Michael Appleton/Mayoral Photography Office
By Carol Tannenhauser
Starting on Monday, January 11th, New Yorkers age 75 and up, education workers, first responders (police, fire), public transit workers and public safety workers will be eligible to get the COVID-19 vaccine, Governor Andrew Cuomo announced Friday.
Starting Monday, NYS will begin scheduling vaccinations for the next group of people (Phase 1b):
-People age 75+
-Education workers
-First responders (police, fire)
-Public transit workers
-Public safety workersSites will include pharmacies, drs' offices, Javits Center & more.
— Archive: Governor Andrew Cuomo (@NYGovCuomo) January 8, 2021
But how do they arrange to be vaccinated? Where do they go? Not surprisingly, to the Internet. New York State will be launching a website on Monday that will allow New Yorkers to find locations where the vaccine is being given, and to make appointments. (We will update this article to include the link when it is available.) Meanwhile, New York City has already launched a website, which is nyc.gov/covidvaccine. A reader sent the following link as well: vaccinepod.nyc.gov.
UPDATE: The city launched a new website on Sunday for locating and scheduling vaccines: the COVID-19 Vaccine Finder.
“Arranging it, believe it or not, will be the least of the problem,” said Ivan Jourdain, owner of Ivan Pharmacy on Columbus Avenue between 93rd and 94th Streets. Jourdain was vaccinated an hour and a half before speaking to WSR by phone on Saturday afternoon. As a pharmacist, he was eligible for the shot in Phase 1a.
“It’s very, very easy to do,” he said. “You go to the website, fill out the questionnaire—it will take you maybe 10 minutes. Then, you choose a place where you want to get vaccinated and schedule an appointment. You may have to try a few places to get the time you want. You have to make an appointment online or by phone. They will not take you as a walk-in.”
They also will not let you schedule an appointment unless and until you are eligible. (We tried.) “I waited about 40 minutes, got my vaccine and that was the whole kit and caboodle,” Jourdain said.
Okay, but where did he have to go to get it?
“I got mine at the Ryan Health Center on 10th Avenue between 45th and 46th, because it was so easy to get to,” he responded. “I scheduled it on Thursday and I got it on Saturday morning. In Manhattan, there are so many places you can go to, and more are being added all the time.”
A quick scan of the list showed existing locations on or near the Upper West Side on West 69th, West 118th, and West 125th Streets.
As for local pharmacies, Jourdain said they won’t have the vaccine anytime soon. This was verified by the manager of Park West Pharmacy on West 82nd and Columbus, and the owner of Joseph Pharmacy between Broadway and West End Avenue. “Right now, it’s going to be mainly the urgent care places and the city clinics,” Jourdain said.
He asked to add the following message:
”I am a Hispanic African American, 64 years old, and I’m very excited to have the vaccine. I really want you to print that I strongly encourage everybody to get vaccinated.”
* This link was added after the original publication.
Hallelujah. Let’s get this in arms asap. Reading the NYT article today about the bickering going on and doses being wasted was horrifying. This is priority 1, 2 and 3 for us. Any chance they can bring it to schools, police stations, etc. so these critical workers can get it more easily?
No, bec it has to be in v deep freeze or the doses go bad. You can’t just use a regular freezer and schools and other such places lack the right equipment.
The Pfizer vaccine does need to be shipped in ultra cold conditions, but it can be stored for 5 days in a regular refrigerator. The Moderna vaccine can be stored in for 30 days in standard fridge temperature. The city has already announced that several high schools will serve as vaccination centers including Hillcrest high school in Queens which opened yesterday.
That’s what I thought. I would assume if you brought the exact number of doses to a school on a given day and did all of the vaccinations before school in the morning or right after school, it would be fine, and a lot more efficient. I am just trying to think creatively about how to get these out as quickly and easily as possible.
Great info Ivan! Wishing you good health.
Looks like taxi and ride share drivers have been kicked to the curb by Cuomo, de Blasio and company, again.
Thanks for this!
I am pro- vaccine —
I simply want to relay my experience— I kind of wish I had been more “ready”
I got the Pfizer vaccine— not much reaction to first shot/2nd vaccine I was completely out of commission for 2 days
I feel great today, and am VERY happy I got the vaccine, but do not plan any activities for two days after second vaccine. I was off on vacation days, but I would definitely have had to call in sick if I were scheduled to work. It’s a small price to pay compared with getting Covid and risk of long-hailer effects, just plan your schedule to be able to be pretty sick for two days. Good luck, and get vaccinated!!👍
I stopped by Northwell on 69th and Amsterdam this morning. I am over 75. They are not taking appointments in person, but gave me a number to call. That number, when I finally got through, gave me another number. I was on hold for almost 2 hours! I gave up. I’m really afraid this isn’t going to work out too well.
This states “education workers” and form does NOT have category for this. Gov. Cuomo listed that.
There is 1 center on the UWS. A total Travesty. Great planning!
