crack, lethal umbrellas, welcome to the UWS.[Glad the man was OK.]
More money…..Ha!!Cellino & Barnes ASAP….
Was it the umbrella or the dirty water hot dogs that put him down?
Thanks Obama!!!
He’s doing ok. Had to have stitches to sew up the cut but otherwise ok. Would appreciate it if anyone saw the accident happen if they would identify themselves.
Let’s not even talk about the toxic exhaust of the carts as well as all the trash left in their wake. Disgusting.
Oh dear. Has he recovered ? n.b.,, anyway: Copenhagen dog ,= polser [this machine doesn’t have the special Danish language o with the diagonal slash. Wow, that was NOT Mary Poppins-able. Any sellers of chestnuts, during Winter, survived in N.Y.C.. Are those Umbrellas made in U.S.A. ?
see:Steven Morvay says:
May 3, 2018 at 9:24 am
He’s doing ok. Had to have stitches to sew up the cut but otherwise ok.
Does anyone else notice an uptick in umbrella violence?
Thanks DeBlasio!
Good thing he wasn’t hit by a flying hot dog.
Don’t let one fall on your foot – they’re toe-busters.
Was this part of a Christo exhibit? Damn you, Christo! Leave us alone already!