In the wake of another mass shooting, Public Advocate Tish James is holding a rally Sunday at 68th street and Broadway at noon.
Friends,This week, we watched in horror as yet another mass shooting terrorized a community in our nation. San Bernardino was the 1,029th mass shooting since the horrible events at Sandy Hook nearly three years ago. And we know that it is not only the massacres that are tearing our families apart, shootings are happening every day in our streets.These weapons of destruction have no place on our streets, and we will no longer stand for these senseless acts of violence.Tomorrow, I will be taking a stand against gun violence. I hope you can join me: 12pm on 68th Street and Broadway, Manhattan.Sincerely,Letitia JamesNYC Public Advocate
No, not a mass shooting like “Sandy Hook”. Jihad. Radical Islamic terrorism. You’re comparing apples to pipe bombs. Radical Muslims do not care about Western anti-gun laws; look at Paris where NOBODY EXCEPT THE POLICE are allowed to have guns.
Her job is to … I don’t know exactly what. But it’s definitely not to “take a stand.” We already have her empty suit predecessor as a terrible mayor. Let’s not help a career of another two-bit politician. It’s bad enough that we pay her salary.
I’m with the poster “Bravo”.
I’m not sure anybody knows what a “public advocate” does or what exactly a “public advocate” is supposed to do besides be a waste of taxpayer money.
Look, I’m horrified by all the gun violence as much as any rational person. But the people living on 68th & Broadway where the rally is taking place are not the type of people who will be committing crimes with guns. I don’t know what this rally is supposed to accomplish.
If this person wants to hold a rally to protest gun violence maybe she should hold it in a high crime neighborhood where gun violence actually takes place.
What’s the rally supposed to accomplish?
It’s achieves the slavish Pavlovian response of far-left liberals who’ve taken their cue from The New York Times, The New York Daily News, Obama, and the DNC to act out against guns.
Because, hey, protesting against the Constitutional rights of law-abiding American citizens is easier for the far-left than to admit is has ZERO anti-terror policy/strategy.
Film at eleven.
Thanks for posting this — I’m going. We need to stand up against gun violence wherever we live in this city or country. Do you really think some crazy person with a gun, bent on violence will stop and ponder about being in the 10023 zip code and suddenly have a change of heart? I believe that Newtown, CT’s zip code was also a good one…
What mass shooting?
Oh, you must mean the ISLAMIC TERRORISM.
Lets not blame radical Islamic extremist ideology or ISIS. Lets blame millions of American gun owners, and the NRA instead.
Because…. #LiberalLogic
This reminds me a bit of the table I saw on Broadway before Obama was elected in 2008 with Obama buttons and campaign literature. I thought “really, you think you actually need to campaign for the democratic candidate on the Upper West Side of Manhattan?” This is pretty much the same. How many pro NRA individuals live on the UWS? 3? 8?
I think they used to call it preaching to the choir.
What is the significance of this location? 68th and Amsterdam….OK, it is where one of the country’s highest grossing movie theaters is located. (It was the highest at one point over 10 years ago.) It is where Lowes hardware is located, a vacant Ollie’s, etc.
Why is this location picked?
Ban em all!
I am not sure why taxpayer dollars are paying for our “public advocate” to stage what is really a political rally for her.
I am only focused on avoiding getting shot by a crazy Muslim fanatic on the subway or while waiting in line at for my coffee at the bodega. But, I am certain Tish James will not be discussing such serious matters Sunday.
Important cause but am also puzzled about location for rally?
Seriously, a better location might be in front of David Koch’s apartment(I think 1040 Fifth)?
Or in Williamsburg to try to get the young affluent hipsters involved in political issues and voting?