Photo by Scott Matthews at 106th street and Broadway.
About two weeks ago, a man named John Loscalzo who ran the Brooklyn Heights Blog died suddenly of unknown causes at the age of 52. John, who wrote under the pseudonym Homer Fink on the blog, was a great guy and an inspiration for websites like the one you’re reading right now.
At Brooklyn Heights Blog, John asked readers to speak their minds on whatever topic they wanted to discuss every Wednesday in an open thread post. It was a great idea, and we’d like to try it here. Consider this space like a local diner where everyone meets and talks about what’s going on in the neighborhood. Maybe there’s some issue we haven’t written about lately that you’d like to bring up, or a question you’d like to pose to some of our astute commenters, many of whom know the neighborhood incredibly well. (Just please don’t use it for commercial purposes or to start nasty comment battles.)
Here’s to Homer Fink! Long may his memory — and the Brooklyn Heights Blog — live.
Comment away below.
Ok, I’ll bite: is that apartment swap on 95th st ever gonna happen? Would make for a fun reality tv moment.
You just had to, didn’t you?
But of course! 🙂
WSR- Your timing could not be better for my “issue.” I just returned from a wonderful 16 day trip to Japan. In Japan, there are NO public trash cans anywhere and NO litter. The parks are completely without litter and the train stations are have nary a scrap of paper on the floor. As I talked to natives of the 2 big cities I visited (Tokyo and Kyoto), I began to learn that there is simply a “gestalt” where everyone is responsible for carrying out whatever litter they may have created. It appears they expect to take it home and dispose of it themselves. It’s their “responsibility to the community.” So, here’s my question…and it’s huge. Who knows about social engineering? A blog seems like the logical place to start. How do we start a movement in the US to make people responsible for their own trash. It could provoke other thought processes related to people’s responsibility to society. But, I’d really like to deal with the trash. Having no litter made a very crowded urban area seem so much more civilized (for lack of a better word). What if everyone had to take home any trash they generated on the street or in the parks? What if it were simply the socially accepted behavior, the norm, as it is in Japan. Thoughts?
Anyone else here had *repetitive* errors at the register when shopping at Pioneer on Columbus & 74th? The cashiers there consistently misprice items (always erring to overprice) and it’s beyond just a nuisance at this point — all very suspicious when combined with the store’s resistance to modernizing.
I’ve always wondered why people shop at Pioneer when Fairway is just a couple blocks away. Why do you?
Can I just say that Broadway between 81 and 82 on the West side of Bway is the most depressing block ever. OK there is a cute Teavana (I know it’s Starbucks) but then the crap comes with some wireless store (a front), the eyebrow threading place, Claires, McDonalds, Sleepy’s, That disgusting bank that I cannot pronounce Sandater (?) and now BOLTONS! The block should be airlifted and put in a dumpster. Are we residents to blame? Really disgusting
I’d rather see these stores than a block of banks, Duane Reades and wireless network stores.
Residents have no control what happens on their block, in their neighborhood or in their City. As a result, the problems upon see at 81/82 are not residents’ fault.
Spring is here (finally) and all of a sudden, this week in fact, the tourist and commuter helicopter traffic – and noise – is back over the Hudson River! Is there nothing that can be done to end this constant noise that we have to endure all summer long??? It begins early in the morning and goes on through late in the evening – incessantly.
Just the topic that came to my mind. Last Sunday I counted about 10 helicopters within about 6 minutes. Really, five roared up the Hudson with no more than 30 seconds between them. It ruins a nice Sunday afternoon in riverside Park! What is the most effective way to lodge complaints and make enough citizen noise to drown out the helicoptes?
I think Jersey City had some success with this issue. you can Google the specifics, but I think they curbed the tourist flights.
Start with Gale Brewer, Manhattan Borough President, your local council member Helen Rosenthal, the Mayor
( he may be far to busy in the MidWest to pay any attention) and the CB 7.
Yeah, Helen Rosenthal? I sent her an email last year about the helicopters flying over residential areas on Sunday evenings (not the Hudson River flights – these are directly over residential, low flying going south to the heliport on the west side, probably from the Hamptons). I haven’t heard shit from her, but she did add me to her mailing list – she’s a useless public official.
Complaints have been made about low flying helicopters over residential neighborhoods on the UWS and Ce tral Park but nothing seems to happen. In a City so concerned about security you’d think allowing dense helicopter traffic over these areas would be banned but no because MONEY must be made and human safety and comfort is not even considered..
There is NO security at all in the airspace above NYC anymore. How about yesterday? 3-4 police helicopters idling/hovering so very low above all of us ‘over’ the low wage protest at Columbus Circle. Sitting in the park was scary. Then the low flying airplanes that come across Manhattan/Central Park from the east then veered wildly back toward Time Square/south to avoid the helicopters… how is this not reported or prohibited? What are those police helicopters going to do up there if there is trouble anyway? Why so many? It went on for hours and hours.
