August 11, 2011 Weather: Sunny, High of 84 Degrees.
Given that it’s supposed to be gorgeous out today, why not check out an outdoor concert? There’s a big free concert and dance performance featuring the Family Stone tonight at 7 in Lincoln Center’s Damrosch Park, and more on our events calendar.
Ditch Plains at 100 West 82nd Street now has a $40 crab boil every Thursday. Seatings at 6 and 8 p.m.
Adolpho Marrero, 41, faces one count of grand larceny for allegedly pocketing more than $46,000 from book sales in the basement of St. Agnes library on Amsterdam and 81st Street. His job was to collect the cash from the sales and record it in a ledger, but a library employee noticed that the numbers didn’t add up. (DNAinfo)
A workout place called Physique 57 where they can teach you the “thigh dance” is opening next week in the Ansonia building on Broadway between 73rd and 74th Streets. (NY1)
Residents of the landmarked Brockhorst at 101 West 85th Street are worried that illegal construction in the basement of the building is causing structural problems. (West Side Spirit)
Leslie at DNAinfo talked to Saul Zabar about the story we wrote yesterday: Zabar’s was using crayfish in its lobster salad, and when the Maine Lobster Council learned, they demanded a re-labeling. Saul Zabar says he’s going to change the name of the food to Seafarer’s Salad, and didn’t mean to mislead anyone. He added that New Yorkers probably don’t really know the difference between the crustaceans anyway. “People here, they might think of lobsters as creatures that can bite you,” he said, “like that scene in ‘Annie Hall’ where they’re chasing it around the kitchen.” (DNAinfo)