Manhattanhenge on West 72nd Street. Photo by Michael Huitt.
The celestial phenomenon known as Manhattanhenge returns on Thursday and Friday night, so expect people to stand in the middle of the street so they can take a photo in the two or three minutes when the view is best. If you’re in a car, don’t run them over!
Manhattanhenge is a rare celestial-spiritual phenomenon that occurs when the sun lines up perfectly with Manhattan’s East-West grid. Learn more about it from Neil DeGrasse Tyson here.
On Thursday, Manhattanhenge is set to occur at 8:16 p.m. and on Friday at 8:18 p.m.
Check out some previous Manhattanhenge pics here, and send us yours!
Two consecutive days of Manhattanhenge? Welcome to deBlasio’s New York.
**** only viewable for tenants who live in luxury buildings and are “qualified” ;-0
Speaking of henges…