Why is it ok now to have daily (& nightly) flight patterns directly over Manhattan? I feel like an accident is just around the corner with all the helicopters that buzz around the Hudson corridor and worse some crazy fanatic gets a chance to terrorize the city again. WHY make it easier for them?
Who is in charge of all of that?
Re: “Who is in charge of all of that?”
Simple! A professional F.A.A. Air Traffic Controller working a radar screen either for La Guardia Approach or La Guardia Departure. It is his or her job to safely and efficiently manage all of the aircraft headed to or leaving from La Guardia…several hundred between 6:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. They (and their counterparts at Newark and Kennedy) are considered the best in the business.
Re: “Then the low flying airplanes that come across Manhattan/Central Park from the east then veered wildly back toward Time Square/south to avoid the helicopters”
No airplane VEERS WILDLY…to avoid helicopters!! The flight-deck crew (pilots) are made aware of their “traffic” (the position and altitude of the police helicopters) and MUST reply either “we have the traffic” or “no joy”. And, most likely, those aircraft were several thousand feet ABOVE the helicopters.
The fact that the airliner came across Central Park and then was INSTRUCTED to turn south means the aircraft was on one of the STANDARD APPROACHES to La Guardia, probably continuing south over the harbor and then turning left and looping back over Brooklyn and then Queens to pick up the “Localizer” for Runway 31 (LGA’s east-west runway).
It is a carefully orchestrated aerial ballet keeping everyone, passengers and pedestrians alike, absolutely safe. And it happens 24/7, 365 days per year!
My office is up on the 50th floor, facing the park. One of the police helicopters appeared to be a smidge lower than usual, but not terribly so. What they were doing was typical.
And the flight path that travels north-south through the middle of Manhattan actually seems to be used less and less these days.
If only Old Ollies would turn into Shake Shack. It’s a great space and just down the block from me.
I live in the 90’s and don’t “love Manni’s.” There, I’ve said it. While I’m at it, I suspect that once in a while Barzini’s knowingly mislabels prices on produce assuming you won’t catch it.
Re comment from UWS, I have not had a problem at Pioneer but have had it any many other shops. In my experience the very worst offender is the Duane Reade at 79th & Amsterdam. I’ve learned to check every purchase and frequently find errors, especialy on items that are on sale or clearance. Usually, the clerks don’t even bother to check–they just promptly give me the correct reduced price. I’d love to be part of a campaign to arrest this practice.
Perfect timing for this! In the morning today I was wondering how I would get the message out about what happened in the subway at 79th st downtown. Time was between 8:30-9:00. I was coming home from 110th after dropping of my child to middle school. On my train car there was a hand trolly with two big brown cardboard boxes. I thought they belonged to the guy sitting next to them but as the train stopped he ran to the conductor and reported that these boxes had been on the train with no owner for a few stops! There was some discussion and a quick call was made by the conductor, then nothing. No police, no checking, nothing. According to protocol I thought that they were not allowed to move the train for safety. Well, the train left and continued downtown. Many people got off but majority had no idea that something was going on!! How can this go on. No protocol ? I though the city had safety in place . They even spend a lot of money on tv ads about un attended packages and bags. Anyone know what the law is or not?
All security theater but when it comes to doing something. They don’t.
I agree regarding the trash. I do not know how many times I have come down the steps of the brownstone that I live in to find that some half-wit has left a cup or some other trash on our steps. It is beyond me to understand what is so incredibly difficult about tending to your own trash. You purchased it, you dispose of it correctly!
I totally agree that litter on the UWS is out of control. Why not make store owners and buildings responsible for litter like they are for snow removal. We could also give our trash bags and homeless people could trade trash for food at McDonald’s or Starbucks. People could adopt their sidewalk. We could install solar garbage bins those metal baskets are so passé . The trash is disgusting and makes people think any behavior is ok
If only Old Ollies would turn into a super market or
deli. The former Food Emporium is not making any such changeover and we need one in this area.
You might be sorry. Brownstoner/Jonathan Butler had an ‘open thread’. He ended up shutting it down due to the nasty comments and rude people. But maybe us Manhattanites are more civil.
Is anyone else bothered by the police unit with 4 brilliant lights at night on Riverside Drive & 102nd street? Does anyone know why they have suddenly been put there? It makes looking out the window at the park and river at night a painful experience. I’ve called Community Board 7 twice to ask for help but no response. If anyone else feels like minded, I encourage them to also inquire or complain.
There’s one by my apartment on 92nd & RSD. Car break-ins have been abundant in those spots–thus, the annoying light show.
To the folks at West Side Rag, I’d like to say thanks for coverage and commentary we all come around for. I wonder if you know how appreciated you are! Thanks for the great neighborhood chronicle.
Agree with this – thank you, WSR, for the service you provide!
