The new Target at 795 Columbus Avenue near 98th Street has now been closed for nearly a month after the remnants of Hurricane Ida damaged the store. A spokesperson for the company said they’re still doing repairs and did not have a reopening date.
“We expect to re-open later this fall, but I don’t have an exact date to share,” he wrote.
The store had opened just weeks before the storm.
When Target reopens I wish it wasn’t mostly food & drugs. The UWS is already covered in those categories. How about kids’ clothes?
Yes, totally agree!
I was away the week it opened. They didn’t have kids clothes??? That was the only thing I really was looking forward to since we have no reasonable kids clothes stores in the neighborhood. Used to LOVE Bitz Kid! Target clothes are generally very durable and priced well. They also have many of the licenses the kids are looking for. We always load up when in the suburbs.
More reasons not to build big retail spaces in basements.
The failing is probably not Target’s but likely stems from something about how this new building was not adequately constructed/drained.
If you can’t / shouldn’t build retail like this (cheap, easily replaceable goods on simple metal shelves on plastic flooring) in basements, what should you build? Nuclear research labs?
In fact, until recently new NYC buildings of this size were required to have parking, which was of course usually in basement levels.
I agree with all the other commenter below. This Target needs to be rethought. They need more space. This is like a mash-up of TJMAXX and Duane-Reade. Also, beer.
These city Targets aren’t really meant to cover all the ground of full-scale Targets (impossible given rents). Hop on the M116 and head over to East River Plaza for that.
The other full sized Target that’s in easy reach of the UWS is the Marble Hill location, which is a few minutes walk from the 1 stop at 225th Street. Technically, Marble Hill is also a part of Manhattan, so this would arguably be the other full sized Target in Manhattan.