With the election just weeks away, some local stores are going all out lampooning Donald Trump. The sign below, photographed by Ira, was outside Amigo’s on Broadway and 112th.
And at Pet Central Broadway at 235 West 76th, you can buy a Trump doll for your doggie to chew. “Push to inflate head!” Thanks to MJ Kaplan for the photo.
But beware! The last store to have fun with Trump closed suddenly just a few months later.
Update: Rita sent in a pic of Bernie and Hillary pet chew toys that were also in Pet Central’s window! Equal opportunity!
Are any local establishments mocking Hillary Rodham-Clinton in similar fashion?
Trump supporters/voters should boycott these businesses or at least make our feelings known.
Go ahead, make my day…
(by the way: Yes. Do your homework, just look in certain B’way store windows north of 96th.)
I know!!! What could the owners of a local Mexican restaurant possibly have against Donald Trump? This is an inexplicable mystery.
Imagine the situation reversed as follows: A White, American immigrant to Mexico who owns a business there, putting-out a similar sign that mocked a Mexican nationalist figure. How tolerant would Mexicans be of such a sign and of the White American immigrant to their country that was responsible for the sign?
What if the sign were to go farther than that and mock Mexicans themselves? (Or some subset thereof*) (*Is “white bread”, in the context used in the Amigo’s sign pictured, not an anti-White Gentile slur?)
(And how tolerant and welcoming is Mexico to those who invade their country by entering and then staying illegally?)
Imagine the situation reversed as follows: A White, American immigrant of European descent who owns a business in Mexico, putting-out a similar sign that mocked a nationalist figure in Mexico? What if the sign were to go farther than that and mock Mexicans themselves? (Or some subset thereof*) How tolerant would Mexicans be of such a sign and of the White American immigrant to their country that was responsible for the sign?
(*Is “white bread”, in the context used in the Amigo’s sign pictured, not an anti-White Gentile slur?)
Likewise, how tolerant and welcoming is Mexico to those who invade their country by entering and then staying illegally?
Let me guess – you don’t understand the concept of “false equivalency”.
I don’t like Trump either, but if I were to pass one of these sidewalk signs with that written on it I would knock it over and pretend that it was an accident.
I can be passive agressive like that.
Get to Broadway and 112th much?
No. I rarely have a reason to go up that far.
Well, it IS Nyc. Unless the majority of their customers are both Republican AND Trump supporters, it might not be a wise decision for most businesses to bite the hand that feeds you, lol.
The bottom line is that when businesses start to take a side they are risking losing customers. Not smart to mix business and politics….period.
I realize that this is the upper left side, but I am a republican and a trump supporter. If you don’t want my money, just say so on the door. Business should keep their political view to themselves, especially the mom and pops. They need every dollar they can get and they should not care where it comes from. My parents owned a pharmacy for 35 years and never discussed politics with anyone. We had customers of all political and religious views and my parents respected them all.
Our friends on the Right yet again demonstrate that conservatives rarely have a sense of humor and are quick to be offended.
Sorry that the UWS doesn’t provide a safe space for you. I hope your snowflake sensibilities are able to quickly recover.
Safes spaces and special snowflakes are terms created and utilized by liberal left-wing zealots like yourself. Thankfully, the UWS does not represent the USA.
Try again.
The Right is just as perpetually offended as the Left.
If you don’t believe me, just look at the arguments in favor of “Religious Freedom” legislation.
But your use of the word “zealot” clearly demonstrates your sense of over-dramatization and fragile sensibilities.
Lighten up, Francis!:)
Soooooooo amuuuuuuusing! Ho! Ho! Ho! How about these restaurants displaying their “wit” by parodying Hillary Clinton and HER campaign?? Personally, I have no intention of patronizing Amigos! Nor would I have patronized the pet store if it were still in business, unless it was to drop off some dog poop!
WestSideRag this wasn’t a smart decision to post this. I am offended by the ceaseless casual “anti-white” messages everywhere. Can I start with my anti(s) now too???
The Pet Store also has Clinton dolls.
Yeah, Trump supporters should boycott those stores. Oh wait, I’m sorry. The Trump supporter should boycott the stores. Personally I’ll be going to Amigos tomorrow. I hope I can get in.
Enjoy now before Amigos is taxed out of business or are robbed by someone wanting their “fair share”…the ultimate results of liberal policies.
@Mark instead of addressing any of the serious points I made regarding foreign policy, you resort to name calling. Typical liberal.
You made “serious remarks” regarding foreign policy?
They must have been mistakenly erased.
You’d be surprised how many Trump supporters are about
Concerning observations of Trump supporters on the UWS, I’m curious: How did the observer know they were such? Through conversation?
Has anyone observed conspicuous signs of Trump support, such as buttons, bumper-stickers, placards or the like, here on the UWS?
Unfortunately, there have been reported incidents of violence against Trump supporters in various parts of the country. Does anyone know of any having occurred here?
You are entitled to support and promote your candidate freely. You don’t need me to say that, you already know that. It’s just that I am embarrassed to read the comments to the contrary written here.