Thanks guys! WSR
The (now not so) new bow tie pedestrian crossing at 71st and Broadway is a terrific improvement but cars heading south on Broadway invariably block the crosswalk as they pass through the intersection and hit a red light at 70th and Broadway. It’s dangerous for pedestrians as they weave through the stopped cars whose drivers aren’t always looking out for pedestrians when their light turns green. just a matter of time before a tragedy, either from oblivious drivers or enraged walkers.
Regarding tourist helicopter s**t storm deblasio and the nycedc has unleashed on the West Side please go to:
They are also expanding and renovating the tour helicopter pier with our tax money…..It’ll be a long and noisy summer.
We’re moving to Philly
Please don’t move until after you vote in the next Mayoral election!
DOG $#*T!!
When will UWS dog owners decide to be more courteous to their fellow sidewalkers? Ladies and gentlemen, navigating Fido’s pee stains and poop smears is no fun. Please curb your dogs and pick up after them – like you are supposed to.
YES. There is SO much dog crap all over the streets.
Someone’s been stealing my home-delivered NYT in front of my building about 4 times/week – and has been doing this for at least three years. Anyone else have this problem? Some of my neighbors said they did.
The problem is especially acute on West 71st (between CPW and Columbus)
If WSR wants to do a stakeout and help me catch this person, I’d be all over it. Thanks
As a bicycle commuter, I am very sensitive to the comments regarding a “safe” path uptown. Here is my modest suggestion, minimizing cost and pedestrian interfaces: The current Columbus bike lane (downtown, as is the Avenue) is wide enough to divide. Cost would be minimal, a stripe down the middle. Pedestrian warnings could be cheaply edited to say “LOOK BOTH WAYS” as is common sense and common practice in many cities like London and Amsterdam. RESULT: Happy safe bikers, fewer car collisions, fewer pedestrian/bike confrontations. At minimal costs, no environmental impact statement consulting fees, 3 year delays, etc. JUST DO IT
For m-o-n-t-h-s now, Con Edison has been working on my block [WEA betw 76 & 77]. They’ll dig a hole in the street one day, patch it up the next. A few days later dig a hole in a different place, and patch it up the next. One night they jackhammered all night. And on many other days there is a private security car parked on my block 24 hours a day, as if it were guarding something. And we’re talking m-o-n-t-h-s. I’ve been unable to find out what they’re doing and/or why it’s taking so long.
Given the amount of naysaying re: the use of bike lanes, I thought this study would be something the community might be interested in.
Just because you put your blinker on doesn’t mean you can change lanes. You need to wait. And, get off your phone while driving and crossing the street. I see this all too often. I drive to Brooklyn in the morning and then take the 3-trains home. It’s riduculos.
sorry ridiculous….
I live on 96th and West End and for the past 2 weeks they have been doing work on the West Side Highway (I think repaving?) every night. At about 10pm, dozens of city trucks with the large orange traffic cylinders will drive by, all honking their horns. Then, for the rest of the night, because (I’m assuming) there are fewer lanes on the WSH, traffic gets backed up and cars honk all night. I put in a noise complaint to 311 and they emailed me back saying that they stopped by and “didn’t see a problem”. It has been going on all night and honestly waking me up!
311 is a joke, I put in a complaint for construction work after hours (after 10:00pm,no variance to do work) DOB stopped by and saw no wrong doing…of course they came in the afternoon, but I digress…back in the day you used to be able to call each agency with your complaint instead of a clueless clerk
Aliens snuck into my apartment in the middle of the night and replaced all of my things with exact duplicates.
Any one else have that problem?
[Credit to Steven Wright]
please tell me how the old codger with the cigar is allowed to totally blockade the sidewalk between 67 and 68th street on columbus ave with his books and magazines? he is rude and his cigar stinks up the whole street. also he doesnt seem to have to move his junk….it stays there throughout the evening……he must “know” “someone” it is an eyesore and an annoyance!
Will there EVER be an affordable gym on the UWS (ie Planet Fitness, Blink Fitness…)?????
I just got my tennis permit for the clay courts in Riverside Park. the permits are way overpriced — $200 per year. the senior price is $20. if the senior price is $20, i can see the general rate being $50 or even $75… but $200? plus to join the ladder you have to pay $50 to the RCTA plus $30 for the ladder. yes, a bargain when compared to private clubs… but these are supposed to be PUBLIC courts.
I just saw that 88,000 people applied for 55 “poor door” apts at 10 Riverside! Amazing! Clamoring to be 2nd class citizens! Why not pack it up and look for a job in a city where you can have a better quality of life? Austin, Dallas, Nashville, Jacksonville, Kansas City, etc, etc….all places where these folks can have a better life.
What is up with the constant helicopter traffic on UWS?! It started a week before the Pope visit. Okay. But now that is done and it’s still going on – all day Saturday 10/3, all this morning Sunday, it sounds like a war zone – constant hovering and flying back & forth.