Each borough will have one supercenter that’s open 24/7. But there are numerous places where the vaccine is administered all over the City. Don’t be so outraged. I got the vaccine very easily.
I am a health care worker and all the slots have been filled in Manhattan through the end of the month. Very, very difficult to get an appointment and will be more so tomorrow when those over 75 are eligible.
Hours and hours of trying and having to fill out the forms repeatedly. Today the site was frozen.
It is a monumental task to organize and make available this vaccine. Hopefully more will be done to make it accessible.
Good. LEt’s keep it up! Orderly and with as few snafus as possible— that is my dream. I’m 70 so I can hang in there a bit longer!!!
I repeat good work and let’s keep our fingers crossed.
If you go to the city sites and portal you can register today for upcoming appointments, no need to wait until the morning of 1/11.
I seek place on the upper west side to get
the vaccine… I live at Lincoln Towers… any info would be appreciated
Want vaccine asap
If you want to make an appointment on the web, all time slots in Manhattan locations are filled. But there is plenty of availability in the new vaccine hubs in Brooklyn, Bronx, and Queens. Schedule at vaccinepod.nyc.gov.
I’m happy that finally there’s a plan to vaccinate in New York City. However, it’s very annoying, not to mention really depressing, that when the vaccine is finally being distributed Senior citizens under the age of 75 aren’t able to qualify. Since the Pandemic began seniors over the age of 70 were-told to be extra careful. I am 73 years old and feel vulnerable enough and old enough to at least be eligible to make the necessary appointment.
OR please tell us, Governor Cuomo, when the young seniors ages 70-75 and 65-70 might be able to be vaccinated. I need a light at the end of this tunnel.
I agree with you and I was surprised to see the age restrictions. Plus, seniors who are 75 and over shouldn’t have to travel to another borough and wait on line for ages. Why isn’t it possible to get enough shots available in Manhattan for the people who live there? And what happens when it’s time for the 2nd shot? I presume that everyone will then have to travel back to the other borough again?!
WSR – please keep up the reporting on vaccines! It seems much more difficult than it should be to know when one is eligible and where to get vaccinated. Thank you!
The reader link leads to a warning from Microsoft about the safety of that link.
Anybody else find that to be true.
There have been so many covid scams I would guess that it’s just alerting you to be careful. I tried all 3 links and they’re legit.
“No appointments available.” That’s the only reaction I received online at Urgent Care center on 69th St, closest distance from my residence. I kept trying for an available date until thought I’d die of frustration before an appointment is available. I am a 88 yr old female.
This site vaccinepod.nyc.gov allows one to sign up for an appointment. Nearest center to vaccines to UWS is W 114th in Harlem. Moderna vaccine. If you are on medicare they ask for insurance info but all you have to say is medicare and your medicare id number.
I’m trying to schedule an appt. for my 78-year-old mom and nothing is available anywhere. Anyone having luck?
Yes, was able to schedule for Mon the 18th at 215 W. 114th st. Took a couple of tries, but fingers crossed. Many thanks WSR for the info.
will my doctor or pharmacy be getting the vaccine. I live in Middle Village and I am 80 yrs. old and I have COPD.
Try here to schedule:
I am an 80 y.o. female with medical conditions.
Impossible to make an appointment,,,,,
Forget about Urgent Care at 69th St. They are not set up for appts. on their site and no one there knows what’s going on. Go to:
vaccinepod.nyc.gov and fill out the form. If you check that you have no insurance you don’t have to go through scanning your medicare card, etc. and it will allow you to make an appt. Took me hours to figure that out. Made an appt. for 114th St. for an elderly neighbor. Done!
There aren’t any appt’s available for the vaccine.
I’m 69 years old. I have asthma. I’m afraid to get the shot but my doctor said I should. When will you bring the shots to Staten Island NY.? I hope it’s soon. It seems like you are ignoring the people on Staten Island? Please let us know what’s going on? I live on the South Shore & the our numbers are horrific. Help us to get our shot in an orderly manner. Ty for your time
I am a77 year old who wants the vaccine.
I have completed the nys form for eligibility I was given a number. I am 81 with underlying conditions.
I was given 2 sites Jacobs- 1440 PP site and
Both indicated they are not giving vaccine
Can I go to any other sir without an appt. can I be a walk-in
I heard you can easily get appointments with Mt Sinai (both East and West). Everything online.
You fill questionannaire, self certify and get appointment. they have a lot available.
Unable to contact State to get on the List to receive the vaccine.
I want the covid vaccine I am 73 underlined conditions I live in brooklyn
Cannot understand how you got it at the Ryan Center when I followed there prompts and emails immediately for appointment which they never got back to me. I’m a 75 year-old healthcare worker so I qualify onto the Urgent Care at West 69th Street does not have any appointments
I am a 78 year old female with heart condition and was not able to get an appointment for a COVID vaccine.
I have spend many hours every day on line without success…….