Re: “You’d be surprised how many Trump supporters are about”
“About” what?
Oh, wait; they are:
1) ABOUT to elect the closest thing to a HITLER that this country has ever seen; a charlatan who wants us to believe that only he, the uber-mensch, can save this nation;
2) ABOUT to elect this “Would-Be Fuhrer” who demonizes Mexicans and Muslims as the source of all our problems, much as “Uncle Adolph” once demonized the Jews as the cause of Germany’s problems;
3)ABOUT to elect a mean-spirited junior high school-type bully who delights in ridiculing a reporter with a physical disability AND a veteran public servant who was suffering from pneumonia;
4) ABOUT to elect a bigoted racist who openly encourages the worst prejudice and bias among his uneducated/uninformed “base”
5)ABOUT to elect as “Leader of the Free World” an ignoramus who cannot put three coherent sentences together. How he ever passed 10th grade is an inexplicable mystery.
THAT’s what Trump-supporters are “About” !!
ScooterStan’s above litany of regurgitated attacks and smears cannot be allowed to go unanswered.
Note that the numbering I use below is not intended to correspond exactly to the numbering used in his post.
1.) Trump may be many things (more than a few of which are decidedly less-than-noble or desirable) but to compare him to Hitler is not only preposterous but hateful and deeply offensive as well.
2.) The wielding of the “Islamophobia” and “racist” cards against Donald Trump is particularly rich when coming from Hillary Rodham-Clinton– a woman who bears direct culpability in the massacre and misery of many thousands of civilians in foreign lands, the overwhelming majority of whom have been Muslim and Arab.
3.) “delights in ridiculing a reporter with a physical disability”
That claim is strongly disputed. Specifically, there is more to the video-in-question than that which was circulated by Trump’s attackers. They ignored footage that did not support their narrative and was exculpatory of Trump. At the very least, the reality is not as black-and-white as the Trump attackers have made it out to be.
4.) Most of the other hackneyed, largely debunked and discredited attacks and smears that make-up ScooterStan’s post are dealt with in Ann Coulter’s latest column.
5.) One need not possess even the slightest liking, sympathy or support for Donald J. Trump to realize how egregiously biased the mainstream media is against him. Heck, they hardly even pretend otherwise anymore.
6.) In anticipation of attempts to discredit, a priori and in McCarthyesque fashion, the sources I have cited, I refer readers to the following past posts of mine:
I’m a Jew and I don’t care what the ADL says
On the charge of “racism” (See also URL that “McCarthyesque”, above, is linked-to)
7.) To the above, I will add here that popular claims to the contrary notwithstanding, neither being an immigration restrictionist nor being unapologetically pro-White means harboring hatred toward or wishing harm upon anyone simply because of where they were born or who their parents were.
Have a nice day.
FWIW I thought the board is friggin hysterical. And I’m really glad WSR posted it, I needed a good laugh.
For those of you offended (by having Trump insulted.. the hypocrisy and irony leave me speechless, but I digress), please take a deep breath. Everything about the menu board is clever and relevant to the national discussion. I’m a Hillary supporter, but if an equally clever sign were put up making fun of her public piccadilloes, I’d laugh as well.
I just want to emphasize again that supporters of the insulter-in-chief taking umbrage at the Twitter-meister being poked fun of, is in itself hysterical.
You cited Ann Coulter.
‘Nuff said!
As you probably already know, I try not to get pulled into Political debate.
Rather, I just want to leave this reply to the Sources used in your links, before Commenters provide clicks.
Breitbart News is the platform for the alt-right White Nationalists.
I have already described vdare, so readers can know where they are going when they click these links.
Yay!!! Scooter Stan you nailed it! I’m embarrassed for my country that the world is watching us and wondering how we’ve come up with that deplorable man as a possible president.
It’s depressing to see some of the posts here…seemingly intelligent people who have bought into Trump’s low class theatrics, constant lying, belligerence, and general ignorance of world affairs.
I, along with many others on the right who plan to vote for Trump, have not “bought into” anything. We harbor no illusions about Trump. Rather, we see this as The Flight 93 Election.
A similar argument but from the specific perspective of a social conservative can be found here. (Written from a specifically Christian perspective but quite applicable to other traditionalists, as well. The latter includes Jews, such as myself, and even many who are not particularly — or even at all— religious. )
So Clinton is the convent school graduate???? So sweet and innocent
and your point is scooter???
I’ll take Trump over Hillary any day. The USA is moving closer to war with Russia. I do not want war with Russia. Hillary called Putin Hitler, while Trump wants to talk to Putin. Based on this alone, I am voting for Trump. Hillary is a crazed warmonger who has destabilized the ME which has led to Europe in chaos, but that is nothing compared to confrontation with Russia.
100% spot on UWSHebrew
Re: “while Trump wants to talk to Putin.”
Probably to talk about all his mysterious business deals with Russia; deals he will NOT discuss nor admit even exist.
