Photo by Avi at coffee shop Sensuous Bean on 70th Street.
February 2, 2012 Weather: Cloudy, High of 46 Degrees.
A play called “Dog Park”, about a real estate tycoon who wants to bulldoze a dog park and the neighbors who fight him, is running at the Drilling Company Theater, 236 West 78th Street, until February 12. Learn more here.
A fire this morning at around 6 a.m. caused damage to the Days Inn Hotel on 94th Street near Broadway. Sixty firefighters battled the blaze and had it under control within about half an hour. The cause was unclear. (The story initially said incorrectly that the fire occurred in the Duane Reade next door. Since initially posting it, DNAinfo updated their article.) (DNAinfo)
Upper West Side Cantor Phil Sherman is basically the circumcision king of New York. He has performed as many as nine in one day! (NY Times)
Lady Gaga was a no-show at the grand opening last night of Joanne, her dad’s new place on 68th. But Tony Bennett showed up. Bennett recently sketched Gaga in the buff. (DNAinfo)
Husband just went to Duane Reade 94 st/Bway…open for business as if nothing ever happened