On Wednesday starting at 6:30 p.m., the full Community Board 7 will gather for its monthly meeting, and the Museum of Natural History’s new Richard Gilder Center is on the agenda.
The educational center passed muster at a joint Preservation/Parks & Environment committee last month with some recommendations: that the building strive for a “zero-carbon footprint”; and that a strategy be developed to prevent the overflow of visitors to the Center from overwhelming “dedicated park-goers.”
The full meeting agenda is below. It will be held at Goddard Riverside Community Center, 593 Columbus Avenue at 88th Street. (there’s a pre-meeting about a rooftop addition on 101st Street too).
5:30PM Preservation Committee Pre-meeting on 840 West End Avenue.
Agenda is at the end of this document.
Proposed Agenda –Subject to Change
Approval of minutes from previous full board meeting
Chair’s Report: Elizabeth Caputo
Election of Board Officers for 2016-2017: Howard Yaruss, Chair, Elections Committee
Community Session – We welcome all members of our community (residents, businesses, CBOs) who would like to speak on issues of interest to them. Members of the community are granted one minute for remarks, and we will also accept a written copy for the record.
Manhattan Borough President’s Report: Diana Howard
Reports by Elected Officials
Reports by Elected Officials’ Representatives (One-minute remarks)
Business Session
Preservation Committee, Jay Adolf and Gabrielle Palitz, Co-Chairpersons
Joint with Parks & Environment Committee, Klari Neuwelt, Chairperson
Resolutions Re:
1. American Museum of Natural History’s application to the NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission for the construction of the Richard Gilder Center for Science, Education, and Innovation:
- Park design
- Building design
Business & Consumer Issues Committee
Michele Parker and George Zeppenfeldt-Cestero, Co-Chairpersons
Resolution Re:
2. Changes to Rules for Street Festivals. Read proposed changes Here
Transportation Committee, Andrew Albert and Dan Zweig, Co-Chairpersons
Resolution Re:
3. 211 Central Park West, The Beresford (West 81st – 82nd Street.) Application to the Department of Transportation by Beresford Apartments, Inc. to petition for a new revocable consent to construct, maintain, use and install four (4) precast concrete planters with planting soil and evergreen shrubs on Central Park West sidewalk in front of the building.
Preservation Committee, Jay Adolf and Gabrielle Palitz, Co-Chairpersons
Resolutions Re:
4. 120 West 74th Street (Columbus Avenue.) Application to the Landmarks Preservation Commission for façade restoration, a front stoop and the rear yard addition.
5. 50 West 77th Street, dba Scaletta (Columbus Avenue.) Application to the Landmarks Preservation Commission For a vertical lift; removal of the terra cotta colored tile and addition of cement plaster to match the rest of the building.
6. 420 Amsterdam Avenue, d/b/a OLMA Caviar Boutique & Lounge (West 80th Street.) Application to the Landmarks Preservation Commission for store front modification and new sign and exterior lighting.
7. 127 West 88th Street (Amsterdam – Columbus Avenues.) Application #181047 to the Landmarks Preservation Commission for replacement of a metal fence.
8. 840 West End Avenue (West 101st Street.) Application to the Landmarks Preservation Commission for a penthouse addition.
9. 307 West 103rd Street (Riverside Drive-West End Avenue.) Application to the Landmarks Preservation Commission for restoration of the front façade, rear yard addition, new windows and window replacement, and painted stucco surfacing on the rear façade.
Business & Consumer Issues Committee
Michele Parker and George Zeppenfeldt-Cestero, Co-Chairpersons
Resolutions Re:
Application to the SLA for a New Two-Year Liquor, Wine, Beer & Cider License:
10. 2170 2178 Broadway aka 212 222 West 77th Street, NY Broadway Hotel Owner & Highgate Hotels LP, d/b/a NYLO New York City / LOCL Bar.
Application to the SLA for a Class Change, from Wine & Beer to Liquor, Wine, Beer & Cider:
11. 435 Amsterdam Avenue (West 81st Street.) 357 Hospitality Inc., d/b/a Spice.
Unenclosed Sidewalk Café Renewal:
12. 2418 Broadway (West 89th Street.) Renewal application #2006949-DCA to the Department of Consumer Affairs by Bukefal, LLC, d/b/a Cibo E Vino, for a four-year consent to operate an unenclosed sidewalk café with 15 tables and 30 seats.
New Unenclosed Sidewalk Café:
13. 2737 Broadway (West 105th Street.) New application #9793-2016-ASWC to the Department of Consumer Affairs by The Westside of Broadway Restaurant Group, Inc., d/b/a Toast, for a four-year consent to operate an unenclosed sidewalk café with 15 tables and 30 seats.
5:30PM Pre-Meeting
Preservation Committee
Jay Adolf and Gabrielle Palitz, Co-Chairpersons
840 West End Avenue (West 101st Street.) Application to the Landmarks Preservation Commission for a penthouse addition.