Photo by Adam Logan.
March 14, 2012 Weather: Sunny, High of 68 Degrees.
Assemblywoman Linda Rosenthal got the legislature to declare March 11 “Epidermolysis Awareness Day”, or Butterfly Children Awareness Day, in honor of local four-year-old Rafaella Lily Kopelan, who suffers from a genetic disorder that causes painful blisters and wounds on her body. “Rafi’s Run”, to raise money and awareness, was held on Sunday.
I’m hearing that the dreaded mosquitoes of 84th Street are back with the warm weather. Anyone seen (or felt) any mosquitoes recently?
Broadway and Amsterdam Avenue were two of the 10 most dangerous roads in New York City from 2008 to 2010. (Huffington Post)
Lincoln Center is a hotspot for pedestrian accidents and injuries. There were 19 accidents there (or within one block) last year. (DNAinfo)
How writer Sloane Crosley learned to love the bodegas of the Upper West Side. (Curbed)
A young single person lists her gripes about the Upper West Side: “This neighborhood seems to be best suited to families with money to spend. I’ve lived here for about 3 years, but I find myself wishing for more cool places to hang out close by and cursing the noise and traffic congestion on the entrance/exit to the West Side Highway. If you don’t mind being un-hip (which is pretty much what you will be if you live on the UWS) and all you want to do is shop at Whole Foods and get your latte at Starbucks anyway, then you might as well just move to the suburbs where you can get more for your money…I might be done with the UWS…” (Nabewise)