And exactly WHY is Putin so buddy-buddy with Herr Drumpf? Does Putin see him as a co-conspirator…or as a fool who can be easily outsmarted by a cyncal, clever, and cagey former FSB operative?
Ah yes, the fear and terror of the Right.
It seems early in the fall for snowflakes. Thank you for reminding us that delicate snowflakes are always in season.
Look I don’t like Hillary either but I’m not voting for her, I’m voting against Trump.
And this is why (amongst other things):https://foxtrotalpha.jalopnik.com/ex-nuclear-launch-officer-explains-whats-so-terrifying-1784778595
Politicized junk food. Great.
I now know Amigos isn’t authentic Mexican. How can you tell it’s not an authentic Mexican eatery? It’s sarcastic.
Mexicans aren’t stupid, but a left wing pumpernickel callus owner of an ethnic eatery is
Seriously, this sign wasn’t penned by a Latin…and my team won’t buy lunch there when we can eat at either Taq nearby
Politics and religion should be off limits.
I never discuss Politics or Religion.
Well, technically you just did.
Both actually.
Aw man, you fell for the trap UWS_lifer.
Well no Zulu, I like my Self
…it’s that annoying droning that follows me that is so annoying.
Self fulfilled prophecy.
Another Arguer!!!
..it won’t end
see how fast the disagreements begin?
(i guess i’m now into this to the bitter end)
Hillary sandwich = mystery meat on black rye withe a side of cold fish salad
I’m a Hillary supporter but that is funny and on point. Everyone should lighten up a bit.
Smart business move for Amigo’s (no sarcasm meant). Their audience are the students at Columbia University, who would laugh at this sign and go inside, believing this was a good place to spend their money. We should not be surprised, as Columbia just announced they will be holding a “no whites allowed student retreat”. Welcome to 2016 America, an abomination of logical norms.
I’m enjoying reading all the butt hurt Trump supporters here. Keep them coming, please.
If you are so enamored with tax cuts that you’re willing to look past this guy’s misogyny, racism, fear mongering, ineptitude, and total, unmistakeable ignorance, sandwich jokes are truly the least of your problems.
Sure you do…I bet that you’re really surprised by the number of “deplorables” that live in what’s assumed to be a progressive safe space…and our you neighbors.
No not really, I was expecting more to be honest. Hate fueled by ignorance seem to be on the rise lately.
Ignorance defined as not agreeing with your opinion…typical
Nah, my opinion is only one of many.
These are just supposed to be fun chew toys – not voodoo dolls. It is ridiculous that anyone should be offended by them. Have a sense of humor people!!
For fans of a bully, Trump supporter are awfully thin-skinned. Yeesh.
So you say…at least he’s not a criminal (and no following the tax code is not illegal).
Right, TS, no illegal activity from Trump… https:https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughTrumpSpam/comments/4sv46y/a_final_response_to_the_tell_me_why_trump_is_a/
When in doubt, deflect to a new topic!
Trump supporters on the UWS are like any underrepresented group surrounded by an intolerant majority.
Quick to arouse vehement denunciations and ad hominem attacks.
I actually think the menu board is harmless and clever, but I agree with RG above…West Side Rag, I think it was a mistake to post this. Just generates pointless flaming posts. ( I agree that THIS post is also pointless, but not hateful)
In response to drg, above:
1.) The story itself is clearly neighborhood-related, as were the initial comments. Then, a number of comments caused the thread to quickly veer-off into a Trump vs. Hillary debate (largely a flamefest) that had little, if anything, to do with the story about local businesses. I do not know why the moderators allowed this. (Yes, I participated in the digression but only reactively, by replying-to comments that had been posted by others.) Perhaps they wish to provide WSR readers some, limited, contained opportunity to vent about this national matter that weighs so heavily upon the minds of so many people now. If so, then the occasional thread of this nature would obviously be a logical place for such indulgence.
2.) Isn’t “White bread”, in the context used in the sign, an anti-(White)Gentile slur? If so, it is not only Trump (and, by extension, his supporters and voters) that “Amigo’s” is insulting.
West Side Rag:
(did i just take sides in this?)
No brains used in production of this baloney.
another good argument for Vegetarianism!
(did i just take sides in this omnivore v vegan fight?)
At 9:26am I wrote: “I never discuss Politics or Religion.”
I’m just checking…Has anyone changed their vote based on today’s discussion?
Well I’ll be a monkey’s uncle! At this point in the game I would vote for you dannyboy!
That’s how much I dislike the two clowns we have running for president. You have to look back and wonder, where the hell did we make such a bad turn to end up here?!
Z –
if you vote for me, i’ll vote for you
that’ll show ’em
If Hillary wins, I hope she builds a wall around Donald Trump.
I love watching people on the Right complain about things that aren’t PC enough for them.
It’s so typical – if I offend you, you’re overly PC.
If you offend me, you’re wrong.
The Right can dish it out but they become total snowflakes when they are on the receiving end.
But then again they picked a candidate with remarkably thin-skin so none of this is particularly surprising.
Almost too much truth there Brother.
Word salad anyone?